Chapter 3: A Bold Decision

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Ever since his brief encounter with Zildjian, Alli hadn't been able to focus on anything else. He replayed the moment in his head over and over — Zildjian's kind smile, the warmth in his voice, the way their hands briefly touched as he handed Alli his books. It felt surreal.

"Uno, do you think I have a chance?" Alli asked one afternoon, as he sat with Ace at their usual spot on campus.

Ace snorted, rolling his eyes. "I swear, if I had a peso for every time you asked me that..."

"I'm serious!" Alli insisted, lightly smacking Ace's arm. "What if I really want to get closer to him?"

Ace leaned back, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "Well, if you really want to stand out, you'll have to do more than just bump into him in the hallway. You need a plan."

"A plan?" Alli tilted his head, thinking hard. What could he do that would catch Zildjian's attention? Something special, something personal... Then, like a flash of inspiration, it came to him. "I know! I'll bake him something!"

Ace blinked, then laughed. "Baking? You? Do you even know how?"

"I'll learn," Alli said confidently, determination burning in his eyes. "I've watched enough cooking shows to know the basics."

Alli's Baking Journey

That night, Alli was up late, watching YouTube tutorials on baking. He scribbled down notes and recipes, trying to find the perfect treat to make for Zildjian. His mind was buzzing with possibilities.

As he gathered ingredients the next morning, a wave of doubt crept in. What if he doesn't like it? What if I mess up? Alli shook his head, pushing the thoughts away. No, I can't think like that. I have to do this. It's the only way I can show him how much I care.

He spent the afternoon mixing, measuring, and carefully following the steps. Flour dusted the countertop, and the smell of chocolate filled the air. As the cake baked in the oven, Alli allowed himself to dream. He imagined Zildjian's reaction, how his eyes would light up when he saw the gift, how maybe, just maybe, they'd have a conversation that went beyond polite smiles and small talk.

The cake was done, and Alli stood back, admiring his work. It wasn't perfect — there were a few uneven spots, and the icing wasn't as smooth as he'd hoped — but it was made with love, and that's what mattered.

Akinoa's Reflection

While Alli was busy with his baking project, Akinoa was having his own internal struggle. He sat in his room, staring at his phone, his fingers hovering over the screen. A part of him wanted to message Alli, to tell him how he really felt. But every time he built up the courage, something held him back.

He sighed, tossing his phone onto the bed and burying his face in his hands. "Why can't I just tell him? What's wrong with me?"

His older sister, Kira Crystal, knocked on the door before peeking in. "Bunso, ano na naman ang iniisip mo?"

Akinoa didn't answer right away, his heart heavy. "Ate, mahal ko si Alli."

Kira raised an eyebrow. "Hindi mo pa sinasabi sa kanya?"

"Hindi ko kaya," Akinoa muttered, sinking deeper into his chair. "He's so focused on Zildjian. Paano naman ako?"

Kira crossed the room and pulled her brother into a hug. "You can't wait forever, Akinoa. If you don't tell him how you feel, you might lose your chance."

"I know, but..." Akinoa trailed off, his thoughts spinning. Maybe I've already lost my chance.

The Day After — Giving the Cake

The next day, Alli nervously carried the cake to school, his heart racing with every step. Ace walked beside him, giving him a reassuring pat on the back.

"Relax, Alli. Zildjian's going to love it," Ace said, smiling. "It's a sweet gesture. Literally."

"I hope so," Alli murmured, tightening his grip on the cake box. He had never been this nervous in his life.

They spotted Zildjian near the student center, chatting with a group of friends. Alli's heart leapt into his throat. This is it.

Taking a deep breath, Alli approached him, his hands trembling slightly. "H-Hi, Zildjian!"

Zildjian turned, his eyes widening slightly when he saw Alli standing there. "Oh, hey! What's up?"

"I... I made something for you," Alli said, holding out the box with both hands. His voice was barely a whisper, and his cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment. "I-it's a cake. I hope you like it."

Zildjian looked surprised, but his expression quickly softened into a warm smile. "You made this? Wow, that's really thoughtful. Thank you, Alli."

Alli's heart soared at the sight of Zildjian's smile, and for the first time, he felt like he had truly caught his attention.

As Zildjian walked away with the cake, Alli felt a surge of hope. This was just the beginning, but it was enough to fuel his determination. He would keep trying, keep pushing to get closer to Zildjian — no matter what.

But from a distance, Akinoa watched with a sinking heart, realizing that Alli's focus was drifting further away from him.

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