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Elior Kane was trying to regain composure in the men's restroom. He had a strange feeling, as if about to faint but he wasn't able to tell what exactly happened. It was something like vertigo. He washed his face, and immediately started feeling better. He checked his look on the mirror, one last time washed his face and his nape with water. He went back straight to the class and tried to continue with his lesson. It was 2:30 and the school was ended. He went to see his psychiatrist, Dr. Clara Bennett. It was exactly 2:48 when he arrived at her office. He told her about the incident of the day, because she told him to come see her whenever it happened, if it happens ever again. He was teaching 11th graders when he had a strange feeling and exited the classroom. From that moment to five minutes later was absent in his mind. He wasn't able to recall what exactly happened in that 7 minutes, neither anyone else in the whole god damn school. It was driving him crazy now. It neither the first nor the last time this happened. The doctor took notes, and she told him to double the dose of Duloxetine. He got out rather feeling down, and the doctor immediately took her phone and was about to call someone when he was exiting the room. It made him feel even worse because he felt like the doctor wasn't caring about him at all that she was able to call someone right after the session. He went back to his car. Sat in the car for some time, because he was afraid to drive the car and was unwilling to go to his apartment. So he went to the Sunset Grove Park. Sat on a bench for a while and drank some hot tea with chocolate. There was an old lady feding the pigeons, looked at him and smiled, he smiled back unwilling and kept thinking about his job and future. How was this going to work together, these gaps in which he doesn't know what he does and all these school stuff. Suddenly it happened again. He lost himself for a while, when he was back in his senses he checked his wristwatch, it was exactly 18 minutes. The old lady was gone and he was feeling rather tired, as if he had a fight. He took another pill, though it wasn't exactly the time on the prescription. He went straight to his apartment this time. He wasn't able to have any friends or go out with this unexplainable illness, so he was choosing to lock himself. Elior Kane was a man of 30 and he had no connection with his parents. No siblings and no friends apart from colleagues. His life was a boring one, the kind like from work to home, from home to work. He had problems with the school manager because he was spending too much time in the bathroom. Elior tried to explain this "situation" to the principal but he said he had to report it to the ministry, and told him that his "situation" could be dangerous for students. So Elior stopped explaining things to people and decided to solve them himself. But although he was seeking professional help from the psychiatrist, it was not helping a lot. He was laying on the sofa watching the ceiling with his one arm on his forehead. He was thinking maybe he could change the medication he was on or maybe even triple the dose, he was definitely going to talk about it to the psychiatrist. There he fell in sleep. He had some strange dreams in which he was fighting with people in black suits and sunglasses, extraordinarily skillfully, and shooting them to death. He woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, went to the kitchen for a glass of cold water. He drank it and tried to shake of this strange feeling that took him over. He decided right on that moment to check the security cameras secretly, so he could see what he was doing in those "blackouts". Went back to sleep, to strange dreams. In the morning he went to school without having a breakfast. He greeted his coworkers, he started waiting for a moment when everyone was in the teachers' lounge, including the principal. He went out silently and without drawing attention. Went straight to the principal's room, where the security cameras were installed on the desktop pc. He slipped in. The computer was on already, for a moment he thought he saw green letters floating on the screen, clicked on the security camera recordings folder, searched for the day and time of one of his "blackouts". He found it, and excitedly clicked on it. There was an error and it didn't play. He tried and failed again. He checked his notebook and tried for another time of "blackout", it was also deleted. He randomly tried another time and it started playing. Elior cursed and went out silently without anybody noticing he entered the teachers' lounge. Took a glass of tea and sat down to join the talk in order not to draw attention. In his mind there was many thoughts, "Did the manager deleted the exact minutes of his "blackouts". "Why would he do that to me?" he started asking himself. Was the manager setting a trap for him? What the hell was going on? The bell rang and he went to his class with all these unanswered questions in his mind. Principal Thomas Wright is sitting at his desk in his office, enjoying his coffee. In a moment he loses his control and "blackout". The agent sitting on the desk looks around with an indifferent attitude. He tastes the coffee and despises it. "I will never understand why these batteries enjoy this drink so much." He mutters to himself. Then opens the security camera recordings folder and deletes some of the recordings. On the TV, there is news about the third murder that week near Ravenwood High School and this time the victim is a man of 30. He too, just like the other two victims was wearing all black and sunglasses. The police is on the case and they are about to find the killer of these mysterious murders that never happened before in the history of Ravenwood. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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