1. Arrivals.

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The band got stationed in their own hotel room, putting their stuff down and opening their suitcases, not even bothering to unpack, just leaving it open to grab shit from it when needed. They had a bed each - all beds in the same room, a bedroom of four. The interior included a mini fridge, a reading nook and a bathroom. 
The band didn't mind, they thought this was luxury - whereas the other, more experienced bands had the most luxurious suites in the hotel. Not that they minded though. They sat there together, talking and running through their songs, when a faint knock was heard at the door.
"The fuck?" The bassist - Terry, mumbled in confusion, "Come in!" The singer - Eric, yelled out.
The door opened and in walked a man in denim. He wore black denim jeans, a black shirt and a leopard print jacket. He had a big smile on his face, his large mouth stretching comically as he greeted them, "Hey hey, look - it's the new kids!" He smiled, sitting down on the couch which faced the four beds, which all four musicians had claimed their own beds. "What the-" Eric spoke, making Steven let out a chuckle.
Steven Tyler sat on the couch with a smile, looking at the four of them, "You guys ready to rock?!" He smiled, "W- U- I-" They each collectively spoke like goldfish making Steven laugh, "Oh come on, I'm not a ghost you know," Steven smiled, crossing one leg over the other.

"Yeah- we're ready... just, going over some shit with the show," Eric finally spoke, "I see, you got your manager here?" Steven asked, "Uh- well... we- we um... we kinda... did this ourselves," Eric said, scratching the back of his neck- Steven let out an "ooh" sound with a scrunch of the face, as if that was a bad idea, "You'd wanna get that sorted - I'll talk to Tom - he's our manager, I'll get him to go over it, maybe help for the time being," Steven smiled and got up, "O-Okay, thank you," They said, "See ya, kids," He said and walked out.

"What - the actual, fuck just happened?" Alex - the drummer spoke, they all shrugged simultaneously and got back to their planning, they all sat on Eric's bed by now, gathering around and going through stuff - by the time Steven came back with Tom - there were brainstorms and pieces of paper all over the floor by the bed as they spoke, sounding like bees with how they were thinking and making up so many ideas.
"Busy bees, huh?" Steven smiled - they turned to look at him and Tom stood there with a small smile on his face, "We- we - we were just um- writing, and thinking of new stuff- we already have..." Eric looked around, "About twenty other songs we're thinking of," He said, "Twenty, already?" Steven asked, coming over and sitting on the bed with them, Tom did the same, "If this bed breaks, I'll pee myself," Alex said making them chuckle, "Gimme that - I wanna take a look," Steven said, taking the paper and looking through it- everything looked solid, quite good actually.
"I like this one - here comes trouble," Steven chuckled, "Yeah - well, I got that when Demonica came over one night and my dad said 'uh oh - here comes trouble' so..." Eric shrugged, "Demonica?" Steven turned to the girl, raised his brows and made a not bad face, "Demon, huh?" He joked, "On a good day," She said making them chuckle.

Tom spoke with them and explained how it would go, "My job is to do advertisements and to make sure the public's jaws drop when they hear about you guys," He explained, "So, I also help with tour- booking shit out, getting shows going, the whole lot," Tommy said - Tommy Higgins.

"Right... I get it," Eric said and nodded his head as he listened to them talk.
"I'll take you guys on board until you've got stuff sorted man," Tommy said, shaking their hands.

"Thank you..." They said, Steven smiled and the two left the room.

At the end of the night, they laid on their own beds talking about shit when a knock was at the door, "Come in?" Eric called, in walked another Steven - Steven Adler.
"What the fuck are you guys doin', dudes? You needa eat, come down!" He said before giving a small chuckle, "What time is it?" Alex groaned, stretching, "It's eight pm, come on!" Steven smiled, they got up and followed the drummer out.
"Man, I'm starvin'," Terry sighed, stretching his limps up, "Who isn't?" Eric said, jogging down the stairs, Demonica just walked down the stairs like a normal human alongside Steven who chuckled as the boys ran down, "Slow and steady, wins the race," He smiled, turning to Demonica who gave a small smile, "They're dumb," She said, "They're boys! What do you expect?" He smiled making her shrug a little.

They got to the large dining table - it was huge with four seats left, "Wow-" Eric said, holding Demonica's hand to lead her to the middle as he knew she wouldn't like being smooshed between the other musicians, they were sat between the bassist and drummer - Terry and Alex and they awkwardly sat there.
"Welcome, how old are you kids?" Jon asked, "Sixteen and seventeen," Eric said, "You got an album out?" Nikki asked, "Mm- yeah," He nodded.
"How'd you do that with no manager, man?" Tommy asked, "Getting on a push-bike and riding to every record store nearby, then on school holidays we'd get in our parents cars and go into the city and while we're out we'd put them out - then we'd also put fliers up too," Eric said, "Damn, sounds old fashioned," Nikki chuckled, listening to them speak.

Demonica sat there with her head down, eating her food quietly before writing in a notebook, thinking of words, before she was stumped.
"Write bitch - that rhymes," Alex said looking over her shoulder, only to laugh when she whacked him over the head with her notebook, "Don't mess with girls, man, they're scary," Steven Adler chuckled, making the table chuckle along as they sat eating dinner.
"One- two..." Eric began counting in his head, pointing at each one as he counted while mouthing the numbers he said in his head, "56 all up - that's quite a lot, now that I think about it-" Eric said, "What's that?" Nikki asked, "Songs' we've written - it's obviously not gonna fit in one thing," Eric said looking at the amount they had, "Definitely not - gonna have to spread them out," Nikki said, they sighed and began circling things.

"Dinner time, put that away," Steven Tyler said, they immediately dropped the notebook and ate their food, "Well aren't you a saint?" Nikki laughed at how quickly they began doing what Steven Tyler said, "I'm scary," Steven joked, smiling as the kids finished their supper before it was cold, then they looked at him.
"Oh go on then-" He chuckled, watching them go back to writing and babbling on and on.

"Yeah - then we move this one to this one - dude I already got a solo written out," Demonica said - that was the first time they heard her really use her voice, she sounded fanatical as she explained everything, she showed her band a whole notebook dedicated to tabs, "Jesus - how are you so... productive?" Eric said as he looked through everything, "You get bored," She shrugged and looked at them for an opinion, "I dig it," Alex said, nodding to the idea.

They got questions thrown at them by other bands, "Well - we... uh - um..." Eric saw all of them looking at him, he sighed, "Ugh... I'm the singer - Alex is on drums, Terry's the bassist and Demonica is on guitar," Eric said, "Demonica? Is that your real name?" Nikki asked, she shook her head.
"What is?" He asked, she went quiet and looked at Eric, "Jane," He said, "Jane, Janie's got a gun," Steven Tyler jokingly began singing making her smile a little, "One that goes up your bum," She sang jokingly making him laugh as he patted her shoulder.

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