chapter 13

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Singto sat quietly in the classroom, diligently working on his assignment. He was seated next to a male student who was not one of his friends, in the front row of the classroom. From time to time, he glanced over at his friends who were seated in the third row. They seemed to want nothing to do with him. The atmosphere between Singto and his friends was tense, to say the least.

The previous day, a bold boy whom Singto's friends had been protecting him from, had kissed Singto, and to their surprise, singto kissed back. This unexpected turn of events had left Singto's friends feeling betrayed and foolish.

In response, they had decided to go on strike and were not talking to Singto anymore. The once strong bond of friendship had been shattered in an instant.

Despite the rift between him and his friends, Singto couldn't help but miss them dearly. They had been through so much together, shared countless memories and experiences. The thought of not having them by his side was heartbreaking for Singto.

As he sat there, working on his assignment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the camaraderie and laughter that he shared with his friends. He missed their inside jokes, their support, and their companionship.

During break time, Singto observed his friends as they packed up their books and left the classroom. He couldn't bear the silent treatment from companions he had known for years. With a sense of urgency, he swiftly stashed his book in the locker and dashed out of the room, attempting to catch up with his friends.

However, as he made his way, he spotted Krist and jumpol heading towards the canteen.

Singto panicked searching for a hiding place, He quickly hid himself, behind the flower, avoiding any interaction with Krist. This reaction stemmed from the previous day's incident at the skatepark, where a kiss between him and Krist had happened. Singto runs away after the kiss

Singto waited until Krist and jumpol were out of sight before emerging from his hiding place.

Now changing his mind to chase after his friends. He wiped the sweat off his forehead,  contemplated his next move. The thought of running into Krist at the canteen was enough to make him change his plans. Singto was determined to avoid any encounters with krist, so he decided to head to the library to read novels during the break time instead.

Krist, on the other hand, recalled how he had seen Singto frantically searching for a hiding spot earlier. The image brought a smile to his face.

"Instead of eating, you are smiling, the smile on your face look so foolish, krist, you need to check yourse- mmmh" jumpol muffled the rest of the words because a whole egg was stuffed into his mouth to stop him from talking nonsense. Krist, grin, walked out of the canteen as jumpol struggled to swallow the egg.

Jumpol hurried after Krist, calling out, "Where are you going, Krist?"

"To see my baby," Krist replied casually, hands in his pockets.

"What baby?" Jumpol looked confused, because the last time he checked, krist was after the cute president of the underwater hockey club, singto. He couldn't get over singto that quickly right? And also, jumpol knew for krist to get singto, he was going to work hard on that. So then which baby.

Jumpol was eager to ask more questions, but his curiosity was interrupted by a girl who came running up behind them, blocking Krist's path and causing them to come to a stop. Krist observed the girl with a raised eyebrow, wondering what she wanted.

He could see that she was blushing and avoiding his gaze, and he couldn't deny that the blonde girl was indeed beautiful. However, to Krist, her beauty will never beats 'his' singto's beauty.

"P'Krist... I... I like you," the girl stammered nervously.

"Thanks for liking me, if you may excuse me. And by the way, jumpol, is a good company, you won't mind right?" Krist politely excused himself,
as he walked away, he winked at jumpy whose mouth hung open in surprise.

Left behind with the embarrassed girl who had just been rejected live in a daytime, jumpol felt a mix of emotions. He was shocked by Krist's swift departure and the girl's confession. He wondered how she must be feeling, rejected and vulnerable in that moment.

Jumpol couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for her. It must have taken a lot of courage for her to express her feelings to Krist, only to be turned down so gently. He admired her bravery, even if the outcome wasn't what she had hoped for.

"Ah, well, now that you have been rejected in broad daylight, how will you manage?"

To jumpol, he thought he was  consoling.

But they cut deep for the girl on the receiving end. Jumpol thought he was offering solace, but his words only served to further wound her already bruised heart.

The girl's hard glare in response to jumpol's attempted comfort spoke volumes. She was not in the mood for empty platitudes or false sympathy. And as she turned and walked away, it was clear that she had no desire to engage in a conversation that offered no true understanding or support.

"If you want krist to love you back, I think you will have to be More beautiful than singto. But that will never happen because your rival is more beautiful than you."

Jumpol's next words only added insult to injury. The girl would have to be more beautiful than her rival in order to win the affection of Krist, was not only unhelpful but also cruel. To imply that her worth was tied to her physical appearance was a low blow, and it only served to further diminish her self-esteem.

But something shifted when jumpol made that last comment. The girl, who had been walking away with her head held high, suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned back to face him. There was a fire in her eyes.

Singto? And who the hell was this singto!

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