Book of the Beast and the Church of Night

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Life settled down for the sisters over time

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Life settled down for the sisters over time.. Jennifer liked school, even if she did not agree with the history teacher.. She was more advanced than some at school, and all of her other teachers were impressed.. As time wore on, Jennifer and Diana became good friends.. "Edward has asked me to the movies on friday night.. I would like to know if you and Lucas would like to come.. We are going to see Harry Potter.." Diana said.. "What is a movie?" Jennifer asked.. "It is like the television, only huge.. You get to sit with your boyfriend and cuddle.. Maybe even sneak a kiss or two in." Diana said with a grin.. "It does sound exciting.. I will have to ask Malachi if I may go.. He told me I was grounded, for arguing with Mrs Kline.." Jennifer said.. "Oh no, for how long?" Diana asked with concern.. "He said something about the rest of my life.. But I do not know what he means by "grounded.." Jennifer said to her.. "Oh.. Does Lucas know about this?" Diana asked with a smile.. "No, does this concern him?" Jennifer asked.. "Kind of.. I will talk with him.. See what he can do.. Harry Potter is such a great movie.." Diana said.. "Then I do hope I can go with you both." Jennifer said to her..

That very weekend, Jennifer and Lucas met Diana and Edward at the movies in Greendale.. As they took their seats, with their bag of popcorn each, the lights began to dim.. "Oh they are making it like the night." Jennifer said, looking around.. "Are you scared of the dark Jennifer?" Lucas asked her, taking her hand in his.. She smiled at him and giggled.. "Nay." She replied.. "I like the night." Edward said, placing his arm around Diana's shoulders.. Then the music began with the advertisements.. Jennifer nearly made a skylight in the movie room.. She jumped, knocking all of their popcorn all over the floor.. "I be so sorry Lucas.. I have never heard anything so loud before." Jennifer said to him.. "It is fine, I will go and get another bag." Lucas said standing.. "Yes, it is so much better than the popcorn soup we used to eat." Jennifer said to him.. He smiled, sometimes he forgot she was from a whole other time.. "Yes, I remember having it as a child.. At the time I thought it was wonderful." Edward said with a grin.. By the time Lucas returned the movie was about to begin..

Lucas kissed her at the door and went home.. Jennifer rushed into the house to find Sarah waiting for her.. "What did thy see?" Sarah asked with excitement.. "Oh it was magical.. 'Tis was about a boy called Harry Potter.. He lived with mortals.." Jennifer said.. "No!" Sarah said, her eyes wide with amazement.. "Yes, but on his birthday, he got to go to a magic school.. With a lot of other wizards and witches.." Jennifer said to her.. "Oh I wish I could go to a prison for children.. I should like to play with the children.. I do so miss it." Sarah said with a smile.. "But 'tis our curse to bear, we must behave or we will be returned to hell with thee Father." Jennifer said to her.. "Tell me, did Harry Potter grow up and get his revenge on thy mortals he lived with?" Sarah asked.. "I do not know, I have to wait until Lucas takes me to the movies again." Jennifer said to her.. Sarah sighed, she then smiled at Jennifer.. "Come thee little children.." She sang as they went up to bed..

The next morning, Isaac placed a green drink before Jennifer.. "What be this?" She asked.. "It is a drink my dear." He replied.. "I can see that.. But why do I need to drink it?" Jennifer asked.. "We all do Jennifer.. We are going to sign thy names in the book of the beast." Winifred said to her.. "Sign thy name in a book? What book? What beast?" Jennifer asked them with a look of total confusion.. "'Tis the book of the devil.. Or so Malachi said." Winfred said.. "But thy Father does not have a book to sign.." Jennifer said to them.. "But the church of the night does." Malachai said.. "Church of the Night?" Jennifer asked.. "'Tis our church, we belong to.. It is the one you will be joining in a few nights time." Malachai said to her.. "What is wrong with our old church?" Jennifer asked.. "I do not think the local Church of England is going to welcome four 400 year old witches.. Do you?" Malachi asked her with a frown.. "Maybe.." Jennifer said to him.. "You of course are free to make your own decision on this.. I can not make you do what you do not want to do.. But if you choose not to join the church, then I can not protect you.." Malachi said to her.. "Why do I need protection?" Jennifer asked.. "Why do you like the way you live here?" Isaac asked her.. "Yes." Jennifer replied in a whisper.. "Do you like your school?" Micha asked.. "Yes.." Jennifer replied in a whisper again.. "Then if you would like that to continue, you will sign the book and join the church.. You do not have to go through the harrowing, as Lucas will.. You will not be tortured and made to stand out in the cold all night.. You are Lucifer's Daughter.. You are royalty in the church of the night." Malachi said to her.. "Then why do I need to join the church?" Jennifer asked again.. "Because if you do not, we can not protect you from the other witches and warlocks.. Ones from other covens.. Ones that can and will cause you harm.. Because they are jealous of you and your sisters." Malachai said.. Jennifer looked over at Winifred.. "Winnie?" She asked.. "I will not tell thee what to do.. You are now of age.. But if it was me, I would just sign the book.. What harm can it do?" Winifred asked her.. "Yes, to be protected by a coven will be nice." Mary said with a lopsided smile.. Jennifer looked at them all.. "Then why am I the only one who must drink this?" Jennifer asked.. "Oh do not be a child about it.. Mary, Sarah and I have drank ours.." Winifred said to her.. "What is in it then?" Jennifer asked.. "Oh 'tis a recipe from Hilda Spellman.. It be but milk, eggs, rosemary, agrimony, a cap of vanilla, conqueror, and tannis root.." Winifred said to her.. "What no eye of newt, or dogs forked tongue?" Jennifer asked them with a laugh.......

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