Almost a normal day

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IN a big classroom there was a student whom was falling asleep while his instructor was too busy explaining the lesson to his students to notice one of them falling asleep.

Sungjae loves to study and he likes mr.park's class (which was science). he payed attention and had amazing grades in each class but today was hard for sungjae to stay awake because he was forced to attend one of his friend's party.

"and so that's hOw blah blah blah earth." is all that sungjae could hear as he was slowly falling asleep. he was being sucked into a dark place called dream. NO!! i must stay awake! thought sungjae as he fought his eyes to stay awake. sungjae tried to hear what mr.park was saying but only was able to hear nothing. the girl next to sungjae gave a little chuckle as she saw that sungjae's head rolling about. maybe i should sleep thought sungjae.


someone violently shook sungjae to wake.

"huh? what?." panicked the still sleepy sungjae

"we need to leave." said sungjae's closest friend

"oh, what? uh hi minhyuk." smiled sungjae

minhyuk chuckled at the way sungjae looked. he had a really dark pink shade on his right cheek in which was the side he laid on.

"you know, you kinda hurted mr.park's feelings." minhyuk chuckled again.

"what? how?" asked sungjae

"because you are the teacher's favorite, and you falling asleep in class i'd probably think that i'm boring even to a nerd." laughed minhyuk.

"and who's fault do you think that is?" sungjae glared at minhyuk. minhyuk laughed again.

"anyway that's not what i intended. it's just i didn't get much sleep."

"come on! i'm starving." said minhyuk hopping out of the door while sungjae was packing his books.

shit!. it suddenly striked sungjae that he didn't get his homework and mr.park left the room. but then he saw a piece of paper on his desk. yes! homework. thought sungjae until he realized that he didn't know anything on the paper since he didn't pay any attention. "ugh. what am i going to do now?" thought sungjae. he didn't want to talk to his teacher, and he was too shy to ask any of his peers. and minhyuk probably was reading some mystery book in the middle of the lesson.

"come on!" he heard minhyuk screaming in the hallway that made him jump and run to the door.


"minhyuk, you wouldn't know what we learned in class today right? asked sungjae with little hope bringing the chopsticks to his mouth.

minhyuk rolled his eyes to the left and right. "uh can copy my homework!" suggested minhyuk.

"in which you obviously payed another kid to give you his homework like you always do." said sungjae not surprised. putting another piece of food in his mouth.

"hey! it's for a good reason!." minhyuk defended himself.

"oh yeah, and what reason should that be?." sungjae said sarcastically.

"me getting a good grade!" smiled minhyuk.


"anyway who can sit in class all day to hear mr.park make everything longer than it should!" said minhyuk popping one of sungjae's meat in his mouth.

"i can." sungjae said taking one of minhyuk's meat in his mouth in return.

"says the guy who fell asleep in his class today, plus it's not only the lessons that he makes long. even when a guy asked to go to the bathroom mr.park made a whole speech about it literally!!." argued minhyuk making sungjae burst out laughing.

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