Chapter One: The Invitation

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    The shadows stretched long across the dimly lit streets of the new continent, casting an eerie ambiance that clung to the air like a lingering fog. The remnants of the old world lay buried beneath the waves, but the memories of Y/N L/N echoed in the whispers of the night. After years of solitude, she thought she could escape the weight of her past. But solitude came with a cost—one she could no longer bear.

As Y/N stepped into Fyodor’s office, frustration and desperation simmered beneath her calm façade. The air inside was thick, oppressive, and carried the scent of old paper and ink. Fyodor sat at his desk, his piercing eyes scanning a book as if oblivious to her presence.

“Fyodor, why won’t you let me go on a mission?” Her voice wavered with both exasperation and a plea. “I’m always stuck in this base, and you won’t let me outside either!”

Fyodor’s eyes flicked up to meet hers, cold and calculating. “Not now, Y/N. It’s not the right time,” he responded smoothly, his words like a cage snapping shut around her.

She clenched her fists, heart sinking. “Fine…” she muttered, turning on her heel to leave, her frustration clear. The walls of the base felt like they were closing in, trapping her within their oppressive shadows.

As she walked down the dimly lit halls, her thoughts were consumed by the helplessness of her situation. She wasn’t some fragile thing to be kept hidden, but that was how Fyodor treated her—as if she were a prized possession to be kept out of harm’s way, or worse, to be controlled.

Before she could retreat to the solitude of her room, she nearly bumped into Nikolai. He was returning from a mission, a wild grin plastered on his face.

“Hi, Y/N!” he chirped, his voice too cheerful for the heavy mood hanging over her.

“Hi, Nikolai…” she forced a smile, trying to hide her irritation.

He tilted his head, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. “You look upset. What’s wrong, little birdie?”

“Just Fyodor… He won’t let me go on any missions. He thinks I’m not ready,” she replied, bitterness creeping into her voice.

Nikolai’s grin widened, and something dark flickered behind his eyes. “Not ready? Oh, little birdie, Fyodor’s just being protective. But we all know you’re capable. Maybe he just likes keeping you to himself.”

Y/N blinked, feeling an uncomfortable twist in her chest at Nikolai’s words. “It’s frustrating. I want to help, to *do* something, not be locked up here.”

He chuckled softly, stepping closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. “If you want, I could sneak you out. Give you a taste of freedom.” His playful tone was laced with something darker, something unsettling.

“Really?” she asked, eyes widening with hope.

“Of course,” he replied, his grin growing more sinister. “Anything for you, little birdie. After all, it’s no fun keeping you trapped. I’d love to see you spread your wings. Just say the word.”

Y/N couldn’t help but smile, though an uneasy feeling lingered beneath her excitement. “Thanks, Nikolai. I might take you up on that.”

Nikolai winked and gave a carefree wave before strolling toward Fyodor’s office. But as Y/N continued walking to her room, a chill crept down her spine. There was something about Nikolai’s offer that felt… wrong. As much as he offered her freedom, she couldn’t shake the sense that both he and Fyodor saw her as something more than a mere comrade—something closer to a prized possession.

Before she could open her door, she overheard the conversation from behind Fyodor’s closed office door.

“Nikolai, you shouldn’t be so reckless,” Fyodor’s voice, cool and calm, drifted through the crack in the door.

Nikolai’s laugh followed, high-pitched and unsettling. “Reckless? Maybe, but isn’t it fun to watch our little birdie squirm? Besides, she’s more useful outside than cooped up in here.”

“She’s not ready,” Fyodor replied, his voice darker, more possessive. She’s mine. She doesn’t need to leave. She belongs here, under my control.”

Y/N’s breath caught in her throat, her heart racing as she pressed herself against the wall. The possessiveness in Fyodor’s voice was unmistakable, a chilling confirmation of the hold he had over her.

Nikolai’s laughter echoed again, sending a shiver down her spine. “Oh, I know, Fyodor. But you can’t keep her locked away forever. She’ll want to escape. And when she does… well, it’ll be fun to see how far she’ll run.”

“She won’t get far,” Fyodor replied, his voice like ice. “Because she can’t escape me.”

Y/N’s pulse pounded in her ears. She had always sensed the control Fyodor held over her, but hearing it spoken aloud twisted something deep inside her. The walls of the base were no longer just confining—they were suffocating. She realized, in that moment, that she wasn’t just trapped physically. Fyodor had trapped her heart and mind, binding her to him in ways she couldn’t fully comprehend.

As she stood there, frozen by the weight of their words, a terrifying truth settled in: neither Fyodor nor Nikolai intended to ever let her go. Each, in their own way, saw her as something to claim to possess.

In this twisted new world, where love and obsession blurred into one, Y/N was caught in the grips of a dangerous game. And with every passing day, it became clearer: no matter how much she longed for freedom, they would never let her out of their grasp.

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