- Chapter Ten -

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April 9, 2023

Current location: Hallway - Ladysmith High School

10:36 am

"i think we lost them!" John cheered as we walked down a hallway, we were far from the theater now.

"Good" Sam said, the hallway was covered in blood and guts, it freaking stunk too!

I checked my ammo count. I had 30 clips and now I have 19 clips.

"Now where-" i was cut off by the radio beeping

I quickly picked it up and answered it

"Dad?!" i asked

"Jason what happened?" he asked

"We ran into Bankel, but... there was an accident. But we found Sam! Dad this is seriously fucked up"

"Guys there is a group of survivors in the cooking class room."

"Okay well head there...  how did you know that?" i said

Ron took a second to respond "I have my ways"

I put the radio away and turned to Sam and john

"Survivors in-" i was cut off by Sam

"Cooking class room yeah i heard" she chuckled a little

"That's not very far from here" I said, it was actually down the hallway we were in.

We approached the cooking class door. I knocked on the door gently, not too loud. A voice spoke up from the other side after a few seconds. "Who are you?"

"It's me; Jason King, John Booker, and Samantha smith. Please let us in" I begged

After a few seconds of silence the door opened, "hurry get in!" the survivor said.

We quickly got in and the survivor locked the door. And as soon as she turned around I recognized her, "Roza Kindle!" john said

"I'm surprised you three are still alive" she said cheerfully.

I turned around and saw over 20 students and some teachers who were all either hurt or attending to the hurt.

"We got to get the fuck out of here!" A survivor said as he approached us. It was Bryan naldbald

"Bryan shut up..." Roza yelled at him

"There is a way out... through the weight room" I answered Bryan

"Thank god we're finally getting out of this hell!" bryan cried happily

"I'll get everybody ready to-" Roza's talk was interrupted by the lights and power shutting off. Leaving us in darkness

"Well... shit" i grumbled in the darkness

After setting up candles and handing out flashlights we made a plan. John and I would go get power back on since we were the most armed.

Me and John stood at the door with our tools; glocks, ammo, and flashlight.

"Ready?" I asked john

"Ready" He said

And just like that we were back into the darkness

The hall we walked down was dreary, dark and lonely.

Our flashlights were the only thing lighting the hallway. Suddenly a couple of leapers appeared and ran towards us.






They fell dead. "Come on, we have to find the generator!" I yelled at john.

"Where the hell is the generator?!" John asked, good question John. I have no freaking clue!

We're going to die aren't we...

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