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In the rich tapestry of Arcana's history, a captivating tale unfolds about three divine siblings who once roamed the world in solitude. They were Noctyra, the enigmatic Goddess of Death and Darkness, Tempus, the wise God of Time and Fate, and Arcania, the radiant Goddess of Light and Life. Among them, the youngest, Arcania, envisioned a world enriched by the presence of living beings who could breathe vitality into the realm they had crafted.

However, her siblings were wary of this idea, fearing that such creatures could introduce unforeseen dangers that might disrupt the delicate balance of their creation. Undeterred, Arcania passionately advocated for her vision, believing wholeheartedly in the potential for guardians to protect and cherish the world they had shaped. After decades of persuasion and with the looming concern of their eventual departure, Noctyra and Tempus finally relented, agreeing to allow Arcania to bring her idea to fruition.

Thus, Arcania created humanity, instilling them with unique powers to safeguard themselves and their home. As she watched over her creations, she encountered a mysterious entity born from the darker aspects of human nature, known as the Devil. In a bid to redeem him, Arcania sacrificed much of her own power, inadvertently igniting the Devil's infatuation with her. However, her refusal to reciprocate his feelings, bound by the laws of the divine, sparked a fierce conflict between the Devil and the gods.

In response to the chaos that ensued, Noctyra cast a curse upon the Devil, banishing him from the realm of humans, while Tempus imprisoned him in the underworld to protect their creation from further destruction. The aftermath of this battle left Arcania weakened, compelling her to depart the world alongside her siblings. Before leaving, she bestowed her blessings upon humanity, embedding her essence within them.

It was from this moment of divine legacy that the nameless world received its name 'Arcana' honoring Arcania, the beloved creator who had brought life and light to their existence.

Arcana comprised of three magnificent Empires: Valkhan, Zakraine, and Nharia. In the wake of Arcania's absence, the people of Arcana established a hierarchical system known as the Echelons of Arcana, categorizing individuals based on their magical abilities and strengths:

1.       Valens – Ordinary humans endowed with remarkable physical strength, yet devoid of magical powers.

2.        Elementaris – Comprising half of the population, these common mages wield elemental magic but lack the high mana.

3.       Maleficar – Masters of offensive magic, these curse users excel in casting powerful curses that often require formidable magic to dispel.

4.        Sanctifiers – Renowned for their defensive skills, these healers possess exceptional purification and healing magic.

5.        Luxarchs – The most formidable of all, these light users, or "Blessings of the God," have the extraordinary ability to perceive fate and glimpse into the future.

Among the many families in Arcana, one shines brighter than the rest, the Luchez Family. Residing in the empire of Zakraine, they are a noble lineage revered for their compassion and unwavering commitment to averting disasters throughout Arcana. However, their immense strength and influence have also made them a target. One day, someone initiated their destruction, seeing them as a threat to their own ambitions.


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