Chapter Forty

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A/N: So... Maggie Smith died. RIP to the best Professor in Hogwarts. Her memory will always be a blessing. This chapter is dedicated to her.

Also, two hundred pages on google docs. Wow.

Harry and Annabeth swam for the nearest boulder once they were back outside and under the starry sky. Though she was exhausted, both mentally and physically, Annabeth couldn't help but feel glad to be out of that cave. The sea air reminded her of Percy, and that was always a comfort, even though the water was doing its best to try and smash her against the jagged rocks. Kind of bittersweet, but whatever.

They heaved themselves onto the rock once they reached it. Annabeth fought to keep herself from collapsing right then and there. This night wasn't over.

The moment they were all on the rock, Harry twisted on the spot, apparating and taking them all with him. The compression of the in-between was bad as ever, maybe even worse because of Annabeth's freezing and exhausted state.

When the pressure lifted, Annabeth knew just by the air and the smells that they were back in Hogsmeade. She opened her eyes and saw that she was right; she, Harry, and Dumbledore had appeared, dripping wet, in the middle of High Street. Annabeth kept her eyes on the shadows, ready to fight any lurking monsters if she needed to.

"We did it, Professor!" Harry whispered, clutching his chest and breathing hard. "We did it! We got the Horcrux!" When Dumbledore stumbled, Harry added, "sir, are you alright?"

"I've been better," Dumbledore muttered. Slowly, he sank onto the ground. "That potion... was no health drink..."

"You need to drink something," Annabeth said. "I can find you some water—"

Harry nodded. "We need to get you up to the school, sir... Madam Pomfrey..."

"No," Dumbledore said. "It is... Professor Snape whom I need... but I do not think... I can walk very far just yet..."

"Right," Harry said, too panicked to question it. "Sir, listen—I'm going to knock on a door, find a place you can stay—then Annabeth can run and get Madam Pomfrey, she's faster—"

"Severus," Dumbledore said, clearer than his words had been for the past hour. "I need Severus..."

Before Harry or Annabeth could say anything else, running footsteps reached their ears. Annabeth spun around, ready for a fight; she was on edge. Madam Rosmerta was running up High Street in a silk robe and fluffy slippers that, for some reason, had heels. Annabeth wondered if the woman's feet were permanently pointed like a barbie doll before she forced herself to focus.

"I saw you apparate as I was pulling back my bedroom curtains!" she exclaimed, out of breath. "Thank goodness, thank goodness, I couldn't think what to—but what's wrong with Albus?"

"He's hurt," Harry said immediately. "Madam Rosmerta, can we come into the Three Broomsticks while Annabeth goes up to the castle and gets help for him?"

Madam Rosmerta shook her head rapidly, turning to Annabeth. "You can't go up there alone! Don't you realize—haven't you seen—?"

"What?" Annabeth asked urgently. "What happened?"

"The—the Dark Mark."

Blood chilling, Annabeth followed Rosmerta's look, and there it was. High in the sky above Hogwarts, sitting like a constellation among the stars, was a giant, blazing green skull with a serpent coming out of its mouth. Annabeth had never seen it in person, but she knew what it meant. It was the mark the Death Eaters left whenever they had entered a building. Whenever they had killed.

"When did it appear?" Dumbledore asked, gripping Harry's shoulder tightly as he struggled to his feet.

"Must have been minutes ago, it wasn't there when I put the cat out, but when I got upstairs—"

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