2. Pill taking.

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The bands all sat together in the morning having breakfast, the youngest band sat there quietly and spoke together while occasionally earning glances from the other bands.
Demonica grabbed a little packet of pills and popped one out of the aluminum wrapping, grabbing water and taking it after she had finished eating her biscuit, claiming she wasn't hungry but needed something in her stomach for the pills.

"Pills already, aye?" Steven Tyler playfully joked as she grabbed another pill bottle, getting Eric to open it for her. "Mhm," she hummed, taking that pill as well.

"What are they for, sugar?" He asked, "Fluoxetine is for my anxiety, then this shit is for my seizures," she said and gave the packets back to Eric who put them in his backpack.

"I see... You epileptic?" He asked, "Yeah, since I was five months," she told him, "Rough, well if you ever think you're gonna have one, make sure someone's with you," Steven Tyler said with a smile, "I do, Eric is like my guard dog - you know the doggies that follow you around if you have something wrong? That's him," she giggled making him chuckle.

The end of the night whizzed passed and the musicians all sat there tiredly.
Except for the youngest band of course, who were jumping around and talking music all day, "How are you kids still going?" Tommy Lee chuckled, "It's called being young, you should try it sometime," Terry said - laughing as they all booed.

"Janie, c'mere," Eric said, gesturing for Demonica to come closer, she got closer and giggled as Eric lifted her up like the lady from Dirty Dancing.
"Weeee!" She squealed and giggled as he slowly spun in circles.
Alex took a photo and Eric gently put her down, holding her with one arm against his waist and laughing with her.
"I wish I was strong like that," Steven Adler chuckled, Eric smiled and jokingly flexed his bicep.

"Say, you kids going to soundcheck tomorrow?" Tommy asked, "Yep, Janie is still figuring out what kinda guitar to use," Eric said, "Should I use my sexy one, or my super sexy one?" She asked and sighed, "Decisions decisions," she pouted making them chuckle, "Whats the options dude?" Tommy Lee asked, "Well, I could have a super sexy badass neon pink Jackson X Series Dinky guitar, or- I could use my Les Paul - I love both to pieces," she sighed and began thinking very intently.

"Decisions aye? Depends on the sound you want I guess," Steven Tyler spoke, "I know... I'll figure it out tomorrow, I suppose," she shrugged, "Can I come to? I wanna see," Steven Adler smiled, "Yeah sure, I get to kill someone with my new drumsticks, let's go?" Alex joked, giggling as Steven Adler gasped in mock horror.

"Lemme see these drumsticks," Steven Adler huffed, of course Alex had them on him as he took them out of his pocket and showed Steven who looked at them - they were strong and had the word 'Troublesome' carved into one and 'Son of a bitch' on the other which made Steven chuckle, "I like them!" He smiled and patted his back.

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