Chapter 1: Secrets of the Heart

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The Hogwarts Express roared through the countryside, the familiar sound of the engine soothing Harry Potter as he sat by the window of his compartment. It was the beginning of his fourth year at Hogwarts, but instead of the usual excitement that came with returning to the magical school, Harry felt an unfamiliar unease settling into his stomach. Ron Weasley, his best friend, was sitting across from him, talking animatedly about Quidditch and the upcoming school year. Hermione Granger, their other close friend, sat beside Ron, listening with half a smile, clearly more interested in the book on Arithmancy she had pulled out of her bag.
But Harry's thoughts were elsewhere.He glanced out the window, his mind wandering to someone he hadn't expected to think about so much during the summer—Ginny Weasley. Ginny, Ron's younger sister, had always been a bit of a mystery to him. They had barely spoken during her first year, and her second year was marked by the horror of the Chamber of Secrets. But over the past year, Ginny had changed. She wasn't the shy, blushing girl who could barely speak to him anymore. She had grown more confident, more outspoken, but what stood out to Harry most was how she had started to walk her own path. Ginny had been sorted into Slytherin.The Sorting Hat's decision to place her there had shocked everyone, most of all Ron. The Weasleys were a family of proud Gryffindors, and Ron had taken it personally, almost as if Ginny's placement in Slytherin was a betrayal. Their relationship had become strained since then, and Ron hardly spoke to Ginny. Harry knew it bothered her more than she let on, but Ginny, ever determined, pretended not to care.What Ron didn't know, and what Harry wasn't ready to admit, was that his own feelings for Ginny had changed too. Over the past year, they had begun to talk more, sharing stolen conversations in the library, during breaks between classes, and even brief, wordless glances in the Great Hall. She had become his confidante in ways even Ron and Hermione weren't.Now, Harry couldn't deny it any longer: he had a crush on her."Earth to Harry," Ron's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Are you even listening?""Uh, yeah. Sorry," Harry muttered, forcing a smile as he glanced back at his best friend. He felt guilty, hiding so much from Ron. "What were you saying?""I was saying," Ron continued with exaggerated patience, "that we should practice some Quidditch moves this year. You know, so Gryffindor can win the Cup again.""Right," Harry nodded, though his thoughts were still elsewhere. His gaze flicked briefly to the corridor, half-hoping Ginny might walk by their compartment. She was somewhere on the train, likely sitting with her Slytherin friends, and Harry felt a strange tug of disappointment that they hadn't run into each other yet.By the time they arrived at Hogwarts, Harry still hadn't seen Ginny. The sorting ceremony was a blur, and as they settled into the Gryffindor common room that night, Harry felt the weight of his secret crush pressing on him. He couldn't focus on anything, not the chatter of the other Gryffindors or the excitement of being back at Hogwarts. His mind was on Ginny and the fact that their friendship was something neither Ron nor the rest of their friends would understand. The days passed quickly, filled with the usual Hogwarts routines: classes, Quidditch practice, and time spent in the common room. But Harry still found ways to see Ginny. They exchanged quick smiles in the corridors, occasionally met in the library to study, and even shared conversations during meals—though always brief, always careful.It was during one such conversation in the library that everything changed.The announcement had come: the Triwizard Tournament was to take place at Hogwarts. Excitement buzzed through the castle as the students speculated about who might be chosen as Hogwarts' champion. Harry wasn't particularly interested; he didn't care for the idea of putting his life on the line in some dangerous competition. But it was all anyone could talk about."I bet you could win," Ginny said with a teasing smile as she slid into the chair beside Harry in the far corner of the library. It was a secluded spot, one they often used when they wanted to talk in private."Me? No way," Harry said, shaking his head. "I don't even want to enter."Ginny raised an eyebrow. "But you're Harry Potter. Everyone expects you to do these impossible things.""Yeah, well, I'm done with that," Harry said with a sigh, running a hand through his messy black hair. "I just want a normal year."Ginny's expression softened. "Normal is overrated."Harry chuckled, glancing at her. She looked different today, maybe more relaxed than usual. Her red hair fell loosely over her shoulders, and