Day Off

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Dean Winchester x Reader

Synopsis: Dean has the Mark of Cain, and is trying to hold himself together. So when he requests a day off in this small town, you and Sam agree.

Throwing your duffle bag onto your bed, you immediately follow it, falling face first onto the motel bed. You were exhausted, the latest hunt you and the brothers were on was finally over. Now it was time to get cleaned up, get a couple hours of shut eye, then head back to the bumker.

"I call shower first!" Sam yelled, and you agreed with him.

"Yeah you need it, you got thrown around pretty hard by that shifter."

Dean was the last one to walk into the motel room. He was the one who had come to the rescue of you and Sam, but the Mark of Cain had tried to take over, needing the thrill of killing. You were able to talk him down, but he was always a little out of it and depressed after an episode with the mark.

"Hey Dean, why don't you get the shower next, I'll head and get us some grub. Bacon Cheeseburger okay?"

"Sure Y/ N, whatever you want," he mumbled, flopping down on the edge of your bed.

Leaning down to kiss his cheek, you take the wad of cash he handed you, along with the keys to the Impala. You loved it when he would let you take the Impala out, it didn't happen very often.

Cranking the radio up, you enjoyed the short drive to the nearest diner. While waiting for your order, you notice a sign posted on the door.
Car Show
This Saturday
Main street park

That sounded cool, you thought to your self. You shared Dean's love of cars, and took a picture to show Dean.

By the time you were back with food, both boys were done with their showers, and Dean looked a little more back to normal, especially when you handed him his burger and the pie you had gotten him as a surprise.

"Hey Dean, look what's happening tomorrow, " you showed him the picture.

Loving the look of excitement light his face up, you laugh as he tries the puppy dog look on Sam.

"Sammy, wouldn't that be fun. What do you say?"

Sam, not wanting to disappoint Dean, tried to figure a way out of it. We both really wanted to get home to the bunker, and back to researching a cure for the mark.

"It won't take very long, we can head back after the show." Dean pleaded.

"Fine," both you and Sam say at the same time.

"Awesome! " Dean smiles as he shoves the last of his burger in his face.


"Wake up guys, let's go!" You hear as Dean shakes your shoulders.

Opening your eyes, you realize Dean is already dressed and ready to go. Dean's enthusiasm was catching, and you hurry to get dressed.

Sam was the slow one, taking his time getting ready.

"You know Sam, you could always stay here, and Y/ N and I could just go," Dean told Sam.

"Sounds great," Sam mumbled, already climbing back into bed.

Dean grabbed your hand, literally pulling you to the Impala. It took only minutes to drive to the park, but finding a parking spot was another matter.

The park was already full of old, beautiful, classic cars and the parking lots full of spectators cars.

Taking another trip around the park, a man stopped Dean. "Awesome Impala, you wanting to put it in the show?"

Deciding quickly that that would be the easiest way to park, you lean over Dean. "Yes sir. Can you help us with that?"

Dean gave you a look but followed the man as he showed you where to park, and where to register.

Once registered, Dean took your hand, and you spent the next couple of hours exploring.

"Dean, I love this one. Isn't it gorgeous?"

"Not as gorgeous as you," he said, snapping your picture in front of the 55 chevy Belair.

"Don't be lame, Dean," you told him, before dragging him to the next car.

Dean fell in love with a 69 Nova, painted a dark Navy. You snapped a picture of him smiling in front of it. You loved seeing him this happy, it had been a while since he had smiled like that. That was the smile you had fallen in love with.

You ended up back at the Impala, where Dean acted like a proud Dad, talking to fellow car enthusiasts, showing off his Baby. You stayed in the back, watching as Dean smiled, and laughed with people, making you love him even more.

"Awards will be announced in 5 minutes." You heard over the speakers.

"Dean did you hear that? They are giving out awards! Maybe you won!" You say excitedly.

"Come on sweetheart, Baby's awesome, but not that awesome. Let's get ready to head back to Sam. He's probably wondering where we are."

Climbing into the Impala, you rolled your window down, it was too busy to pull the car out yet. Thats when you heard it.

"And the award for best 60s car goes to Dean Winchester, with the black 67 Impala."

"Dean you won!" You sceamed, opening the door. Dean met you outside, with a look of surprise on his face. You both walk up to the stage, where Dean walks up to take his little trophy.

Coming back to where you are, he sweeps you into his arms, surprising you with a kiss. Once you come up for air he whispers, "Thanks, (your nick name). Today was absolutely amazing. Thank you for spending it with me, I love you so much."

"Anything for you babe. I love you too." You whisper back, before climbing into the Impala to get Sam and head back home.

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