Stupid choices, crying, and bathroom stalls

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Jesus Christ. My forehead is glazed over with sweat. I'm walking down the hall I stop and run my hands through my hair. Why the hell would I do that? I barley know him! Jesus Christ, Luna! My headache is getting worse from all this sweat and poisons inside me. My body's not used to it. I feel a few tears fall. This is so messed up.
I switch back to thinking about my mom. In my mind, I knew something happen to my mom because she didn't call me for a week and a half she always calls. I sigh closing my eyes and resting my head against the cold wall. I pull my shirt up covering my cleavage more. This isn't me. I can't rebel just because my mom died; I wouldn't make her proud at all. I'm so tired. I wish my mom never got that job. I wish I never met Alec or Andrew. I wish I was liked more. I take a deep breath and steady my breathing. I need to head back to class before the teacher knows I'm gone. Last thing I need is to have the school up my ass.
I walk in the class with my head down, but I know both are looking at me. I sit in the middle again. The tension is sloshing around between the three of us. Putting my headphones, I hear Happy Song by Bring Me The Horizon is playing. A small smile taints my dry lips. I pull out my sketch book and draw a willow tree, drawing each droopy branch. Alec touches my shoulder to get my attention. I look over at him and take out my head phones.
"If you ever touch me again, I swear to god Alec." I can't be having relationships with people right now.
For some reason, he snapped. It just pushed him a bit too far I guess.
His eyes flashed red. "YOU KNOW WHAT LUNA, YOU DESERVE WHAT I DID TO YOU, I SHOULD HAVE DONE IT HARDER." Everybody turns and stairs including the teacher. I can hear mumbling in the class.
"Alec, she doesn't deserve that or what you're saying." Andrew says softly. "Yeah she does Andrew you don't understand she is a stupid nïave girl. She deserved losing her mother too!"
"Alec!" Andrew spit out. I turn and look at Alec. "How dare you." Is the only thing I can say. I feel my eyes  swell up with tears so I scramble out of the class room. I go to the bathroom that's down the hall. Nobody ever really uses  that one because the lighting in there is shit and girls usually check their makeup while they're in the bathroom. I sit on the floor in the biggest stall. And just... Sit.

After a while, I hear heavy foot steps.
"Luna?" It's Andrew. I open the door and he sits down next to me on the floor. I'm not making any noise but I'm crying my eyes out. I'm so upset I don't even care who sees me. I feel like my world is crashing down around me, splitting at the seems and there's nothing I can do about it.
"Oh Luna, don't cry. He didn't mean it." My lip is quivering like a child. I sigh and take deep breaths. "I'm so tired of this, Andrew."
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. My cheek is resting against his shoulder. It feels safe to me.
"I know. You know people hate me? I'm the twin that everybody thinks is bad."
I look up at him. I just met him an hour ago and I feel like he would never hurt me. I felt that way with Alec but I was wrong. I latch on to him. I lay my head gently on his chest feeling the rise and fall. He runs circles on my back with his thumb. It's so relaxing. My breathing finally went back to normal.

Andrew walked me to my locker. He's gonna bring me home and spend the night with me. I grab my bag and smile weakly at him. He puts his hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm smile. On our way out a girl name Emily came up. I hide behind Andrew knowing anybody can clearly tell I've been crying. "Hey Andrew, you wanna go night swimming with me and my friends later on, we can ah have some fun." She smiles seductily at him. She catches sight of me. "Why are you here Luna..."   She asks with venom in her voice. "Haha Emily listen you're a stupid bitch that will never get a real boyfriend as for Luna she's with me, ten times hotter than you'll ever be." He wraps his arm around my waist an kisses my cheek. My cheeks heat up. "Why would you wanna go out with her?" She asked in a shocked voice. "Because she is strong and beautiful and kind. Stuff you'll never be." We walk by her and he purposely hits her shoulder. Once outside I turn to him. "You didn't have to do that you know." I whisper to him keeping my eyes on the ground. "But darling I meant every word." I smile. He lifts me up into his jeep and waits for me to buckle up.

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