Will you go with me?

18 1 0

*Previous in the last chapter*

When I got there my teacher, Mrs Ramsey yelled, "You're late Daniels get in and hurry and take a seat!" Ughh, I don't feel like being bothered today.

I walked to my usual seat and suddenly I noticed that someone was sitting in a seat next to me. No one usually sits here so who the fuck is this idiot.

I actually try and focus on my notes when the guy next to me says, "Ayee you gonna let me hit or nah?" Is this dude serious, he must be new.

"Look asshole unless you want your teeth knocked out of your mouth I suggest you get the fuck away from me," I say growing annoyed.

"Look bitch, first of all my name is Byron...I so whatever the fuck I want. So kindly tell me your name unless YOU wanna get beaten for talkin shit!," He whispered/yelled.

" My name is Sky so you can leave my tf alone now," I say looking at my phone. He smiled and asked, "Can I get your number or you can let me hit and we never talk again?"

"No and no just get out of my fucking face you prick!," I was getting really irritated. I got up and punched him really hard in his face, he ended up falling out of his seat.

I started to walk out out the classroom when he said, "I'm gonna come after you bitch!" I ran faster, ignoring whatever the teacher was yelling at me until I was outside where I could be alone.


I ended up staying outside til lunch time, I met up with Terrell and we walked to the cafeteria. "Let me pay for your lunch," I heard him say when we got to the register. I tried to tell him that I could do it myself but he refused and payed anyway.

I wonder where I should sit, I start to wonder towards and empty table when Terrell says, "Come sit with me and my friends." I look towards his group of friends and I see Byron sitting there, I instantly shake my head and go sit at the empty table.

Surprisingly, Terrell sat beside me and began to eat his lunch. I sat there next to him in silence until he started to speak, "How come you don't want to sit with me and my friends? And don't lie to me Sky, I'll be able to tell if you are."

I looked down at my lap as I was too afraid to look him in the eye, "Y-You're friends with that fuckboy named Byron, he kept asking me if I could let him hit so I punched him. He tried to hit me back but I was already gone, that's why I wasn't at gym today....I was scared to come back in cause he might try something."

I held back my tears as much as I could because I can't get over my fear of being touched by anyone except my family or Terrell. They make me feel comfortable because I know them to a certain extent.

I looked up slightly and saw the angry face on his face. "Why are you mad? It was my fault for punching him in the first place," I said trying to calm him down.

"You're the strongest girl I know so it surprised me when I found out that you're afraid of any guy's touch other than me. I want you to know that I'll protect you no matter what, wether you'll let me love you or not," He said lifting my chin to look him in the eyes.

For once in a very long time, I smiled at him. "Jackass.....I want to love you but I'm not letting my heart get broken by someone I truly care about!," I whisper/shouted.

He looked at me with a shocked face and slowly leaned in, connecting his lips to mine. I was flustered at first because this was my first kiss, I hesitantly kissed back as best as I could and then slowly I slowly pulled away.

"Uhh...ummm.....t-that was my f-first-," I stuttered until he cut me off by saying, "I'm glad that I was able to steal your first kiss, cause you're mine." He started laughing as I continued to start at him with my face as red as an apple.

I felt really happy, I couldn't believe that Terrell Cambell of all people just gave me my first kiss. "Since we have sometime left, I think I feel comfortable enough to sit at the table with your friends...Even thought Byron's there," I say getting up.

He stood up beside me as we walked hand-in-hand to the table, I felt uncomfortable when we got there and sat down because of who I am. The guys looked me up and down and then they looked towards Terrell, "So you picked the fine ass rebel chick? Nice," A tall boy with dark brown hair said.

I recognized all the guys at the table from hearing Octavia and her entourage talk about them. The one with dark brown hair and black eyes was Adrian Chaney, the guy that sat to my right with jet black hair and dark gray eyes was Veron Wess, Octavia's twin brother.

Then there was the guys sitting next to Byron, Devon Brice and the one that spoke when we got to the table....Chris Burns. I was easily the odd one out at the table, a rebel sitting with the most popular guys in school.

I squeezed Terrell's hand and sat there in silence, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't know them. Terrell looked at me and smiled down at me, then he continued his conversation with his friends.


"Hey do you want some ice cream before we get there?," Terrell asked as we walked to my house. I nodded my head, he grabbed my hand and we walked toward the Dairy Queen to get some ice cream.

When we got there, I got a cookies n cream blizzard while Terrell got a Reese's blizzard. We sat down at a booth and started talking about a bunch of random things.

We were almost finished when Terrell looked at me and asked, "Sky...Will you go out with me?"

I looked towards him in shock and as much as I wanted to say yes right away....I had to think about it for a few minutes. "If I say yes, I can't guarantee that you won't break my heart....How can I trust you to protect me when half the time I can protect myself?," I ask him.

He laughed and reached across the table to grab my hand. He gave me a serious look and said, "I don't care how strong you are or how strong you think you are, I'll protect you with my life no matter what. I wouldn't have stayed with you this long if I didn't..........if I didn't love you!"

"Y-You love me? Why? I'm no one special, I grew up alone on the streets with no love....how could you love someone like me?," I asked very confused.

He kept looking at me with a serious face and simply said, "I love you because you're always yourself no matter what, you're beautiful and smart and can hold your own. You don't like being alone and I can make sure don't feel allow ever again."

I sat there as he held my hand in his, he really truly loves me, I trust him...."Y-yes I'll b-be y-your girlfriend. I like you a lot, but I'm not sure if I love you yet....I'm giving you a chance so don't blow it asshole!," I said seriously.

He smiled brightly and laughed, after that he payed and we started walking towards my house. Before we got there he held me close to his body and smashed his lips against mine.

*Kind of long chapter it took me like 2-3 hours to write it because I was multitasking but I hope you guys enjoy and they'll be another update tomorrow as usual, see ya later*


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