Tell me you love me (A jack and jack fan fiction)

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Chapter 1- Introducing Elly.

"No, stop. please!" I cried.
"Leave me alone" I cried even harder.
"Hel" I tried but he covered my mouth.

"Elly! Elly wake up, Elly" I woke up, my brother was sitting next to me shaking me awake.

"Did you have a bad dream again?" He asked me.

I nodded wiping away a couple of tears.

"Did I wake Eli again?" I asked him.

"No, you know her be in here if you did" he told me.

"Do you wanna talk about it" he asked.

I shook my head no.

"Ok go to sleep alright, I have to go to work early tomorrow" he said. I nodded and went back to sleep after he left...

2 years ago when I was a senior in high school, I went to a party with my 3 best friends. Hannah, Bailey, and Nathan. I had a big crush on Nathan, he was the cutest guy ever. I was hoping he'd make a move that night, he did!

And... This is what happened.

I was dancing with Hannah and Bailey when Nathan grabbed on to my wrist and pulled me outta the crowd. I thought this was it, the move. He pulled me outside to the back yard of the house all the way to the end of the property with a ton of forestry.

"Baby" he slurred

"Nathan?" I questioned him.

"Come here" he said and pulled me into a kiss. My first thought was yes finally but he tasted like alcohol! He's drunk of course. I knew it was too good to be true. I pulled away from him.

"Nate you're drunk" I told him.

"Nah baby I'm not, come here" he said pulling me to him.

"No Nate stop" I said again.

He just pulled me into him harder and forcefully kissed me.

"NATE! Stop ok!" I yelled pulling out of his grip completely.

"I'm going back inside" I said and turned to walk back into the party.

"No you're not" Nate said sternly, grabbing me and pulling me backwards into many the forestry.

Nate's my best friend so I didn't think to scream, I should've!

He raped me. my best friend that I trusted with my entire life raped me.

After it happened I didn't go back to the party I ran straight home to my brother.

He knows what happened but since than I don't talk much if I do it's only to Brad (my brother). Or Eli. I don't know what happened to my parents all I know is that brad has been here for me since day one.

And Eli, Eli isn't my brother but he is family. He's mine actually. The night that Nate had raped me he had also gotten me pregnant. Aborting Eli was something I considered but I couldn't kill the baby, my baby no matter who gave him to me or how I got him!

Giving him up for adoption was another option but I couldn't do that ether. As soon as I saw him for the first time I knew that I couldn't just give him up. He was mine and I was going to raise my own child.

Since that party I hadn't talked to ether Nate or Hannah, Bailey came over a few times but she knows nothing of what happened that night.

I don't know of Nate knows anything or if he remembers or not. I never went back to school again, I enrolled else where. When I found out I was pregnant I left that school as well and finished up on line.

I remember when I finally told my brother what had happened he wanted to kill Nathan. Or at least have him arrested, but who would believe me? I mean I don't even talk anymore! Oh and Nate, Nate is the sheriff's son. Lucky him. He would obviously object and say that never happened, and there is no use in saying it now ether.

So as you may have guessed already my name is Elly, well it's Elena, Elly for short. My brother's name is Bradley, Brad for short. And my son's name is Eli, just Eli. The only 2 people I have are Brad and Eli, no friends and definitely no boyfriend! I grew up here on this farm with my brother, and like I said I don't know what happened to my parents. Our farm has no animals just this big house and 2 huge barns in the back. One is full of hay and the other full of mirrors, that's where I go to dance. Dancing is what I do to get everything out in a way that's not talking. Other than dancing I play guitar... and sing only when I'm alone in the other barn with the hay.
I have black hair if you were wondering and blue eyes, my brother has black hair and brown eyes, and Eli he has black hair and green eyes. He got the color of his eyes from his father. I'm 19, Brad is 25, and Eli is 2.

Eli doesn't talk much ether though as his age he should be saying stuff like intelligent instead of smart. Kid's brains these days am I right?!

Authors note: ok so here's chapter 1 of many to come tell me if you're liking this so far you'll see jack and jack in the next chapter for sure just read on lol please vote and comment too why not? hope you're liking it Elly! Byeeee.

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