Straitjacket, Poetry in Motion: To Understand

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- it's a small crime -

My name is Dylan Locke and you'll think that my Papa was the worst human being on the planet. Wife beater. Child abuser.

No. No, Mama was much worse. She had this way. She could manipulate you into doing whatever she wanted, but all the while look so pathetic that you couldn't help but pity her.

I hated her, maybe even more than I hated my Papa.

Not that it matters anyway; Papa wound up dead in the end.

Her father was found face-down in a river.

When she was told, she shed not one tear. It was past that. It was too far. She was nothing now; empty.

The meaningless kisses. The distant touches.

Although he knows it's just orders, he likes it. It makes him feel stronger than he probably is, makes him feel invincible, as if he owns a part of her. He knows that which he can do; anything, anything at all. He knows she'll welcome him with open arms despite the depth of his resentment. He knows she won't break if he pushes. He fixed her and he knows better than anyone else how she works.

After all, he is nothing. He is a greedy, selfish man who has no quarrels with murdering a hundred people for his own benefit.

He could do with a bit of power.

It takes some encouraging, but finally, she goes outside. The sky seems brighter than before, it hurts her eyes. All alone, in the big wide world. Frail, and almost scared, but excited.

She enjoys the familiar scene: a corner shop huddled into the brick wall. She likes buying him things, it makes her feel useful. Good. So good, in fact, that she even stops to talk to the birds.

And then someone shouts her, and she looks up, and - finally - she remembers.

David, lying in her arms as his blood ran in torrents down her chest.

Jessica, brandishing her scissors, the rust slicing off strand after strand of mahogany locks.

And always, always, her. The woman with fire hair. A spectator, just standing there, eye's viscously amused.

The woman, who she now knows as Heidi, saunter's forward, her smile showing each and every one of her pointy teeth. For a moment, it all seems casual, but then Heidi yanks on her hair, dragging their heads closer together, whispering cruel truths that she never, never wanted to hear.

Do you want to know why he married you?

Do you want to know who killed your David?

Do you want to know how your Dad drowned?

Do you want to?

Do you?

Until the sky melts into a lifeless grey, she sits on the pavement, outside the door which would lead her up to their suite. How can she go back? How can she face him?

Tears have frozen on her face.

A dull thwack and her palm strikes his cheek. But her eyes hold no hatred, instead they are weary of him, and without either saying a thing, it is clear. Childish, really, if you think about it: 'I know you know.'

Yet, she does know. She knows everything.

And she still comes back to him.

Now he tells her everything. He tells her about his first mission, and how it felt. He tells her why he watched her all those years back. He tells her the truth behind his kindness. He tells her about her father's murder. He tells her that, in the midst of his Papa's murder, his Papa striked back, and cut the ... the killer's left palm, leaving a horizontal scar.

And she holds his left hand throughout all this, and does not let go.

How tragically they are linked.

My name is Dylan Locke and a few years ago, the Psychotek ordered me to commit my first murder. I was excited - can you imagine than? I couldn't wait to take another human's life, like my Papa's had been taken.

James and Heidi were sent with me, for protection, for back up. But I was untrained, and unskilled. I missed, and instead of killing her, I killed her companion, who I now know to be David. The one she mourns still. The one who drove her to insanity. I saw what it - I - did to her, and so ... hoping, maybe even desperate, to atone, I took her in. It all worked out in the end. The Psychotek wanted me to take her in, it was orders.

Laurent took care of her father; he left all his money to her, and so Cain ordered me to charm her, and then to marry her. After that is done, we simply dispose of her and the Leigh fortune is in the hands of the Psychotek.

It was meant to be simple. It wasn't. I failed in every aspect.

Don't get emotional, cover up your footsteps.

I couldn't do either of those things, it seems. And it cost a life.

- and I've got no excuse -

I have good news and bad news. Bad news first, yes? This is the penultimate chapter. After the next upload (probably around Thursday/Friday), this story will be over. I'm sad to see it go. :\ The good news? This will give me time to focus on my other story, "Boy Meets Girl," and a new story I have in the works (not uploaded, as of yet). Please become a fan if you'd like to know when they're updated!

Thanks for sticking with the story, guys. Please vote/fan and comment for a preview of the last chapter! :)

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