Chapter 11: Healing Hearts

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As the Aurors escorted Harry into the bustling corridors of the Ministry, Ginny's heart raced with worry. She had felt so powerless, but now, knowing he was safe, relief washed over her like a warm blanket. "Let's get you to St. Mungo's," she said, grasping his hand tightly, as if it were the only thing anchoring her to reality.
Harry nodded, though he felt weak and disoriented. Together, they navigated the maze of offices and bustling wizards, Ginny leading the way, her determination a guiding light. When they finally reached St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, the familiar scents of healing potions and antiseptic filled the air. "Over here," Ginny directed Harry to a quiet corner where they could find a healer. A friendly witch in green robes approached them, her expression turning concerned when she saw Harry's bruised face."Oh dear, what happened to you?" she asked gently, leading him toward a treatment room."It's a long story," Harry replied, his voice hoarse. "But I'm okay now." Ginny stayed by his side as the healer waved her wand, murmuring spells to assess his injuries. With each flick, the bruises faded, and the pain lessened. As the healer worked, Ginny held Harry's hand, her warmth a comforting presence amidst the sterile environment.Once the healer finished, she gave Harry a reassuring smile. "You'll be right as rain in no time. Just remember to take it easy for a few days.""Thank you," Harry said, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. He turned to Ginny, whose worried expression had softened, replaced by a smile of relief."Let's get you back to the Burrow," she said, her eyes sparkling. ---The familiar sight of the Burrow welcomed them like a warm hug. As soon as they stepped through the door, they were met with a chorus of voices."Harry!" Ron exclaimed, rushing over to engulf him in a bear hug. "Hermione, come here!" Ron called, and she joined them, wrapping her arms around Harry too. One by one, the Weasley siblings surrounded him, each offering their own version of comfort—a shoulder to lean on, a tight squeeze, and words of concern."Blimey, mate! We were so worried about you!" George said, his face serious for a moment before a teasing grin broke through. "Next time, maybe try not to get into a scrap with your uncle?""Yeah, it's not a good look for you," Fred chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm just glad to be back," Harry replied, his heart swelling with gratitude for the Weasley family. After the hugs subsided, Ginny stepped forward, her expression softening. "Harry, you're going to sleep in my room tonight. It's the least I can do after everything that happened."Harry's heart fluttered at the thought, and he nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Gin."---Once Harry had grabbed something to eat, they made their way upstairs. The Burrow felt alive with warmth and laughter, but Harry's thoughts were still tangled with worry about what had happened. As they settled in Ginny's room, she offered him a comfy blanket while she changed into her pajamas. Harry sat on the edge of the bed, the soft light casting a cozy glow in the small space."Hey, Gin?" he called softly, and she looked up from where she was folding her clothes."Yeah?" she replied, her face attentive."How did you know I was being... you know, abused?" Harry asked, feeling a bit vulnerable. It had been a shocking revelation, and the thought of Ginny experiencing his pain weighed heavily on him.Her gaze turned serious, and she sat down next to him on the bed, her expression thoughtful. "It's strange," she began, her voice gentle. "One moment, I was just...normal. And then I felt this intense pain in my back. It was like I could see everything happening to you. I could feel your fear, your hurt." "That's really weird," Harry said, feeling a mix of awe and concern. "We should probably talk to Dumbledore about it. He might know something." Ginny nodded, her brow furrowing slightly. "Yeah, I think so too. It doesn't feel normal. But for now, let's just focus on getting you better, alright?""Agreed," Harry said, feeling a wave of warmth at her caring nature.They exchanged a lingering look, a quiet understanding passing between them. The world outside felt distant, and in this moment, all that mattered was the two of them."Goodnight, Harry," Ginny said softly, leaning in to give him a gentle kiss on the lips."Goodnight, Gin," he replied, feeling the warmth of her presence enveloping him. They settled into bed, Harry wrapping his arms around Ginny, holding her close as they cuddled under the blankets.As sleep began to take over, Harry felt a sense of peace wash over him. No matter what darkness lay ahead, they would face it together. For now, in the safety of Ginny's room, he allowed himself to drift into dreams filled with hope and love.

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