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After Marquise finally left my room, I ran to my door and locked it. What am I supposed to do now? I have nobody to  ask for help except.....No I'm not calling him.

The last thing I need right now is for Terrell to get hurt or possibly worse just because of me. But he might be the one and only person that can help me...

I then hurry and change into my pajamas when I suddenly hear my phone start to ring. I saw that it was Terrell so I pick up and the conversation went like this:

Sky: W-What now!?

Terrell: I just wanted to talk so calm down, can you try and let me be your friend

Sky: O-Ok I'll give you a chance but if you betray me you'll regret it!

Terrell: I won't, I promise

Sky: I've n-never had a f-friend before so I don't know what to s-say

Terrell: Hey are you okay? You sound nervous about something, did something happen?

Sky: N-No nothing happened, why would you care anyway?

Terrell: Because I love you

Sky: Right w-whatever

Terrell: I'm seriously worried about you though so tell me what happened so I can fix it

Sky: I-I d-don't want you to get hurt

Terrell: Hurt? Why would I get hurt? Mira wtf happened, tell me!?

Sky: Alright! Fine, but you have to promise me that you'll keep calm

Terrell: .......Fine I promise now spill

Sky: M-My brother's friend Marquise touches me in uncomfortable places whenever I'm alone...He did it again today and he said next time he'll f-finish me off

Terrell: What the hell Sky that's sexual assault you can't allow him to do that you, you have to tell someone!

Sky: No, I can't! He'll come after me and do this again or maybe worse

Terrell: I'm not gonna allow that asshole to touch you ever again, you're mine!

Sky: W-Well n-not yet, I need time to think about it

Terrell: Take all the time you need but I promise I'll protect you, I'll see you tomorrow

Sky: Bye

After that I started smiling like an idiot and I went downstairs to get a snack. I then felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I stopped what I was doing and pushed him away, "Get tf away from me asshole!"

I already knew it was Marquise do I didn't need to watch what I say, I turned around to look at him. He smirked and said, "Why don't you just admit you want me?"

"Because you're a manipulative asshole and you don't love me, you don't even know me. I don't need you when I already have someone else!," I yell without thinking.

"Oh so you got yourself a little boyfriend at some point? Who is he and why didn't you tell me!?," He said getting closer.

"I-It's a guy at school named Terrell and-" He cut me off, "Terrell Cambell!? You picked a popular one, I'm surprised."

"Unlike you he actually loves me and he'll protect me no matter what so don't you dare fucking touch me again!," I lied/yelled grabbing my snack and running back upstairs.

"Hey get back here!! I wasn't done talking!," He yelled after me. I ran faster and slammed my door shut, locking it behind me before he could get to me.

I could here him running up the steps and surprisingly he didn't try to get in. I ate my snack and instantly fell asleep thinking about how I'm going to survive tomorrow.


"Damn you look good today," Terrell said when he came to my locker. I was dressed in a red crop top, red high waisted jeans, and a pair of Red converse.

"Uhh....T-Thanks Terrell, "I stuttered as I got out my books. "Look remember that guy I told you touched me?"

He nodded and I kept talking, "He tried to touch me again yesterday evening but I got away before he could do anything."

I had lowered my voice to a whisper so that no one else could hear me, I looked up to see his reaction when I saw him look down at me sad. "Look I know we're just friends but I seriously don't want anything bad to happen to you let me go to your house after school," He said calmly.

I knew the Marquise would be there so why not, plus it might be a chance to get to know him or some shit like that. I nodded my head then walked to class.

When I got there my teacher, Mrs Ramsey yelled, "You're late Daniels get in and hurry and take a seat!" Ughh, I don't feel like being bothered today.

I walked to my usual seat and suddenly I noticed that someone was sitting in a seat next to me. No one usually sits here so who the fuck is this idiot.

I actually try and focus on my notes when the guy next to me says, "Ayee you gonna let me hit or nah?" Is this dude serious, he must be new.

"Look asshole unless you want your teeth knocked out of your mouth I suggest you get the fuck away from me," I say growing annoyed.

"Look bitch, first of all my name is Byron...I do whatever the fuck I want. So kindly tell me your name unless YOU wanna get beaten for talkin shit!," He whispered/yelled.

" My name is Sky so you can leave my tf alone now," I say looking at my phone. He smiled and asked, "Can I get your number or you can let me hit and we never talk again?"

"No and no just get out of my fucking face you prick!," I was getting really irritated. I got up and punched him really hard in his face, he ended up falling out of his seat.

I started to walk out out the classroom when he said, "I'm gonna come after you bitch!" I ran faster, ignoring whatever the teacher was yelling at me until I was outside where I could be alone.

*Alright so it looks like a new guy has arrived and is starting issues ummm...I might not update tomorrow just because I need a little break so I can sit back and see how this story is going to play out. I also have a lot of stuff happening next week so I most likely won't update at all next week. I'll let you guys know but see ya later*


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