Chapter 10: Shadows of Pain

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Harry's heart sank as he stepped inside Number Four, Privet Drive. The familiar musty smell greeted him like an unwelcome visitor, and the sight of the drab walls felt like a shackle around his spirit. He barely crossed the threshold when Uncle Vernon seized him by the arm, his grip as unyielding as iron.
"Back home, are you?" Uncle Vernon growled, dragging Harry through the hallway. "Well, don't think for a second that I'm going to tolerate your nonsense this summer." With a forceful shove, he threw Harry into his room, the door slamming shut behind him with a finality that echoed in Harry's chest. The sound of locks clicking into place sealed his fate.With a resigned sigh, Harry sank onto his bed, the familiar creaks and groans of the old springs mingling with the heavy weight of despair. He had expected this—more isolation, more disdain. The walls of his room felt like a cage, each piece of furniture a silent witness to his misery.---A few hours later, Harry was jolted from his thoughts by the sharp call of Uncle Vernon. "Get down here! We're not going to starve while you lounge around!"Reluctantly, he climbed out of bed and trudged down the stairs. The kitchen was filled with the acrid smell of burnt bacon, and Aunt Petunia's scowling face reflected her displeasure at the state of dinner."Get on with it! Make something edible!" she snapped, her voice laced with irritation.As Harry began preparing a new meal, the kitchen tension thickened. He could feel Uncle Vernon's eyes on him, judging, waiting for any mistake. It was almost suffocating, and with his nerves frayed, it didn't take long for disaster to strike.In a moment of clumsiness, Harry accidentally knocked a plate from the countertop. It shattered on the floor, the sound of breaking china echoing through the small kitchen. "Idiot boy!" Uncle Vernon roared, his face turning a deep shade of crimson. "Do you have any idea how much that costs? You think you can just break things and not face consequences?"Before Harry could respond, Uncle Vernon lunged, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him away from the kitchen, the remnants of the shattered plate glistening like broken promises on the floor. Harry's heart raced as they ascended the stairs, his stomach knotting with dread."Let go of me!" Harry shouted, panic rising within him. But Uncle Vernon merely tightened his grip, the world around them a blur as they reached Harry's room. With a shove, he was thrown inside, and Uncle Vernon followed, his fury palpable.---The room felt stifling as Uncle Vernon towered over Harry, rage radiating from him like heat from a furnace. "You think you can just break things without punishment? You've been nothing but a burden to this family!"With that, he lunged forward, fists swinging. The first punch landed squarely on Harry's jaw, sending him sprawling backward onto the floor. Pain erupted through his face, and he barely had time to regain his balance before Uncle Vernon was on him again.Each blow felt like a thunderclap, reverberating through his body. Harry tried to curl into himself, to shield his vulnerable areas, but there was no escaping the fury unleashed upon him. Stomach punches knocked the wind out of him, leaving him gasping and disoriented.Just when he thought it couldn't get worse, Uncle Vernon produced a leather belt. "This is for all the trouble you've caused!" he spat, the belt cracking through the air before it struck Harry's back. The searing pain shot through him, a burning reminder of his uncle's wrath.As the blows continued, darkness edged at the corners of Harry's vision, but he clung to consciousness, knowing he had to endure. Each strike felt like a part of his spirit was being ripped away, and yet, amidst the agony, a flicker of hope remained: Ginny.---Meanwhile, across town at the Burrow, Ginny was helping her family prepare dinner. Laughter filled the air, but as she set the table, an intense pain shot through her back. She froze, gasping as the sensation intensified, the world around her spinning. It felt like fire had ignited beneath her skin."Ginny? Are you okay?" Ron asked, concern creeping into his voice."I don't know... something's wrong," she murmured, clutching her back. Suddenly, her vision blurred, and she found herself seeing through someone else's eyes—Harry's. The vivid images rushed in, overwhelming her senses. She saw Harry being thrown against his bedroom wall, his uncle looming over him, fists raised in anger. "Harry!" she screamed, the pain in her back intensifying as she felt each blow strike him. "No! Please!"The world around her faded, her consciousness intertwined with his, and she felt every punch, every whip of the belt. She gasped for breath, the fear and desperation flooding her mind. "I can see him! He's being tortured! We have to help him!" she cried, tears streaming down her face.The Weasleys gathered around her, confusion and worry etched on their faces. "What do you mean, Ginny?" Hermione pressed, her voice tight with concern."I can feel his pain! It's Uncle Vernon! He's hurting him! I have to go to the Ministry! I need to get Harry out of there!" Ginny declared, her resolve hardening despite the agony that surged through her."Ginny, you can't just go by yourself!" Ron protested, but Ginny was already moving, her mind set on one goal."I'll be back," she promised, her heart racing as she hurried towards the door.---At the Ministry, Ginny burst through the doors, her eyes wild with determination. "I need to see the Minister! It's urgent!" she demanded, pushing her way past the stunned security."Miss Weasley, wait!" one of the guards called after her, but she was already moving, fueled by a desperate need to save Harry.Inside the Minister's office, she found Cornelius Fudge seated behind his desk, looking surprised by her sudden appearance. "Miss Weasley! What's the matter?" he asked, his tone shifting from confusion to concern."Harry Potter is in danger! His uncle is beating him! I felt it—I saw it through his eyes!" she explained, breathless."Calm down, Ginny. This is serious," Fudge said, his expression shifting to one of alarm. "Are you sure?""I know what I saw! Please, we have to get him out of there! He's not safe at Privet Drive!" Ginny pleaded, her heart racing as she felt the urgency of the moment.Fudge nodded, his demeanor changing as he pressed a button on his desk. "I'll send Aurors immediately. We can't let anything happen to Harry."---Back at Privet Drive, Harry lay on the floor, bloodied and bruised, barely conscious. Uncle Vernon had finally tired, leaving him in a heap of agony. As the darkness began to creep in, he heard a distant sound—a sudden rush, the slamming of a door, the voices of people he had longed to see.Moments later, the door to his room burst open, and four Aurors rushed in. "Harry Potter, are you okay?" one of them shouted, kneeling beside him. But before he could respond, he felt a wave of energy wash over him, lifting him from the depths of pain. The Aurors quickly assessed his injuries, their expressions shifting from urgency to horror."Get him out of here!" another Auror ordered, and with a flick of his wand, they levitated Harry gently, transporting him away from the place that had become his prison.---Ginny waited anxiously in the Ministry lobby, her heart racing as she paced back and forth. She had never felt so helpless, so consumed by worry. She longed to see Harry, to know that he was safe.And then, like a dream materializing before her, Harry appeared, looking terrible. His face was bruised, and the pain etched in his features made her heart ache. But as soon as their eyes met, all the turmoil within her melted away."Harry!" she cried, rushing toward him. Without hesitation, she pulled him into her arms, kissing him fiercely. The warmth of his lips against hers ignited a spark of hope, a reminder that they were together again.Harry's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer as the world around them faded into nothingness. "Ginny," he breathed, relief washing over him. "I thought I lost you," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion as they held each other tightly."You didn't lose me. I'm right here," he reassured her, his voice trembling with gratitude. As they stood there, lost in each other's embrace, Ginny knew that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together, their love a beacon of light in the darkness.

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