- Chapter Five -

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April 9, 2023

Current location: arriving to Ladysmith Highschool

9:04 am

Operation: Clean up

The Sergeant's feet clicked as he walked back and forth in front of the marines in a single file line.

"Alright marines! You should know the drill by now, Kill any Hostiles and kill any survivors" The sergeant shouted to them as the helicopter rocked back and forth slightly as they flew forwards the school.

"Kill the survivors?" one of the marines asked

The sergeant stormed up to him and got right in his face

"What's your name marine!?" the sergeant yelled

"Rellik!" the marine responded

"Shitbird! That's your name, Shitbird are you scared?" Sergeant yelled

"No sir" Rellik whispered

"Ich kann dich nicht hören!" the sergeant yelled aggressively

(I can't hear you!)

"I said no!" Rellik shouted

The sergeant pulled a glock off of the rack behind him and handed it to Rellik, Rellik was only 18 years old

"When we land, you better not fuck up Shitbird" the sergeant said before walkin towards the freight door

Suddenly the helicopter jostled a bit as it stayed still mid air 100 feet above he school

"We are here ladys!" sergeant said as he slammed his fist against the button to open the freight door

The door squealed with delight as sunlight poured into the room

The marines grabbed mp5's of the rack and started to head to the open freight door

Wind poured in, wiping atour faces.

"Auf Wiedersehen, Köters!" the sergeant said before jumping out of the helicopter

(Goodbye mutts)

He flew through the air gracefully before activating his parachute 45 feet in the air. Then he landed on the ground like a superhero.

The marines soon followed through, they glided through the air like a bunch of heroes coming to save the day but they weren't truly here to save the day.

Rellik flew through the air albeit more clumsy

Soon they were all on the ground standing in front of the school, for some reason a bus had collided with the front of the school entrance.

"Alright let's get this over with" sergeant said

We marched towards the school, but one thought ran through Rellik's head "who called for a clean up?"

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