Left behind

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Dean Winchester x Reader
Synopsis: You live alone in an old house, and Sam and Dean come to take care of the ghost problem.

Walking along the hallway, your bare feet cold and silent on the wood floor as you made your way to your bedroom. It had been another restless night, when you were lucky to get even an hour of sleep.

Your (eye color) eyes looked dull above dark circles, and your skin was pale in the moon light. Your (hair length) hair was loose and free falling down your back, as you brushed a piece away from your face.

It had been the same way for the past two weeks, ever since your family had been murdered in this house. Waking up from a short and restless slumber, finishing your morning routine, then wander aimlessly around the house, gazing at the pictures hanging on the wall, before making your way to your son's room.

It was always hard, seeing the picture that was taken only a month ago. In it your family was happy and alive, your husband with his arms around you, while your son sat on a swing beside the two of you. It was hard to believe they were both gone, taken from you way too soon. Your loving husband, and your four year old son ripped from your arms, leaving a whole in your heart. It broke your heart to look at the pictures, but each day, you made your way down the hallway, reminding yourself of what little happiness you had had in your life.

Making your trek to your son's room, you paused when the doorbell rang. Wondering who it could be this early, you headed down the stairs to the door. Ever since that horrible night, you hadn't had a single visitor since most of your friends and family lived far away.

Stepping off the last stair, you glanced to the door, seeing two tall, well dressed men standing in the doorway. One had long, almost shoulder length brown hair and a kind face, while the other had short dark blonde spiky hair and a guarded expression.

The shorter one is the first to speak. "I'm sorry Ma'am, we knocked, and the door opened on us. My name is Dean, he's Sam, and we have some questions for you."

You stare at Dean, mesmerized by his vibrant green eyes. They were so beautiful, but sad, and you knew he had seen too much sadness in his life. You were sure your eyes were the same way.

"Okay, why don't you sit down." You told them, showing them the couch. They sat, and you sank down in the arm chair across from them, wondering what they wanted.

"We just had some questions about something that happened here a while back. We understand there had been a murder in this house. Has anything happened after that you thought was weird or unusual? " Sam asked you, his long, lanky body taking up most of the couch, leaving Dean squished in the corner.

You gather your thoughts a moment before answering. "I haven't noticed anything that I would consider weird or unusual." You answered truthfully.

Dean gazed at you, his eyes almost staring into your soul. "Please don't think we are crazy, but we've been asked to research your house. Your neighbors have shown concerns that this place is haunted."

You laugh, "Ghosts? Really? I've been living here by myself, and I haven't seen any ghosts."

"Do you mind if we look around, see for ourselves?" Sam asked politely, and you said they could. Standing up, you watched as they communicated silently before moving. Sam going to check out the top floor, while Dean took the main floor.

"Do you want to show me around?" He asked, and you nodded. There was something about him that drew you closer to him. It could have been his beautiful eyes, or his pretty face, but you knew it was something deeper than that. Instinctively you could tell he had a good heart, and that's what drew you to him, like a moth to a flame.

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