Awakening 1 - The Voice.

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"Darkness is merely the absence of light. It is the presence of something else." - Anonymous.


Act I - The Fall.

The environment turned dark and empty. Jake was lying on the floor and upon waking up, realized he was in an unfamiliar room. He could not see anything. Pitch black. All of sudden, a lamp began flickering, a few meters away from him. Jake saw a table being illuminated by the lamp and he walked towards it, cautiously. On the table, was a piece of paper, possibly torn. He tried using the switch, trying to stop the flickering but it didn't seem to work. He picked up the piece of paper and words began to appear. 'You do...' The rest of the message on this paper had been torn off. As soon as Jake finished reading the message, the lamp went off. 

A source-less light came to life on top of a black board. Jake had never seen anything like it before. Chalk marks began appearing on the board. It was a sentence. 'A look in the mirror always helps.' The sentence did not seem to match the writing on the paper. Jake kept exploring the room and came across a door at the end. He twisted the knob and saw a huge hallway with lots of doorways, both to the right and to the left. He proceeded out of the room and the door close shut behind him and vanished. He began walking to the end of the hallway. It was long. Too long to be a hallway. Jake turned around and saw the beginning of the hallway again. It was a loop, and he was trapped in it.

"What?", he mumbled to himself. He felt his feet getting wet and looked down, only to see blood on the floor. It was flowing out of a room, from underneath the door. Jake decided to open the door and was greeting by a huge wave of blood. It gushed out from inside and carried him away into the endless hallway again. The blood did not seem to stop flowing. Jake was constantly hitting his head to the surroundings as he kept going in circles. He noticed that the room's door which he opened, was in the loop as well. He grabbed on to the door once it was next to him and pulled himself into the room, closing the door behind him. Since the door was blocking the blood, it began filling up the room, carrying Jake upwards. 

Jake could somehow see through it. The blood seemed to be thin and translucent allowing Jake to spot a tap under the blood. He dived down, swam towards it in a hurry and closed it. All of the blood disappeared, and Jake fell to the ground. A sink appeared in front of him, right below where the tap was. He got back up and found another torn piece of paper in the sink. Words began appearing. 'n't remem...' It was torn again and the rest had to be found. The group of words on both sides of the paper made sense this time.  'You don't remem....'. "Is remember the last word? What don't I remember?", he mumbled to himself again. He looked behind him and the door had vanished. He looked back and saw a mirror, hanging on top of the sink. 

The words on the chalk board told him to look into the mirror, which he did. No reflection. Jake could not see himself and he was horrified. He tried to look at his hands and could only see the paper floating in the air. "What is going on?", he said and tried to touch the mirror. crack. The mirror shattered upon contact and the room began collapsing on top of Jake while he fell down into a dark, endless abyss. 

Act 2 - The Film. 

Jake reached the bottom of the fall. thud. He was inside another room again, but the objects within, were vastly different from what he had seen earlier. Another source-less light began flickering, drawing Jake's attention to what seemed to be a film projector. He did not know what it was again and pressed a button. He saw another table with a film cassette on top, assuming that it goes inside the film projector. He collected it and put it inside the film projector, and it began to roll.  He saw a cornfield and a tree, below which a girl was swinging on a swing. Another swing was moving next to her, but no one was on it. "Come on, _____. Push me. I'm feeling bored already. " Jake couldn't hear the name the girl uttered. 

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