chapter 15

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As the new members of the underwater hockey club gathered at the edge of the pool, anticipation and excitement filled the air. Armed with their hockey sticks and all the necessary equipment, they were eager to learn the ropes of this fascinating sport.

Singto, the club president, stood at the forefront, ready to guide and mentor the newcomers. With his team, Peraya, by his side.

He reassured the new members that they were in good hands. The group of beginners, aptly named Team Learners, looked up to Singto and his experienced teammates with a mixture of awe and determination.

As Singto explained the rules and techniques of underwater hockey, the new members listened attentively, eager to absorb as much knowledge as they could. With clear instructions and demonstrations, Singto and his team helped the newcomers understand the intricacies of the sport and how to navigate the underwater environment with ease.

Ignoring the intense gaze that was being thrown his way.

Krist fixated on Singto during their training sessions. Singto does nothing but to hide from krist, and this had been going on for four days now. But krist had enough and he decided he won't let singto ignore or hide from him again. His intense gaze left Singto feeling uneasy and unable to meet his eyes. To Singto, Krist's stare was intimidating and unsettling, disrupting his concentration.

Meanwhile, Arina, a girl who had been romantically rejected by Krist due to his feelings for Singto, harbored deep-seated resentment towards singto. Joining the underwater hockey club was her way of getting back at singto and make him pay for the humiliation she had endured.

And now, as the Peraya team and the learners' team were busy playing underwater hockey, a tense moment unfolded between Arina and Singto. Arina's intention was clear; to aim for Singto with the underwater puck. It was evident that Arina was not a novice in this game; she displayed a level of skill and precision that set her apart as a seasoned player. Her moves were calculated, and she relentlessly targeted Singto with the puck.

As the game progressed, it became apparent to everyone in the water that Arina was not just playing for fun. Her focused demeanor and strategic plays hinted at a deeper motive behind her actions. Among the players was Krist, who had been observing the game closely. He sensed the tension building up between Arina and Singto, realizing that the situation was about to escalate.

In a critical moment, as Arina's shot was about to hit Singto's ankle, Krist sprang into action. With swift and decisive movements, he grabbed Singto and swam with him out of the water, preventing any potential injury.

Singto sternly pushed himself away from Krist and uttered, "Don't touch me," as he distanced himself. Krist simply let him go, prompting Singto to lash out

"Not even a thank you for saving you?" He said it teasingly, a tone that only served to further enrage cute Singto.

"Oh, really? Thank you so much for rescuing me from one of your bitches. I hate you" Singto bitterly remarked as he strode away from the pool, drawing the gaze of onlooking students.

The way arina had already been sending him deathly glares, and at the same time staring at krist who was gazing singto's way, even as they had prepared to plunge into the water, gave Singto the idea that she was most likely associated with Krist, because that could be the only reason as he doesn't remember seeing the girl before, the girl was new to singto. And the only thing that could make the girl hate him was only krist.

The events that unfolded during the underwater hockey game only solidified his suspicion. Singto was jealous, the jealous that had reached an irreparable level. Because now he realized that there was someone who was also in love with krist just as him

Arina's emotions ran high as she watched Krist following Singto, her fists clenched and teeth gritted in frustration. With each step that Krist took towards Singto, Arina's heart sank a little deeper. What did Singto have that she didn't? Why couldn't Krist look at her with the same intensity as he did with Singto? Why couldn't he care for her in the same way he cared for Singto?

These questions echoed in Arina's mind as she struggled to make sense of the situation unfolding before her. She couldn't bear the thought of losing the love of her life to someone else, especially not to Singto. The fear of being left behind, gnawed at her insides, fueling her determination to fight for what she believed was rightfully hers.

Arina's thoughts turned to a hypothetical scenario; if it were her in danger, would Krist save her with the same fervor and dedication as he did for Singto? The doubt lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her hopes and dreams. Would Krist prioritize her well-being and happiness, or would he choose to protect Singto instead?

Arina made a silent vow to herself. She refused to stand idly by and watch as Singto potentially stole away the love of her life. She would not allow her happiness to be compromised, her future to be dictated by the whims of others. With renewed determination and a steely resolve, Arina set out to fight for the love that she believed was worth fighting for.

"Can't handle the rejection? Your sorry self can't take it? Ha? Arinda."

Arina felt the sting of the mocking words echoing in her ears. She didn't need to turn around to identify the source of the hurtful remarks; she knew it could only be jumpol who would lower himself to insult her in such a manner. Still in a foul mood, Arina confronted jumpol, immediately correcting him on her name. "It is Arina," she asserted firmly before delivering a powerful blow to jumpol's stomach.

Jumpol winced in pain, clutching his stomach, " What a girl." Jumpol murmured to himself while arina walked away from the pool, others kept watching.

Singto entered the changing room, to change back into his uniform. As he reached for the door to close it behind him, a sudden resistance halted his movement. A hand, strong and firm, prevented the door from shutting completely. Startled, Singto turned to see who the intruder was, only to find himself face to face with Krist

With a sense of unease creeping over him, Singto attempted to assert his dominance by trying to close the door forcefully. However, his efforts were in vain as krist's strength proved to be superior. The door, once on the verge of closing, was now pushed open with a forceful shove, causing Singto to stumble backwards into the changing room.

Before he could regain his composure, krist stepped inside, and shut the door. The sound of the lock clicking into place echoed in the confined space, sealing them both inside the changing room.

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