Chapter 13: The Legacy of the Potters

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It had been only a few days since the revelation of their soulbond, but Harry and Ginny were still adjusting to the idea. The connection between them felt stronger, more profound than ever before. They could sense each other's emotions more clearly, and there were times when they didn't even need to speak to understand what the other was feeling. It was comforting, but also a little overwhelming.
One morning, as they were sitting in the kitchen at the Burrow enjoying breakfast, a large, official-looking envelope arrived. It was addressed to both of them, sealed with the emblem of Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Harry's heart gave a small jolt of anxiety—he hadn't expected anything from Gringotts, and certainly not for both of them.Ginny was the one to tear the envelope open, curiosity evident on her face. Inside, there was a letter written in an elegant, looping script:

Dear Mr. Harry James Potter and Miss Ginny Weasley,Due to the recent formation of your soulbond, which legally emancipates both of you, it is necessary that you visit Gringotts at your earliest convenience to discuss matters related to your inheritance. Please proceed to Gringotts Bank, where our senior account manager, Ranrok, will guide you through the process.

Regards, Griphook Gringotts Goblin Liaison 

"Emancipated?" Ginny asked, reading the letter over again in disbelief. "What do they mean by that?"Harry scratched the back of his head, equally perplexed. "It sounds like we're considered adults now because of the soulbond, but I didn't know that could happen."Mrs. Weasley, who had been watching them from across the kitchen, approached with a concerned look. "Emancipated? Are you sure? You're both still so young."Harry nodded, showing her the letter. "It looks like we need to go to Gringotts to find out more."Ginny's brows furrowed as she mulled over the situation. "I guess we'll find out soon enough."---An hour later, Harry and Ginny found themselves standing before the massive, imposing doors of Gringotts Bank. The building loomed over them, as intimidating as ever, but today, it felt different. Something about the whole situation left a pit in Harry's stomach, a feeling of unease that he couldn't shake. He was grateful to have Ginny's hand in his, grounding him as they entered.Inside, the bustling goblins were busy with their various tasks. They made their way to the counter, where a particularly stern-looking goblin glanced at them over the top of his glasses."We're here to see Ranrok," Harry said politely, handing the goblin the letter.With a nod, the goblin gestured for them to follow him through a long corridor and into a private room where they were greeted by a tall, sharp-eyed goblin with silver hair and a particularly regal air about him."Mr. Potter, Miss Weasley," Ranrok said with a curt bow. "Please, take a seat. We have much to discuss."They sat down, the tension in the air thickening as Ranrok organized a stack of papers in front of him. He looked at them both, his expression neutral but firm."Firstly, congratulations on the formation of your soulbond," Ranrok began, his voice professional. "This is a rare and powerful connection, one that carries significant legal and magical consequences. As you may know, being soulbonded makes you emancipated in the eyes of the wizarding world."Harry and Ginny exchanged a glance. They had expected this part, but Ranrok's tone indicated that there was more to come."There is another detail that you may not have been aware of," Ranrok continued, his voice measured. "In the case of a soulbond, the bond is recognized as a marriage, regardless of the age of those involved."Ginny gasped, her eyes wide in shock. "A... marriage?"Harry felt the weight of the words hit him like a ton of bricks. Married? At sixteen? His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to process what Ranrok had just said. Ginny Weasley was now Mrs. Ginny Potter.Ginny's voice was shaky as she turned to Harry. "Does that mean... we're married now? Officially?"Ranrok nodded. "Indeed. You are now husband and wife under the magical law. This is an unbreakable bond, which not even death can sever. Congratulations, Mrs. Potter."Harry's mind swam with the revelation. He wasn't just soulbonded to Ginny, the girl he loved—he was married to her. He was a husband, and she was his wife. He glanced at Ginny, whose expression was a mixture of shock and awe. "I... I can't believe it," Ginny whispered, her hand trembling slightly as she stared at Harry. "We're married."Harry was speechless for a moment, his thoughts racing. He had always imagined one day asking Ginny to marry him, but not like this. Yet, as the realization sunk in, he found himself surprisingly calm. If anyone in the world was meant to be his wife, it was Ginny. He couldn't imagine it being anyone else."Well, I suppose that makes you Mrs. Potter now," Harry said softly, his lips curling into a small, nervous smile.Ginny blinked at him, then laughed despite the overwhelming situation. "I suppose it does."Ranrok, seemingly unfazed by their reactions, continued with his explanation. "Now, there are other matters we must discuss regarding your inheritance, Mr. Potter. As a soulbonded couple, you are now entitled to the full inheritance of the Potter estate."Ranrok reached into a drawer and pulled out a scroll of parchment, sliding it across the table to them. "This is the Potter family tree. I believe it will be of interest to you."Harry took the parchment with trembling hands, unrolling it slowly. At the top of the family tree, written in bold letters, was a name that made his heart stop.Godric Gryffindor. He stared at the name, unable to believe what he was seeing. His ancestors had been some of the most powerful and influential wizards in history, and now he was staring at the proof."Harry," Ginny whispered, leaning closer to the parchment. "You're... descended from Godric Gryffindor."Harry's mind raced as he took in the significance of this. He had never imagined that his family lineage went back so far, let alone to one of the founders of Hogwarts. He was at a loss for words.Before he could fully comprehend the weight of the discovery, Ranrok cleared his throat. "There is one more thing I believe you should see, Mr. Potter. In your family vault, there is a box that was left for you. I believe it contains something of great sentimental value."Without another word, they followed Ranrok through the winding corridors of Gringotts, eventually reaching the Potter family vault. The door creaked open, revealing piles of gold, ancient artifacts, and a small, intricately designed box placed carefully on a pedestal.Harry walked up to the box, his hands shaking as he picked it up. On top of it was a note, written in his mother's handwriting.

To Harry, In this box, you will find the wedding rings your father and I wore on our wedding day. I hope that one day, you will find someone special to give them to, someone who loves you as much as I loved  you and your father.

Tears stung Harry's eyes as he opened the box, revealing two beautiful rings inside—his father's wedding band and his mother's delicate ring.Harry turned to Ginny, his heart pounding. Without a second thought, he knelt down on one knee in front of her, holding the ring out to her."Ginny," he said, his voice full of emotion, "I know this isn't how we expected things to go, but... will you accept this ring as a symbol of everything we share? Of the love and bond between us?"Ginny's eyes welled with tears as she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, Harry. Of course, I will."Harry gently slid the ring onto her finger, his heart swelling with love as he stood up and pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. In that moment, nothing else mattered—not the weight of their inheritance, not the shock of their sudden marriage. All that mattered was that they had each other, now and forever.When they finally pulled away from the kiss, Ginny looked down at the ring on her finger, her eyes sparkling. "Mrs. Potter," she said softly, testing the words. "I think I could get used to that."Harry laughed softly, pulling her close once more. "I think I could too."

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