Night 7: Confusion and Distance

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The days following their intense weekend together passed by in a blur. Tul and Mew had agreed to take things slow, but the emotional intensity between them continued to build, simmering beneath the surface even when they weren't together. There was a growing comfort, a shared sense of something bigger than either of them could put into words. Yet, with that comfort came doubt and confusion.

It had been nearly a week since Mew had seen Tul. Between work, obligations, and the subtle tension that lingered after their last conversation, they had fallen into a pattern of brief texts, late-night calls, and a mutual unspoken distance.

Mew found himself sitting at his apartment alone, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. His thumb hovered over Tul's name. He wanted to call him, to see him again, to feel the warmth of Tul's presence. But the nagging thought of rushing into something kept pulling him back. Were they actually building something meaningful, or were they just filling the void left by their broken relationships?

Mew sighed heavily, tossing his phone onto the couch. Maybe space was what they both needed. But then again, maybe he was just making excuses to avoid facing his growing feelings.

The sound of a message notification broke his train of thought. His heart leaped when he saw it was Tul.

Tul: Hey. Miss you. Can I come over?

Mew's pulse quickened. It wasn't the casual tone of the text that caught him off guard—it was the simple admission that Tul missed him. Without hesitation, Mew replied:

Mew: Yeah. I'd like that.

Thirty minutes later, Tul was standing at Mew's door, looking more anxious than usual. His eyes held a mix of emotions—relief, hesitation, and something deeper, something Mew couldn't quite place. But the second Tul stepped inside, their connection reignited, the unspoken distance between them narrowing with each passing second.

Tul didn't waste any time. He pulled Mew into his arms the moment the door closed, burying his face in Mew's neck, breathing him in as if trying to calm something inside himself. Mew's body responded immediately, his arms wrapping around Tul's waist, holding him close.

"I've been thinking about you all week," Tul mumbled against Mew's skin, his voice thick with emotion. "I couldn't stop."

Mew's heart skipped a beat at the confession. "I've been thinking about you too," he admitted softly, his fingers trailing up Tul's back, feeling the tension in his muscles. "I was just... giving us space."

Tul pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against Mew's. His eyes searched Mew's face, and for a moment, Mew saw the vulnerability hiding just beneath the surface—the same vulnerability he had seen that night in the bar.

"I don't want space," Tul said, his voice barely a whisper. "I want you."

The intensity of Tul's words sent a shiver down Mew's spine. Before Mew could respond, Tul closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against Mew's in a kiss that was both desperate and tender. The kiss deepened quickly, all the pent-up desire and emotion flooding between them as if the week of separation had only fueled the fire.

Tul's hands roamed over Mew's body, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them. Mew's breath hitched as Tul's mouth moved to his neck, his lips leaving a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses that sent waves of pleasure through Mew's body.

"God, I missed this," Tul murmured against Mew's skin, his voice ragged with need.

Mew could barely think, the sensation of Tul's hands and lips overwhelming him. He reached for Tul's shirt, tugging it up and over his head in one swift motion, eager to feel the warmth of his skin. Tul responded by doing the same, his fingers moving with practiced ease as he removed Mew's shirt, their bodies now bare to each other.

They stumbled toward the couch, their movements frantic, as if they couldn't get close enough fast enough. When Tul pushed Mew down onto the cushions, their bodies crashed together in a heated embrace, the feel of Tul's bare skin against his own sending a jolt of desire through Mew's entire body.

Tul's hands were everywhere—trailing down Mew's chest, his stomach, his hips—each touch igniting a fire that burned hotter with every passing second. Mew gasped as Tul's lips followed the path of his hands, kissing, nipping, teasing in ways that made Mew's pulse race.

"I want you," Tul whispered again, his voice low and filled with longing. "Right now."

Mew's response was immediate, his body arching toward Tul, silently begging for more. "Then take me," he whispered, his voice breathless.

Tul didn't hesitate. Their movements were urgent, but there was something more beneath it all—a tenderness, a need that went beyond the physical. They moved together in a familiar rhythm, their bodies fitting together in ways that felt both natural and overwhelming.

Mew's breath hitched as Tul's hands gripped his hips, guiding their movements with a practiced ease that left them both gasping for air. The intensity between them grew with every touch, every kiss, their bodies lost in the heat of the moment.

And when they finally came together, it was like everything else fell away—the confusion, the doubts, the distance. In that moment, all that mattered was the connection they shared, the way their bodies fit together, the way they could make each other feel whole, if only for a little while.

Afterward, they lay tangled in each other's arms, their breaths still coming in heavy, uneven bursts. The silence that followed wasn't uncomfortable; it was filled with something deeper, something unspoken but undeniable.

Mew ran his fingers lightly across Tul's chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing. "What are we doing, Tul?" he asked quietly, his voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the room.

Tul shifted slightly, tightening his hold on Mew. "I don't know," he admitted after a long pause. "But I don't want to stop."

Mew's heart fluttered at the admission, and for a moment, he let himself believe that maybe—just maybe—they could figure this out together.

But as they lay there, wrapped up in each other's arms, Mew couldn't help but wonder how long this bubble could last before reality came crashing back in. Their respective exes still lingered in the background, unresolved emotions threatening to surface at any moment.

Mew knew they were walking a fine line between finding something real and falling back into old patterns. And as much as he wanted to hold onto this—onto Tul—he couldn't shake the feeling that they were both teetering on the edge of something much bigger than either of them had bargained for.

For now, though, Mew allowed himself to stay in the moment. In Tul's arms, everything felt right, even if the future remained uncertain.

And maybe, just maybe, that was enough—for now.

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