Chapter Two: Straying Paths

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The base felt smaller every day, suffocating Y/N with its heavy atmosphere and endless restrictions. Despite her conversation with Nikolai, the promise of excitement still felt distant. She longed for the freedom outside, the rush of the unknown.

Today, however, she finally felt bold enough to act on that desire.

After hours of wandering the base, pretending to be on some mundane errand, she found her chance. A side door, carelessly left ajar by someone distracted, beckoned her toward the outside world. The moment felt too perfect to resist, and without a second thought, Y/N slipped through it.

The instant the cold air hit her face, she felt a rush of liberation. For the first time in what felt like ages, she was free. The streets were foreign, illuminated only by the dim light of the setting sun. As night began to fall, Y/N wandered without purpose, soaking in the unfamiliar sights and sounds.

But the farther she wandered, the more disoriented she became. The streets twisted and turned in unfamiliar ways, and soon, she realized she had no idea where she was. The shadows seemed to close in, and the once liberating darkness now felt oppressive.

Suddenly, footsteps echoed behind her.

Y/N turned sharply, her heart pounding in her chest. Out of the dim alleyway emerged two figures, both of whom carried an air of danger despite their outwardly calm appearances.

The taller of the two, a man with piercing eyes and a long trench coat, stepped forward first. His demeanor was cool, almost amused.

“Lost, are we?” he asked, his voice smooth but laced with a sharpness that made her uneasy.

Y/N stood her ground, though her pulse quickened. “Who are you?” she demanded, refusing to show fear.

Before the man could answer, the shorter boy beside him—a young man with white hair and an almost innocent expression—smiled. But there was something unsettling about the way his gaze lingered on her.

“Who are you?” the boy replied, his tone playful yet dangerous. “It’s not often we find someone wandering these streets alone at night.”

Y/N hesitated. “I’m Y/N,” she answered, careful to reveal as little as possible. “And who are you?”

The taller man, Ranpo, exchanged a glance with his companion. “Ranpo Edogawa,” he replied. “And this is Atsushi Nakajima. We work with the Armed Detective Agency.”

The name struck a chord. Fyodor had spoken about the ADA before, warning her that they were enemies, dangerous to their cause. Yet, standing here in front of them, they didn’t seem like enemies—just two curious strangers who had found her in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I didn’t mean to trespass,” Y/N said quickly, trying to keep her voice steady. “I just got lost.”

Ranpo’s smile widened, though there was no warmth in it. “Lost? Or running from something?”

His words hit too close to the truth, and Y/N tensed. How did he know? Could he sense the invisible chains that bound her to Fyodor’s control?

“I’m not running,” she insisted, though even she wasn’t sure if she believed it.

Atsushi took a step closer, his eyes softening. “It’s alright. We’re not here to hurt you. If you need help, we can guide you back. This area isn’t safe for someone alone.”

Y/N glanced between them, her heart still racing. The idea of trusting them felt like a risk—Fyodor’s warnings echoed in her mind, telling her to stay far away from people like them. But she was lost, and the night was growing colder.

After a long pause, she nodded. “I’d appreciate that,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “But I’m not sure how to get back.”

Atsushi smiled kindly. “Don’t worry. We’ll help you.”

As they began walking, Y/N’s thoughts spiraled. Could she really trust them? The Armed Detective Agency were supposed to be the enemy, but they seemed more like protectors than anything else.

Ranpo glanced at her, breaking the silence. “So, what brought you out here in the first place?”

“I needed some air,” she replied, her voice guarded. “The place I’m staying… it’s suffocating.”

Ranpo chuckled, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Suffocating, huh? Sounds like you’re not too fond of wherever you’re staying.”

Y/N kept her eyes forward, unwilling to reveal too much. “It’s complicated.”

“I’m sure it is,” Ranpo remarked, his tone laced with something darker, as though he already knew more than she was letting on.

Before Y/N could respond, Atsushi’s gaze softened. “If you’re in trouble, we can help. You don’t have to go back to wherever you came from if you don’t want to.”

Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. His words were tempting. Could she leave? Was escape really an option?

But before she could answer, a familiar, unsettling sensation washed over her—the feeling of being watched. Y/N froze in her tracks, her instincts screaming at her that something was wrong. She looked around frantically, but there was no one else in sight.

Yet, she could feel it. She was being watched. Fyodor. He would know. He always knew.

She felt trapped, even out here, far from the base. Fyodor’s invisible grip seemed to tighten around her, suffocating her in a way no building ever could.

The thought of him discovering her here, alone with members of the ADA, sent a shiver down her spine. She wasn’t free. She never had been. She never would be.

Atsushi’s concerned voice broke through her panic. “Y/N, are you okay?”

She blinked, pulling herself back to the present. “I… I should go back,” she whispered, fear lacing her voice. “I can’t stay here. He’ll… he’ll find out.”

Ranpo raised an eyebrow. “He? Who are you talking about?”

Y/N shook her head, her heart pounding. “I… I have to go. Thank you for your help, but… I need to leave.”

Ranpo stepped closer, his gaze hardening as if he were trying to see past her words to uncover the truth she was hiding. “Whoever you’re afraid of… they don’t own you. You don’t have to live like this.”

Y/N swallowed, her throat tight. “I wish that were true,” she muttered, backing away from them. “But I’m already too deep.”

Without waiting for their response, Y/N turned and ran, the weight of Fyodor’s invisible chains dragging her back into the darkness from which she had tried so desperately to escape.

No matter how far she ran, Fyodor’s shadow loomed over her. And soon, she knew it would catch up.

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