The Invitation

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Chapter 1: The Invitation...

Mira stared blankly at the screen, her fingers hovering over the keyboard, but she wasn't really there. Her mind was somewhere else—lost in the endless scroll of social media feeds, the numbing repetition of notifications, and the hollow satisfaction of leveling up in yet another mindless game. It all blurred together these days. The same faces, the same voices, the same empty interactions. She felt like she was drowning in the noise, but somehow, she couldn't bring herself to care. Her phone buzzed again, and she glanced at it, expecting another meaningless message. But instead, there was something different. An email, from an address she didn't recognize, and not in her SPAM folder.

"Fountellion?" she muttered to herself, frowning. She didn't remember signing up for anything like that. Curiosity piqued, she clicked the email open.


**Subject: Your Invitation to Fountellion**

Dear Mira,

We believe you've been seeking something more. A world where you can reconnect—with nature, with yourself, and with others. Fountellion is not just a game. It's a journey. A path to rediscover what has been lost.

If you're ready to begin, click the link below.


Professor Benjamin Fielding


Mira blinked at the screen. "What the...?"

She'd heard of immersive virtual reality games before, even tried a few, but this seemed different. There was no flashy marketing, no promises of epic battles or world domination. Just... reconnection. Whatever that meant. 

Her mouse hovered over the link. Part of her wanted to dismiss it as spam, but another part—one she hadn't listened to in a long time—felt a strange pull. Maybe it was the mention of reconnection, or maybe it was the fact that she was so tired of feeling numb. Either way, she clicked.

The screen went black for a moment, and then a loading bar appeared.

**Initializing Fountellion...**

Mira sat back, pulling back her hair and attaching to her temple her only recently-acquired Spiral Interface, which used the latest leap in brainwave-harnessing technology. 

She watched as the progress bar slowly filled, feeling a strange mix of anticipation in her chest, like something was about to change, but also just as ready to disconnect the moment she was put off.

It was something to do... and better than the nothingness she'd been feeling for months.

The loading screen faded, and suddenly, she was no longer in her room.


Mira found herself standing at the edge of a vast, shimmering estuary. The water stretched out before her, reflecting the pale light of an overcast sky. Behind her, a dense forest of towering pine trees loomed, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. The air was crisp, filled with the scent of damp earth and saltwater. It felt... real.

She looked down at herself. Her body was there, solid and tangible, but different. She was wearing simple, practical clothing—leather boots, a worn tunic, and a cloak that fluttered in the wind. On her forearm, she noticed something glowing faintly beneath her sleeve. She pulled it back to reveal a tattoo—two forked runes, one glowing blue and the other red."

What the hell...?"

Before she could examine it further, there was a sudden rustling in the trees behind her. Mira tensed, her heart racing. She turned slowly, expecting to see some kind of creature or enemy, but instead, a small bird fluttered down from the branches, landing on a nearby rock.

It was a strange bird, with bright green eyes that seemed almost too intelligent. It cocked its head, studying her with an unnerving intensity."Hello, Mira," the bird said, its voice calm and soothing.

Mira blinked. "Did... did you just talk?"

The bird's eyes gleamed. "I did. But I am not merely a bird. I am Greenwise, your guide in this world. And you, Mira, have been chosen to walk the path of Fountellion."

Mira took a step back, her mind spinning. "Wait, what is this? What's going on? I thought this was a game."

Greenwise fluffed its feathers and hopped closer. "It is a game, yes. But it is also much more than that. Fountellion is a living world, one that evolves and changes with every choice you make. Here, you will learn to survive, to thrive, and to reconnect—with the land, with others, and with yourself."

Mira stared at the bird, trying to process everything. "Reconnect? With myself? What does that even mean?"

Greenwise tilted its head. "You've been disconnected for a long time, haven't you? From the world, from those around you... from your own heart. Fountellion offers you a chance to change that. But it won't be easy. The journey ahead is filled with challenges, both physical and emotional. You will need to learn to live in harmony with the island, to understand its seasons, its creatures, and its secrets."

Mira crossed her arms, feeling a flicker of scepticism. "And what if I don't want to? What if I just want to play the game and get out?"

Greenwise's eyes gleamed. "That is your choice. But know this: Fountellion is not a place you can simply leave unchanged. The island will test you, and in doing so, it will reveal parts of yourself you may not even know exist."

Mira felt a chill run down her spine. She didn't like the idea of being tested, especially not by some virtual world. But at the same time, something about Greenwise's words resonated with her. She had been disconnected. She had been numb. And maybe... just maybe... this was what she needed.

"What do I do now?" she asked, her voice quieter than before.

Greenwise hopped onto her shoulder, its feathers brushing against her cheek. "First, you must learn to read the land. The island is divided into seven regions, each with its own challenges and lessons. You are in the Red Region now, the southernmost part of the island. Here, you will learn the basics of survival—how to find food, how to conserve your energy, and how to understand the flow of nature."

Mira glanced around at the estuary and the forest beyond. It seemed peaceful enough, but there was an undercurrent of something... more. Something she couldn't quite put her finger on."And what about these?" she asked, holding up her arm to show the glowing runes."

Ah, yes," Greenwise said, its voice taking on a more serious tone. "Those are your **Power** and **Energy** levels. The blue rune represents your Power—your ability to use special abilities like transforming or super-jumping. The red rune represents your Energy—your physical stamina and strength. You will need to manage both carefully if you wish to survive."

Mira nodded slowly, trying to absorb everything. "And the Stokers? I've heard about them."

Greenwise's feathers ruffled slightly. "The Soul-Stokers are a constant threat. They are drawn to those who misuse their Power or disrupt the balance of the island. If they capture you, they will take you to the Spiral Tower, where the Bleak Lord resides. You must avoid them at all costs."

Mira shivered. "Got it. Avoid the Stokers."

Greenwise nodded. "Good. Now, your journey begins here, in the Red Region. Your first task is simple: learn to survive. Find food, conserve your Energy, and explore the land. But remember, Mira—this is not just about survival. It is about understanding. The island has much to teach you, if you are willing to listen."

Mira took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the task ahead. This wasn't like any game she'd played before. It felt... real. And for the first time in a long time, she felt something stir inside her. A spark of curiosity. A desire to see what lay beyond the next hill, the next forest, the next region.

"Okay," she said, her voice steady. "I'm ready."

Greenwise's eyes gleamed with approval. "Then let us begin."

And with that, Mira took her first step into Fountellion, unaware that this journey would change her life in ways she could never have imagined.


Fountellion: Mira in the Green GameWhere stories live. Discover now