Chapter 6

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As Ameena was struggling emotionally, Zara seem to realise that she is unable to control her powers anymore.

Initially, Zara was thrilled about her Acute Hearing gift.

But as days passed, she realized its drawbacks. Every sound, no matter how faint, bombarded her. The constant barrage threatened to drive her mad. To cope, Zara wore an earpiece constantly, toning down the cacophony.

But even that didn't block out everything.
At school, whispers in the hallway became deafening. Chalk scraping on the board made her wince.

"Zara, are you okay?" Nur asked, noticing her friend's distress. Zara forced a smile. "Just a headache." Nur's concern deepened. "Is it your gift?" Zara hesitated before nodding.

One day, while studying in the library, Zara's Acute Hearing overwhelmed her. Every rustled page sounded like thunder. Each whispered conversation felt like a shout. Even the hum of the air conditioner became a drill.

Zara clutched her head, tears welling up.
"Ameena, help!" she whispered. Ameena, sitting beside her, noticed Zara's distress. "What's wrong?" Ameena asked.

Zara removed her earpiece, revealing the extent of her struggle.

"I can't take it," Zara confessed. "This gift is a curse."

Ameena's expression softened. "We'll find a way to help you," Ameena promised. Nur joined them, sensing Zara's turmoil.

"We're in this together," Nur said. Zara's eyes welled up. "I feel like I'm losing my mind."

Nur wrapped Zara in a reassuring hug. "We'll figure it out," Nur vowed.

Later that day, Ameena and Nur took zara to a quite place and help her to control her powers through meditation and focus.

Ameena guided Zara "Focus on your breath, Zara. Visualize a shield around your mind."

Nur provided emotional support, encouraging Zara to persist. With daily meditation sessions, Zara slowly gained control.

She learned to filter out background noises, Her headaches lessened and Her confidence grew.

As Zara improved, Ameena realized "Controlling your gift is key, Zara. It's not a curse."

Nur helped Zara practice sound-filtering techniques "Imagine a volume knob, Zara. Turn it down."

Zara's progress accelerated She rejoined school activities, Her relationships improved and Her self-esteem soared.

Zara smiled, grateful. "Thanks, Ameena and Nur you guys really understand me everytime and help me so much."

The three friends lounged in Nur's backyard, basking in warm sunlight

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The three friends lounged in Nur's backyard, basking in warm sunlight. Talking about anything and everything.

Zara, now confident in her ability to control her Acute Hearing, felt carefree. "I'm so glad I can finally sit in class or talk to people without wanting to scream," Zara said, laughing.

Ameena chuckled. "You were quite the drama queen."

Nur grinned. "We're just glad you're back to normal."

"Hey, did you guys tried that new ice cream i gave you that day, did you like it? I made it myself, with a little help of my mother ofcourse" Zara asked.

Ameena's eyes lit up. "Yes! The matcha ice cream it was amazing."

Nur chuckled. "You and your obsession with green tea."

Ameena playfully rolled her eyes. "Hey, it's a classic."

" Yeah! Yeah! I know it was really good you did a good job although I'm sure you didn't made it" nur joked.

"Heyy, i really did make it myself my mother just help me a little bit" zara answered feeling offended.

"Okay, okay calm down i was just joking" Nur said.

Zara grinned mischievously. " Guys, i have a question. If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?"

Nur thought for a moment. "Maybe a famous swordswoman from history."

Ameena laughed. "You and your sword fascination." Ameena turned thoughtful. "I'd switch with an sorceress, maybe Marie Curie."

Zara's eyes widened. "That's so cool! What would you do?" Ameena's face lit up. "Explore her laboratory, learn about her discoveries."

Nur joked, "Zara would switch with her crush friends, just to see him up close and what it's like to be with him everywhere."

Zara giggled. "Hey, that's not true! Okay, maybe a little."

As they laughed and talking about random things Zara's expression turned serious.

"Guys, I don't know what I would have done without you. Your help with meditation and focus controlling my power and all...thank you. I don't know what i would have done without you" Ameena and Nur exchanged warm smiles.

Zara opened her arms, embracing them both. "Love you guys!" Zara exclaimed.

Ameena and Nur overreacted, squirming in mock discomfort. "Ew, what are you doing? Get off me!" Ameena laughed.

Nur dramatically pushed Zara away. "Personal space, Zara!"

Zara held them tighter, laughing aloud.
Nur shouted, "Stay away! Why are you so close? Are you going to kiss me?" Zara pulled back, giggling. "You're ridiculous," Zara said, wiping tears from her eyes.

As they settled into a comfortable silence, Ameena leaned her head on Nur's shoulder. Zara snuggled closer, feeling grateful looking at the sunset.

"This is my favorite part of the day," Zara said. Nur smiled. "Ours too." Ameena nodded. "We're in this together, always."

The three friends basked in the warmth of their friendship, savoring the joy of being carefree and together.

The three friends basked in the warmth of their friendship, savoring the joy of being carefree and together

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Longest chapter so far.

They seem so carefree and happy now but its not going to stay like this.

If you get the chance to switch your life with anyone for a day who would it be?

Do comment your thoughts and vote❤️

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