Rocking Your World Part 2

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Stretching your arms, you moaned at the pain that coursed through them, and your entire body. It was thenthe memories hit you, and you laid there, remembering the horrible man who had kidnapped you, the torturing he had done, all because your boyfriend was tired of you.

"Woah, easy there tiger. Don't move too much." A deep voice, like whiskey over ice, said next to your ear, and you opened your eyes to see a pair of green ones staring down at you. At first you were confused, then you remembered. His name was Dean, and he had rescued you.

"Dean?" You croaked, your voice hoarse, your throat beyond sore. You had no idea where you were, only that you were laying on a soft bed, with the most handsome guy you had ever seen staring down at you in concern.

"Yeah princess, it's me. Now don't move, Sam's almost done stitching you up." He told you, and it was then you realized he was holding your shoulders down. Tilting your head, you saw the giant from yesterday, his mouth puckered in concentration as he put what looked like floss through a needle. You started to thrash around, afraid of that needle going anywhere near your skin.

"Y/N, calm down, it's okay! He's done this before." Dean tried to reason with you, gently patting your hair to soothe you. You calmed down, the movement doing it's job, and Sam swiftly plunged the needle into your skin.

"Ow!" You exclaimed, and Dean gave you a sip of whiskey. "Here, this should dull the pain. You're doing great, we're almost done. So proud of you princess." Dean kept talking, trying to keep you occupied while Sam did his job. It worked, and before you knew it Sam was done, and he was carrying all the bloody towels and equipment to the bathroom.

"See, good as new." Dean joked, and you laughed, before moaning in pain. "Yeah, except for that. I'm sorry, there's not much we can do for bruised ribs except wrap them." He apologized.

"Its alright." You told him, watching as he stood up to leave his spot by your head, and you grabbed his hand to stop him. "Dean, I want to thank you."

He looked down at you, a slight frown on his face. "Don't. You don't ever have to thank us. It's our job, it's what we do. That monster needed to go down, and I'm glad we were able to help you out."

"That guy, he wasn't human was he?" You guessed, shivering as you remembered seeing his deep black orbs where his eyes should have been.

Dean sighed, before sitting back down next to you. His hand still in yours, he looked down at how well they fit together. "Y/N, I wish I could tell you he was human, and you could go on living your normal, apple pie life. But you were a target, and I'm not sure why, which makes me think that going back to your normal life isn't a good idea. He was a Demon, and Demon's and all other monsters you thought were fake, they're not."

You sat there, absorbing it all in, none of it really shocking you. You always thought there was more to this world than what you could see with the bare eye. "Okay." You said simply.

"Okay?" Dean repeated, shocked how well you had taken the news.

"Why shouldn't I believe you? He was evil, and his eyes flashed black. He also talked about my ex being a Demon, and wanting to take out the trash. And by trash, he meant me." You told Dean, hurt flashing in your eyes as you remembered Dave.

"You are the furthest thing from trash." Dean exclaimed just as
Sam walked back into the room, holding out a bottle of water. Grateful, you took a long sip, the water soothing your sore throat.

"So, your ex is a Demon?" Sam asked, before sitting down on the bed next to you.

You nodded your head. "I guess. At least that's what that guy said." You explained.

Sam and Dean glanced at each other, before Sam spoke again. "What can you tell us about your ex? That way maybe we can stop him from having other people hurt."

You told them everything you knew, about the new girlfriend, his job, even where he lived and how he broke up with you. "Bastard." Dean grumbled, tightening his grip on your hand.

"He should be home tonight." You told them, and both men stood up, grabbing their jackets and began slipping them on. "Wait, where are you going?" You asked.

"We're going to go kill us a Demon." Dean told you. "You stay here, where it's safe, and we will be back soon."

Standing up, you winced as your ribs moved. "No, I'm going with you. He's my ex, I want to help take him down."

Sam shrugged his shoulders at Dean, before making his way outside, to the sleek black car. Dean strode over to you, taking your hands in his own. "You're hurt. I don't want to take a chance that you get hurt worse. Please stay here, where I won't have to worry about you."

"Why would you worry about me? You just met me?" You asked, butterflies erupting in your stomach at the thought that Dean might care for you.

"There's something about you princess." He remarked, giving you an amazing smile.

"Please." You begged. "I will stay behind you at all times. He just tried to have me killed, because he was bored with me. I need to see this finished, or I will never believe that it's done, never have closure."

Dean grumbled incoherently under his breath, before nodding slightly. "Fine, but you stay behind us the entire time. Don't try to talk to him, or anything. Got it?"

Standing on your tiptoes, you kissed his cheek in thanks. "Thank you Dean. This means a lot."

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