her green Slytherin tie hung loosely around her neck. Despite being in Slytherin, Ginny had always remained true to herself—fiercely loyal, brave, and quick-witted. "I missed this," Harry admitted quietly, surprising even himself. "Talking to you."Ginny looked at him, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. "I missed it too," she said, her voice softening. "It's hard, you know. Being in Slytherin. Ron barely looks at me, and I know Mum's disappointed. But...I don't regret it.""You shouldn't," Harry said firmly. "You're exactly where you need to be."Ginny smiled at him, and for a moment, neither of them said anything. The library seemed quieter, more peaceful, and Harry felt an urge rising inside him, a pull toward her that he couldn't ignore any longer.Days passed, and before Harry knew it, the time had come for the champions of the Triwizard Tournament to be chosen. The Great Hall buzzed with excitement as the Goblet of Fire prepared to reveal the names of the competitors. Harry sat with Ron and Hermione, trying not to think too much about it. He wasn't interested in the tournament, and he was just eager to see who would be representing Hogwarts.When the Goblet flared up and shot out a piece of parchment, everyone fell silent. Cedric Diggory's name was called, and the Hufflepuff table exploded into cheers. Then, a second name came—Victor Krum, representing Durmstrang, followed by Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons. The hall was filled with applause and excitement.But then, to Harry's shock, the Goblet flared again."Harry Potter!"Harry's blood ran cold. Whispers filled the Great Hall as everyone turned to stare at him. He could feel Ron's eyes boring into him, confusion and disbelief written all over his face. "I didn't put my name in," Harry muttered, his heart pounding. "I didn't..."But it didn't matter. He was now a competitor in the Triwizard Tournament, and everything changed in an instant. That night, as Harry tried to explain to Ron that he hadn't entered the tournament, Ron's expression grew darker. "I don't believe you," Ron said, his voice tight. "You've always had a thing for the spotlight."Harry was hurt by the accusation, but nothing he said could convince Ron otherwise. The rift between them grew, and the tension was palpable over the next few days.---A week later, after the announcement that the Yule Ball would take place, Harry knew he had to act on his feelings for Ginny. He couldn't stand hiding them any longer, especially now that Ron was no longer speaking to him. There was a freedom in that, even if it felt wrong. Harry found Ginny in the courtyard, sitting alone, her Slytherin robes billowing slightly in the cool autumn breeze. She was reading, but as Harry approached, she looked up, her eyes lighting up with a warm smile."Hey," she said softly, marking her place in the book."Hey," Harry said, feeling his nerves spike. "I... I wanted to ask you something."Ginny tilted her head, curious. "What's on your mind?""The Yule Ball," Harry began, his voice shaky. "Would you... would you like to go with me?"Ginny's eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, Harry felt like his heart might stop. But then, slowly, a smile spread across her face."I'd love to," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.Relief washed over Harry, but before he could say anything else, something inside him urged him to be honest. "And, uh, there's something else I need to tell you," Harry said, his voice quieter now. He glanced around, making sure no one else was nearby. "Ginny... I have a crush on you."Ginny blinked, clearly taken aback. For a moment, neither of them spoke, and Harry's heart sank as he feared he might have ruined everything.But then, Ginny's cheeks flushed a deep red, and she leaned in slightly, her voice soft and steady. "I have a crush on you too, Harry."Before Harry could react, Ginny closed the distance between them, pressing her lips gently against his. The kiss was brief, soft, and yet it was enough to set Harry's heart racing. When they pulled apart, Harry couldn't help but grin, his nerves vanishing in an instant.But as reality settled back in, Ginny's expression grew serious. "We can't let anyone know. Not yet. Especially not Ron."Harry nodded. "I know. It'll be our secret."Ginny smiled again, though this time there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, secrets are kind of exciting, aren't they?"Harry chuckled, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. He leaned in for one more quick kiss before pulling back, the weight of their secret now something he carried with excitement instead of dread. They walked back to the castle together, knowing that whatever the future held, they would face it together, even if it had to be in secret.

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