Synchronisation 2 - Radeon City.

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7 Dec 19:00
Present time....

Alexander Shaw: Summon a dropship, T74. Set course for Radeon City.
T74: Affirmative!

He looks down at both Jake and Sam's mutilated bodies. "Hmmm. One of you will be test subject #377." He orders T74 to carry their bodies out of the mining facility and T74 activates his flight engine. He grabs on to T74's shoulder while they fly out. The drop-ship lands on the ground, pushing away dust and dirt. They get on and lay down Jake and Sam's body. T74 links into the dropship and plots the co-ordinates. The dropship takes off and begins flying towards Radeon City. As they fly, they observe all the atmosphere of the countryside. All the wildlife living in harmony, deers galloping around. People camping in the woods, kids playing around with their pet animals and carnivores hunting for food.

Some kids who were playing football in the field looked up at the dropship. "Hey, look at that!", said one. "Woah, a dropship!? That's cool! We don't get those around here!", said the other. A few of them waved at the dropship.

Alexander: Do you see that T74? This is the future of our generation. Humans are astonishing creatures. They are capable of doing immense amounts of work, calculations, if provided with a reason, a goal in mind.
T74: They seem to be the kind who question everything. Why keep them when you can build machines? Machines always get the job done.
Alexander: Machines cannot live independently. Human beings are the ones that created them, built them from the ground-up. Machines will never learn of emotion unless humans teach them.

T74: Emotions hold us back, don't they? Why is it required for an individual to function.
Alexander: I have to agree with you on this T74, but emotions are what make life beautiful. It is what makes life worth living. Emotions are coded into your programming, into your core. You felt Pride and Superiority while destroying these humans, didn't you?
T74: I did. It felt good. The feeling of destroying an inferior being was indeed incredible.
Drop-ship A.I: ETA at destination, 5 minutes. Approaching Radeon City Barrier. Brace for landing.
Alexander: Alright, T74. Here we are. Radeon City, Capital of this wonderful planet, G.A.I.A Prime.

The drop-ship lands at the landing deck outside of the Radeon City Barrier, a security wall built all around and over the city. He places a Matter Concealer on Jake and Sam's body each and it shrinks their bodies and stores them in the device itself. Alexander picks them up and drop-ship door opens. A security arrived and asked them to step out of the dropship. A full scan is performed on both Mr. Shaw and T74 is sent to the memory bay. They scan all off T74's records and find no suspicious activity. T74 created a Pseudo Memory drive to make sure that the scanner doesn't pick up anything.

They walk over to the junction gates and the gate which Alexander walks through begins beeping. T74 activates his hyper magnet which attracts the Matter Concealer towards him. No one notices it. A female officer runs over to him and begins frisking Mr. Shaw. She finds nothing. "We apo-logize for the beeping of the gate, Mr. Shaw. It won't happen again.", she says with an afraid tone. "Your scanners seem to be malfunctioning, Officer. Fix it. Do not fail me again!", he says with a condescending tone. "We are on it, Mr. Shaw.", says the girl and she runs off to another junction gate. Both of them walk through the gates.

Alexander orders T74 to leave him and wait for him at the tower. T74 fires up his jets and flies off. He taps on his forearm gauntlet and calls for a ride. Shortly, after a few minutes, the car arrives and he sits inside.

Zentro A.I : Good evening, Mr. Shaw. Where would you like me to take you today?
Alexander: Take me to the Monorail station.
Zentro A.I : Your cost will be 1200 credits.

He transfers the credits with a blue light going off in his left mechanical eye and the car begins moving. The car picks the shortest route and moves down the path. Radeon City is filled with a kaleidoscope of lights. There are people commuting from place to place all the time. Traffic is control by machines at each square. A bunch of delivery bots are gliding through the city with packages to be delivered. Kids are playing with mechanical pets, and some people wait at the bus station working on their devices.

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