Chapter 5

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My heart skips a beat as I try to process what my mother just said. "The future you saw?" My voice shakes, and I turn to her, searching for answers in her eyes.

My mother steps closer, her hands trembling as she places them on my shoulders. "The vision I had of the tree and the lake being consumed by light, the same one that you saw in your dreams, it wasn't just a metaphor, Hale. It was a warning. The balance of energies is shifting, and both you and the prince are at the center of it. That's why we need to perform the ritual tomorrow."

My legs feel weak as the weight of her words sinks in. "But... why me? What does this ritual involve? I don't understand—"

"We don't have time to explain everything now," my father interrupts gently. "But you must trust us, Hale. The crown prince's life and yours depend on this."

I step back, shaking my head in disbelief. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? You've been hiding this from me all this time?"

"We wanted to protect you," my mother says, her voice breaking. "You're so young, and we weren't sure when the time would come. But now, there's no choice. The forces at play are stronger than we anticipated."

A sharp pang of fear shoots through me. My parents have always tried to shield me from the dangers of our world, but now it feels like they've been keeping me in the dark. And the idea that I'm part of something so dangerous and powerful leaves me with more questions than answers.

"The prince... does he know?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

My father nods. "Yes, he knows. His family has been preparing him for this for weeks. His condition, the pain he endures is tied to this imbalance. The ritual is meant to restore what's been lost."

"And what about me?" I ask, my voice growing firmer. "What am I supposed to do in this ritual?"

My aunt steps forward, her face stern. "You will channel the power of the Luxarchs. Your abilities are still developing, but the ritual will awaken your full potential. You and the prince are the key to restoring balance."

I stare at her, my thoughts racing. The pressure is overwhelming, and I feel completely unprepared. But if the prince's life and the safety of our world are at stake, I can't back down now.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" I murmur.

"No, you don't," my father says quietly. "But we'll be with you every step of the way."

Tears well up in my eyes as I take in the gravity of the situation. Tomorrow, everything will change.

"Rest tonight, Hale," my mother whispers, pulling me into a tight embrace. "We need you strong for what's to come."

I nod, my heart heavy with uncertainty. As I leave my father's study and make my way to my room, a thousand thoughts run through my mind. The vision, the prince, the ritual, I can't make sense of any of it, but I know one thing for sure.

Tomorrow, my fate will be sealed.

(Caes's Point of View)

I stand at the top of the palace tower, a stark view stretching before me as I reflect on my condition, the first moment Hale witnesses my vulnerability. Sadness and anger swirl within me, a tempest of emotions. From the very beginning, I knew that Hale and I were destined for something greater, to prevent a looming disaster. Little does she know, this is her first mission as a light user alongside me.

Ever since the night my father summoned me, I've avoided Hale. Every time she asks to see me, I craft an excuse about being busy. The truth is, I can't bear the thought of using her just to survive.

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