Initiation 1 - The Location.

37 2 7

4 Dec, 5327 22:00

The streets were dark, and the wind was whistling. The trees rustled shaking down their leaves. The streetlights were flickering eerily. Footsteps echoed through the silence. A phone was pulled out. The man was searching for an address. He had smooth wavy black hair, a lean body, blue jeans and a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt. He walks towards an old broken house. 31C, Gracium. "This seems to be it." A creature gnarled at him from inside. He looked up at the window, but the creature was gone. His accomplice got the toolbox. He had blond hair, a broad body not as fit as the others, was wearing black jeans and a hoodie. A chain cutter was pulled out. He picked it up and snapped open the lock on the gate. Walking towards the porch, they stopped in their tracks. Cold wind blew from left to right with the grass swaying along with it. Looking at each other,

Sam: Are you sure about this?
Jake: Yes, this is the place.
Sam: You've got your gun?
Jake: Let's get the package and get out.
Sam: Alright, let's go.

Jake Nightingale opened the door. It creaked open wide and they walked in. click. Flashlights were turned on and they rummaged around looking for their so-called package. A can fell over. "Whose there?" Silence broke through the dark room, and they pointed their guns towards the source. One was scared. The other, suffering the same fate. He looked around but couldn't find anything. Jake spotted a ladder and pulled it down. The way to the attic was revealed as the ladder unfolded. He climbed up with his accomplice right behind him. He looked around and pulled up his friend. The floorboards creaked with dust lifting up as they entered the dark room.

They walked around, each step making them anxious. They panned their flashlights towards a brown bag and found some old books inside. Under them were the data drives. Their package. He heard the creature gnarling again. He looked behind and sees nothing. He finds a switch. Click. A light glew over them. The creature was above them, latching on to the ceiling. It dropped own but it doesn't see them. It couldn't see in the light. It walked past them, scratching the floorboards. They pointed their guns at it. bang. The creature wailed. It looked around trying to find the source.

Sam: Oh shit. My bullet bounced off!
Jake: RUN!

As they ran towards the ladder, the creature spotted them and lunges at them. A grave mistake. It bites on the accomplice's leg and begins chomping on it. "Jake! JAKE! HELP! arrrrgggghhhhhhh." Jake tries to pull his friend away. He succeeds but at what cost? The leg falls to the ground. A few teenagers were walking past the house. They were here for fun. To explore Gracium. They heard the screams and saw the blood on the windows and ran away, calling the authorities. Sam Riverton crawled backwards towards the wall. The creature bites down on the leg and consumed it.

Sam: Jake! Help me! My leg!
Jake: Oh No!
Sam: Oh God! I-I can't walk now!
Jake: We need get out of here.

He points his flashlight at the creature. It wails in agony and scurries back into the corner. Jake gets up and walks towards the creature. He grabs a rusty knife on the table and decides to stab its eye. Whip. arrrgggghhhhhhhhh. The flashpoint falls down to the ground along with Jake's left hand. The creature had used its tail. "My hand! arggggghhhh! Shit!" It jumped on top of him, trying to bite his head off while he tries holding it off. He reaches out for the flashlight but it's just out of reach. Sam crawls over and pushes it towards him. "Here!" His flashlight gleams over the Night Crawler and the gun were fired with bullets digging holes within creature. "Shit, my hand! arghhhh!"

The creature screams and backs away. Jake's flashlight reveals a backdoor. He grabs Sam and drags him to it. The Night Crawler begins advancing towards them. Sam grabs his flashlight and points it at the creature, with high intensity brightness. The creature stops, its movement hindered.

Sam: It stopped....
Jake: realizes. Okay, Sam. I'm going to need you to listen to me carefully. I need you to point this flashlight at that thing until I come back.
Sam: Wait, wait, wait! Don't leave me here...
Jake: I'm going to come back. Trust me.

Jake had to kill it. He would find out how. He walks slowly in the house checking every corner. He walks into the kitchen. The room was red with blood everywhere. The knifes were outside stained with blood. It was stinking. He finds a dead creature similar to the other, burned to a crip. He figured out its weakness. A bright light was what he needed. He felt something move in the living room. Another one? He beams the flashlight around and finds a body. It was an officer. He was dead, had been decapitated and had a gun in his hands. The display on the gun showed that it had only two rounds left. "He was killed before he could empty it. Poor guy." Jake grabs the utility belt and finds a grenade. A flashbang. Just what he needed. He starts walking back to Sam as fast as he can, but it was almost too late. The creature was an inch away from Sam.

Jake: Close your eyes!

flash. The monster shrieks out in pain as its skin began burning away. Jake begins to shoot, emptying the magazine. The creature isn't moving now. Maybe it's dead. Jake runs over to Sam. "Stay with me buddy! I'm going to get us out of here." He grabs Sam's arm and put it around himself. Jake had lost a lot of blood. The creature somehow manages to get up again but drops down to the ground. It was dead now, for sure.

Sam: Hel-p m-e.... Jake...
Jake: Don't try to talk. Just focus on walking.
Sam: A-lri-ght...

The door is opened. He walks towards another stairwell along with Sam. Bang. "What was that!?" Something comes from under the floorboards, ripping through them. Another one. It was different, maybe mutated. It had a human appearance. It snarled at them. "YOU! I'll kill you just I killed that other human!" The creature spoke out. It started sprinting towards them. "Disgusting wretched humans! I'll kill you!" Jake was shocked as the creature had spoken. Sam looked at it with fear in his eyes. "Hold on buddy. I got you!" Jake puts Sam's arm around his neck. He starts to limp towards the stairwell as fast as he can, but the creature catches up and tackles them. Shattering a window, Jake and Sam fall out on to the grass in front of the house. "Arrgghh" He lifts himself up and crawls towards Sam. Sam starts bleeding a lot. Jake tears of his jacket and ties it around Sam's wound, while covering his cut off hand. The creature looks down from the window and it jumps out. Landing down, it breaks the ground. "Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide!"

It smiles at them, its teeth dripping with blood. Jake grabs Sam and pulls him towards the car. The creature follows them slowly enjoying their suffering. "Stay with me buddy!" He pushes him inside and floors it. "Oh, you pathetic fools!" The creature's body begins to change. Blood splatters all over while it mutated into something more muscular. It starts running towards them, chasing after the car. It catches up and rams into the car, sending it rolling down a hill. The car lands upside down, damaged. It walks down towards them and rips out the door. It was almost about to grab Jake when a dropship beams its light towards them. Both of them were heavily injured as they lay in the toppled car. The creature backs away and it can no longer see the car. It doesn't seem to have adapted to that yet. It looks up at the dropship. A sentry drops down, crashing into the ground.

It looks up at the Night Crawler. It scans the environment and identifies the enemy. It pulls out its gun and begins firing at it. The bullets bounce of the creature. "HAHAHAHAHA!" The sentry holsters the gun and charges at it, it's machine parts whirring. The night crawler tries to attack the sentry. slash. The sentry counters by grabbing the arm and rips it off. It punches the creature several times. The creature tried fighting back. It's no use. The sentry was stronger. The creature backs out, screaming in pain. "This isn't over, humans!" The creature retreats into the night. The sentry turns around and scans the area. It starts walking towards us, making mechanical sounds. All Jake could hear was Sam saying, "We are going to die, aren't we?"


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