Chapter 17: The Calm Before the Storm

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The months leading up to their return to Hogwarts felt like a blur, a mixture of warmth, love, and the inevitable dread of what the future held. After the summer's shocking discoveries—about their soulbond, their unexpected marriage, and Harry's lineage—Harry and Ginny had grown closer than ever before. The world outside seemed to be inching towards war, with dark rumors swirling of Voldemort's return, but at the Burrow, they found peace and solace in each other.
The Weasleys had accepted the news of their marriage as best they could, even if it was a shock for most of them. Molly Weasley had gone through a rollercoaster of emotions—initial disbelief, concern for their age, and then finally, acceptance. After all, the magical world worked in strange ways, and soulbonds were ancient magic, impossible to undo or deny.Ron had taken the news hard, but as the days passed, even he began to ease up. He still wasn't thrilled about his best friend being married to his sister, but he had accepted that there was no changing it. Hermione, on the other hand, had been curious and supportive from the beginning, always eager to learn more about the bond and what it meant for their future.As the days of summer stretched on, Harry and Ginny had settled into a comfortable routine at the Burrow. They spent their mornings together, helping Mrs. Weasley around the house or playing Quidditch in the field with Ron, Fred, and George. The afternoons were often spent with Hermione, who had stayed at the Burrow for the last few weeks of the summer.Harry and Ginny had their own secret moments during the day. Often, they would sneak off to the far corners of the Weasley property—under the shade of the large oak tree by the pond or up in the hills where they could sit and watch the sunset in peace. It was during these moments that they could just be themselves, away from the prying eyes of family and friends, away from the weight of responsibility and the world.---One afternoon, Ginny dragged Harry out to the pond. The sky was a clear, bright blue, and the warm summer breeze ruffled his hair as they made their way through the tall grass. She was smiling, her hand firmly clasped in his, and Harry found himself staring at her in awe. Every day with her felt like a gift he never thought he'd receive."You're staring," Ginny teased, glancing over her shoulder as she led him towards the water."Can't help it," Harry replied with a grin. "You're beautiful."Ginny blushed slightly, but her grin grew wider. "You're not so bad yourself, Potter."They reached the pond, and Ginny immediately pulled him down to sit beside her. The water shimmered under the sunlight, and the air was filled with the soft chirping of birds and the distant hum of insects. It was peaceful, almost surreal, and for a moment, Harry felt as though they were the only two people in the world."Do you ever think about what happens next?" Ginny asked softly, her eyes focused on the rippling water.Harry took a deep breath. He knew what she meant. The world outside the Burrow was changing—Voldemort was back, and though the Ministry was still in denial, Harry knew that war was inevitable. He had been thrust into the heart of it, and now, with his soulbond to Ginny, she was part of it too."Yeah," he said quietly. "I think about it all the time. I'm scared, Gin. I don't want you to get hurt because of me."Ginny turned to look at him, her brown eyes fierce. "You listen to me, Harry Potter. I'm not going anywhere. We're in this together, and I won't let you push me away to keep me safe. We face this together, no matter what."Harry smiled, feeling a wave of warmth wash over him. Her strength was one of the things he loved most about her. She wasn't afraid to stand beside him, even when the odds seemed impossible."I know," he said softly. "I just... I don't want to lose you.""You won't," she whispered, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips.They sat there for hours, talking about the future, their hopes, their fears, and everything in between. Ginny told him about her dreams for life after the war—how she wanted to play professional Quidditch, how she wanted a house full of kids and a quiet life someday. Harry listened, his heart swelling with love for the woman beside him, knowing that he would do everything in his power to make those dreams come true.---As August rolled on, preparations for the upcoming school year began in earnest. Trips to Diagon Alley became a regular occurrence as they gathered supplies, new robes, and textbooks for the year ahead. Harry, Ginny, and Hermione spent hours in Flourish and Blotts, picking out books not just for school but for their own research into soulbonds and what it might mean for their future. The magical world had little recorded about these ancient bonds, but they were determined to understand as much as they could.One day, after another exhausting trip to Diagon Alley, they returned to the Burrow only to find Mrs. Weasley waiting for them with a pile of letters from Hogwarts."Your school letters have arrived!" she announced, holding up the stack.Harry felt a familiar mix of excitement and apprehension. Even after all the chaos and danger he had faced at Hogwarts, there was still something comforting about the start of a new school year.Molly handed out the letters one by one, and when Harry opened his, he found not only the usual list of supplies but also his new Quidditch Captain badge. He stared at it in surprise, hardly able to believe it."You're Quidditch Captain?" Ginny asked, peeking over his shoulder.Harry nodded, grinning. "Looks like it.""That's brilliant, Harry!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him in a hug. "You'll do great."Hermione looked pleased as well, though her focus was more on the list of textbooks they'd need. "It'll be a busy year," she remarked, scanning the list. "But I'm looking forward to it."Ron, who had been silent for most of the summer, finally spoke up. "So, you're going to be captain, huh? I suppose that means I'll have to listen to you on the pitch now."Harry chuckled. "Only if you want to stay on the team, mate."Ron smirked. "I'll manage. Just don't get too bossy."It was a lighthearted moment, and for the first time in a while, Harry felt like things were starting to fall into place again. There were still challenges ahead, but for now, they had something to look forward to.---The last week of summer was bittersweet. The Weasley family gathered for one final dinner before they all returned to Hogwarts, and the atmosphere was warm, filled with laughter and good food. But beneath it all, there was a lingering tension—everyone knew that this school year wouldn't be like the others. With Voldemort back and the threat of war looming, there was a sense that things would never be the same again.The night before they were set to leave, Harry and Ginny sat outside under the stars, wrapped in each other's arms. The moonlight cast a soft glow over the garden, and the distant hooting of owls filled the air. It was one of those rare, perfect moments of peace."You ready for tomorrow?" Ginny asked, her head resting against his chest.Harry nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be.""You'll do great, Harry," she whispered. "No matter what happens, I'll be right there with you.""I know," he replied, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I love you, Gin.""I love you too."---The next morning, the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione packed up their trunks and headed to King's Cross. The platform was as busy as ever, filled with excited students and tearful parents. Harry felt a sense of nostalgia as he looked around—it had been a year since his life had changed so dramatically, and now, here he was, about to begin another chapter.As they boarded the Hogwarts Express, Harry and Ginny found a compartment near the back of the train. They settled in, their hands clasped together, and watched as the familiar countryside rolled by outside the window.For the first time in months, Harry felt a sense of calm. He didn't know what the year would bring, but with Ginny by his side, he felt ready to face it.The train whistle blew, and as the Hogwarts Express carried them back to the castle, Harry knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together—stronger, braver, and more in love than ever before.

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