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I was going to faint and fall to the ground but before i could do anything i landed on something comfortable and firm. when i opened my eyes i saw ilhoon. for some reason i wanted to stay in his grace forever i felt safe. i wanted to get up and apologize but my body is too weak. i heard shocked gasp in the background and someone speaking and i could feel ilhoon breathing. before blacking out.


When i woke up  i was in my new room. i thought ilhoon was a dream but when i approached the door i heard yongguk's voice. i was scared i didn't want to open the door so i stepped back. 

"HELLO MAID!!!! I KNOW YOU'RE AWAKE" i heard yongguk on the other side of the door. my eyes widened in shock but i remained silent backing away from the door again. maybe he was talking about another maid. i didn't move a muscle i just stared at door.


" I put a cam on your room to see how you were doing when you passed out." yongguk announced. i instantly turned my head everywhere in search of the camera. and there it was on top of my drawer. shoot!  "you can come out now." yongguk insisted.

~~~~~~~X Author-nim

Sungjae opened the door and into into the hallway. the four boys were sitting on the couches. yongguk and mir were  bright like always, soohyun remained silent and neutral like always. ilhoon was furious but kept it inside. he had mixed feelings about sungjae,his family and friend living in his house. he also didn't know whether he liked sungjae's baby pout or not. sungjae vowed with his lips still formed in a pout. yongguk signaled him to sit down. 

"um i am here bec--"

" i know." ilhoon interrupted sungjae. sungjae could not help but feel that he was disturbing everyone.

~~~~~~~~X  Sungjae

wait! does that mean that they know i'm broke? god i'm so embarrassed. i have a bad habit of pouting whenever i'm embarrassed. where is mom and dad? no where is minhyuk? i don't want to sit here any longer. i feel like my heart will pop out of my chest.

~~~~~~~~~X Ilhoon 

Look  at him, he'll become a tomato if he doesn't stop blushing. why does he have to act like he's cute? and why do i keep giving him short glances? i can't help it it's like i love the way his black hair hangs as he vows. i think i like that pout too.

~~~~~~~~~X Bang yongguk

Look at him he's soooooo cute! jeez why is he so cute? he should raise his head a little though. i don't get why he's always looking at the floor. i looked over at ilhoon and noticed he was taking glances at sungjae. a smile spreads from ear to ear on my face. guess i have a new couple to ship, mir and soohyun weren't working out.

ILJAE. i ship them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~X Mir

omo this is great! our new friend seems to live in ilhoon's house! i want him to play with me! but the idiot yongguk and ilhoonie always hug him all! hmph maybe i should just sneak him to my house someday.

~~~~~~~~~~X Shin soohyun

That kid again? it's funny how much we keep interacting with him. and what kind of coincidence leads him to live in this house? i also feel that yongguk and mir are too close to him. i don't think he could be trusted.

~~~~~~~~~X  Mr. Jung

God how could i be such an idiot! how could i forget to tell my wife and son that i have guess living here? i can't forget the way my son reacted. he was mad at me~~~~(T^T) which reminds me my wife is scarier so i have to call her.

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