- Chapter One -

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April 8, 2023

Current location: Riverside Cemetery, Ladysmith

5:58 pm

The morning was a dreary rainy morning. I stood with a group of relatives with my father Ron king and my 19 year old sister Riley king to my right. We wore black button ups and black pants. My father held an umbrella above us three. There were sniffles and sobbing from the crowd.

The preacher spoke up but I didn't understand or I could hardly understand. I watched my mother's casket which was lifted above the open grave, it swayed side to side softly. I caught the last part of the preacher's speech

"You may know Wholeness and Peace now and through all eternity." The preacher spoke. He then made a gesture to the others to lower her. We watched as her casket was lowered into the grave.

My father tossed his flowers onto the casket and then walked away. I stood there watching as my sister and everyone else tossed their flowers onto the casket. And soon everyone in my family- -was gone... except for me. I slowly approached the casket and tossed my flower onto the casket.

Suddenly I heard my father shout "Come on!"

He stood kneeling against a tree. I walked up to him and he grunted.

"Lets go" he said as he walked away to the car.

1 hour later

We soon arrived home, my dad crashed on the coach still wearing his suit. My sister left with her boyfriend, some jerk named Luca Wednesday. I made my way upstairs to my room and sat at my computer trying to process what happened today. Suddenly I heard something hit my window. I jumped off my bed and approached the window.

I slowly opened the window and popped my head out. I looked down onto the grassy grounds below to see my best friend John Booker. Now me and John both grew up together. We were both 17 and we shared the same interests.

"You weren't answering my texts!" John shouted at me.

"I was at my mothers funeral... it didn't work" i shouted and almost cried.

"Oh... I'm sorry" john looked devastated,

"its okay john"

John rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled

"So? Wanna come Hang out?"

"Sure... just i'll be down out in a minute" i chuckled

"Is Riley home?" John asked

"She's with her boyfriend." I gagged


"I'll Meet me around back," I said as I shut the window.

"Sure" John said as he ran to the back,

I silently opened my bedroom door and snuck back downstairs. I snuck past my sleeping father. I opened the backdoor and gently shut it. I turned around and saw John leaning against the house.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

I nodded and walked to my shed to get my bike.

We soon were racing down the street. I was in the front and he was behind me.

"You're slow!" I shouted at him.

He just flipped me off. We soon made it to the memorial park. We parked our bikes and walked to the river bank. We sat down and listened to the water.

"So Jason, you wanna talk?" John suddenly spoke.

"About what?"

He looked me dead in the eyes and said

"about what happened today Jason"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, looking away from him.

"You lost your mother Jason, that's something you'll never recover from" John said with concern in his voice.

"I'll be fine!" I said with anger in my tone.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here" John said as he stood up and started walking

"where are you going?" I asked.

"Home, and supper" he said as he got on his bike.

"Bye" I said as he backed away.

I continue sitting there on the bank watching the water when all of a sudden I hear a car honk at me. I turn to see my sister standing next to her car.

"Come on Jason!" Riley yells

I walked up to her

"why?" I ask.

"Just get in otherwise I'm telling dad" she said as i got in her car passenger seat. She got in and looked at me.

"You Know your not supposed to be out this late" she said as she started the car

"You okay?" she asked. 

"I'm fine" I mumbled. She grabbed a pack of gum 

"Gum?" she asked. I shook my head. She drove out of the park. We didn't say anything until we got home and she parked her car in the driveway. 

"Hey, I'm here if you need to talk to me," she said, concerned . I just got out of the car and walked inside. I walked past my dad who just woke up and stormed into my room. I lay there on my bed stuck in thought. How could this happen to me? Why did I deserve this? I'm just a kid... let's just hope nothing worse happens. 

I then soon fell asleep.

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