In Embertime - Truth and Trust

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Chapter 9: In Embertime: Of Truth and Trust....

The Village of Embertime was a sanctuary nestled deep within the Great Forest that continued into the Blue Region. Mira had never felt such peace since arriving on the island. The village, a thriving community of Flickerfolk (NPCs) and players seeking the Insights (and some who'd given up searching), was built around the principles of permaculture and sustainable living. 

The villagers worked in harmony with the land, tending to small agroforests and plantations, their songs blending with the wind that swept through the trees further afield. Here, Stoker attacks were rare, and the village thrived on collaboration and communication. But, as Mira would learn, it was more than this. Just as in real life, the community thrived on trust that had to be built. Only then, did a voice get louder there, and hold more weight.

For the first time in a long while, Mira felt safe. But safety wasn't enough. She needed to find her place here, to be useful and contribute to the village. She knew that unlocking the Blue Insight would require more than just survival—it would require expression, time and trust, and preparation.


Finding Her Place in Embertime...

Mira spent her first few days in Embertime learning the rhythms of the village. The Flickerfolk were welcoming, and they encouraged her to choose a sustainable skill to learn, something that would help her become part of the community. The options were plentiful, from cooking to weaving and building and also:

- Tending the agroforest, where fruit trees, nuts, and vegetables grew in harmony with the natural ecosystem.

- Working with the land, helping to restore damaged areas of the forest by coppicing and learning about soil regeneration and seed saving.

- Crafting and foraging, where she could learn to make tools from natural materials and gather resources sustainably from the forest.

After some thought, Mira chose to work with the agroforest. She spent her days alongside the villagers, learning how to care for the trees and plants, how to prune and feed the system to help keep the soil like a forest floor. Alley cropping was also a skill she learned about: growing vegetables alongside trees. It was peaceful work, but it also required focus and patience. The villagers often sang to themselves and one another as they worked, their voices blending with the wind in a way that felt both ancient and timeless.

Through this work, Mira began to understand the importance of communication and collaboration. The villagers didn't just work together—they communicated constantly, sharing knowledge, experiences, and stories. It was through this exchange of ideas that the village thrived, and Mira found herself slowly becoming part of that exchange.


Meeting Kai and the Gift....

One evening, as the sun began to set and the villagers gathered around the fire, Mira met Kai. He was a fellow seeker, like her, and had also unlocked the Red and Orange Insights. Kai was friendly, with a quiet confidence that put Mira at ease. They quickly became friends, sharing stories of their journeys and the challenges they had faced along the way.

As they sat by the fire, Kai handed Mira a small, well-carved wooden flute. "I make this just spending time here in ole' Ember, and I'd love for you to have this one," he said with a smile. "Music has always helped me connect with the island. Maybe it will help you, too."

Mira accepted the flute with gratitude, admiring his work beneath her fingers. It was a simple gift, but it meant a great deal to her. She had always felt a connection to music, and now, with the flute in hand, she felt a new sense of expression opening up inside her. When she took it, the green symbol of the region on her cloak glowed a littler brighter. It seemed to register the act of gift-giving. Would he get extra points, she wondered cynically? But then, the gesture in no way subtracted from that. If she could help him get Insights, that was also the point of this 'game'.

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