Character Introduction!

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Your Character:
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Current Organization: The DOA
Title: The Mirrorbound Judge [tnx for the idea queenselaria]

Ability: Aqua Veritas: Mirrors of Guilt [OG Ability Name: Let the world forsee the justice through the waters]


Aqua Veritas: Mirrors of Guilt channels the pure essence of water to act as both a judge and executioner. The user must make physical contact with the target, channeling mystical water from their palm into the target's body. The water courses through the target, seeking out their deepest crimes-whether betrayal, murder, theft, or deceit.

As the water flows, mirrors form in the air around the target, each one showing a different scene of their crimes. These ethereal mirrors reflect the target's sins, forcing them to confront their wrongdoing. The mirrors do not merely display guilt; they capture the essence of the crime itself. The punishment that follows is tailored to the nature of the crimes the target has committed, ensuring that justice is meted out in proportion to their offenses.

Punishment Based on the Nature of the Crime:

Crimes of Betrayal:

Punishment: The water in the mirrors turns dark and heavy, as the target is surrounded by the faces of those they have betrayed. Each face glares with hatred, and the weight of their resentment pulls the target to their knees, shackled by their own treachery. The target is physically restrained by chains of water and suffers ongoing psychic damage, feeling the pain of those they have wronged.
Effect: Stuns the target temporarily and reduces their ability to act, as the weight of betrayal crushes their resolve.

Crimes of Violence (Murder, Assault):

Punishment: The mirrors shatter, and the water takes the form of the victims of the target's violence. These watery phantoms lash out at the target, striking them with the force of their crime. Each blow is felt as though reliving the violence they inflicted, magnified tenfold.
Effect: Inflicts heavy physical damage that mirrors the intensity of the violence committed, while also sapping the target's health with each strike.

Crimes of Deceit (Lies, Fraud):

Punishment: The mirrors reflect endless versions of the lies the target has told, twisting reality around them. As the reflections distort, the target is trapped in a web of falsehoods, unable to distinguish truth from illusion. Their mind fractures under the weight of their deception, causing confusion and disorientation.
Effect: Inflicts mental and psychological damage, causing the target to become disoriented, making them prone to attack while reducing their accuracy and decision-making.

Crimes of Greed (Theft, Corruption):

Punishment: The water mirrors fill with the riches or spoils the target has selfishly taken. These riches melt away into water, slipping through the target's grasp as they are left empty-handed. The target feels an unbearable sense of loss, as if everything they had ever gained has been stripped away.
Effect: Weakens the target's ability to defend themselves and drains their resources (energy), leaving them vulnerable to further attacks.

Additional Effects:

Criminal Justice: After receiving punishment, the target becomes vulnerable to justice-aligned or retribution magic, increasing the damage they take from such abilities.

Moral Weight: The severity of the punishment scales with the gravity of the crime. Minor crimes result in lighter punishment, while heinous offenses trigger devastating damage and debuffs.
Unavoidable Judgment: The punishment bypasses standard defenses, as no shield or armor can protect against the truth of one's own sins.

Ability Flow:

Touch Initiation: The user touches the target, releasing water that seeks out their crimes.
Criminal Reflection: Mirrors form, showing the target their crime.
Tailored Punishment: The punishment fits the crime: betrayal, violence, deceit, or greed.
Suffering: The target suffers the appropriate punishment, with debuffs and damage that match the severity of their wrongdoing.
Judgment End: The target is left weakened and vulnerable to further attacks.

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