CHAPTER 7. because of you

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Sitting around the big round table, already wiped out of the empty well enjoyed plates of perhaps the most extravagant breakfast ever known, only one thing laid there in which Eva could focus on.

A piece of paper right in front of her, the bottom of it stating Full name and Sign here.

''He sure gets things done..'' Eva thought as she stared at the employment contract, which Mr. Emerson had to only make a simple phone call for to have it printed out and brought inside a neat envelope. Still warm. As if it was delivered on a silver platter — heck, maybe it was. Even The Moon Hotels logo on the corner was three-dimensional, not at all surprising Eva if it was actually made with a real old school wax stamp.

When skimming through the contract for the first time, Eva couldn't help but worry, feeling more and more torn as her mind wandered through a rapidly widening labyrinth, new paths created. Hopelessly going in circles. ''Josh said that it was his boss who tracked me down because I called the police on them that evening — that The Boss ordered his men to keep an eye on me. But then, it all just stopped out of nowhere. And now, by some weird coincidence here I am. Maybe going to work for this man — but how much is he actually involved? It's clear that the Emerson family is part of something.. But who's the actual Boss? Or am I completely on the wrong tracks here..''

To avoid pulling out every each string of her nice set of thick luscious hair, avoiding the near peaking freak out from running a marathon with her own thoughts, Eva agreed to Mr. Emerson's proposition earlier to have her read the contract again once she gets home, for now, ''I'll contact you the first thing tomorrow morning.''

''Sounds like a splendid plan to me.'' Mr. Emerson did not seem at all bothered. It was his idea after all, ''You must be very tired. I did not intend to keep you here for the whole entire morning.''

As they walked towards the excessive lounge, in the distance, Eva could see those three men from many steps away along with, you name it — William Emerson. As if waiting for something. Or someone, ''Sure, of course they're still here. Why wouldn't they be. The universe must be mad at me for something..'' Eva's lips puckered from the returning stiffness but then, as if hit with a lightning from the clear and sunny autumn sky above, an entirely new thought entered that labyrinthine mind of hers. One that seemed to take away all the walls surrounding — showing her the way through. And the reason entirely, was Joshua Smith.

''Ah, the new employee. You're also here, still.'' For some reason William's well intended words sounded like a politician trying to win an election, rehearsed and trying too hard. Being friendly did not seem to be his forte, either.

''The new employee has a name.. I doubt today was the only day you've learned it..'' Eva thought to herself, yet the face showed otherwise. One would call it a forced smile.

"Oh, what a great idea I just had!" Mr. Emerson exclaimed suddenly, "I've kept Ms. Jones here for far too long, but i have to hurry in a meeting. Would you kindly borrow one of your men to take her home?" He held the fancy silver eagle knob of his cane at front with both hands.

Once Eva heard the so called great idea of her possible future boss, the eyes shot wide open towards the old man standing beside her. Immediately she raised her hands on the chest height just about to politely, kindly yet urgently decline when William already made his next move.

"Why, of course." He smiled towards Eva who stood there like a deer in front of the verging headlights, ''Let's see.. Smith, take her home and meet us by the office immediately after.'' He signed towards the two other men to follow him as Joshua bowed his head down slightly, a new task obtained without any objections.

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⏰ Last updated: 20 hours ago ⏰

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