Chapter Four: A Glimpse of Freedom

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      The city outside the base was a world apart from the stifling confines Y/N had known for so long. The open streets, the endless sky, and the bustling energy of people going about their lives—it was all overwhelming but liberating. For the first time in months, she felt the weight of her frustrations lift as she breathed in the crisp air of the early morning.

She had slipped out in the dead of night, driven by a need she could barely articulate. It wasn’t rebellion, not exactly, but a desire to remind herself that there was more to life than the narrow corridors and whispered commands of the base. Fyodor and Nikolai had kept her under tight watch for so long, always saying she wasn’t ready to face the world outside. But Y/N knew she needed to see it for herself, if only for a little while.

Her footsteps echoed softly as she walked down the quiet streets of the new continent’s city, the dawn light casting long shadows in the alleyways. The city was unfamiliar, but it felt alive, like it had a pulse of its own. She passed a few early risers, street vendors setting up their stalls, and workers heading out for the day. For a brief moment, she wondered what it would be like to be one of them—someone with a simple life untouched by the shadowy world she belonged to.

As she walked farther away, the silence around her became more noticeable. There was no one whispering commands, no oppressive presence watching her every move. And for a moment, she allowed herself to believe this feeling of freedom could last.

But deep down, she knew it wouldn’t. Fyodor’s words echoed in her mind, cold and calculating. “You belong to me,” he had said once, in that calm, soft voice that sent chills down her spine. It wasn’t a threat—it was simply a fact, and the truth of it weighed heavily on her now. She could run. She could try to escape, but Fyodor would always find her. He always knew.

And Nikolai—his playful, unsettling smile flashed in her memory. The way he called her “little birdie,” as if she were a delicate thing, easily caged. Y/N shivered. He would enjoy this little game of hide and seek, she thought. For him, it would be a thrilling chase, a chance to see how far she could fly before he caught up.

As the sun rose higher, Y/N found herself at a small park on the outskirts of the city. It was quiet here, the bustle of the city fading into the background. She sat on a bench under a large oak tree, letting the stillness wash over her. Her thoughts drifted, imagining what her life could have been if she hadn’t gotten involved with Fyodor’s organization. Could she have had a normal life, away from the chaos and danger?

But even as she entertained the thought, the edges of her peace were fraying. She knew that somewhere, Nikolai was already looking for her, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He wouldn’t be angry, not at first. No, he’d be amused, his usual grin hiding whatever darker thoughts lay beneath the surface. And Fyodor… she wasn’t sure if he would show emotion at all. But she knew one thing for certain: she couldn’t stay out here forever.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice beside her.

“You look lost.”

Startled, Y/N turned to find a young woman standing nearby, her expression friendly but curious. She had a small dog on a leash, which was sniffing around the base of the bench. The woman smiled, sensing Y/N’s hesitation.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she said, taking a seat on the other end of the bench. “It’s just, you’ve got that look, like you’re not sure where you’re going.”

Y/N hesitated, unsure of how to respond. “I… I’m just taking a walk. I'm trying to clear my head.”

The woman nodded, her gaze softening. “I get that. Sometimes it’s nice to just… escape for a little while.”

Y/N smiled faintly. “Yeah, something like that.”

But even as she spoke, the unease crept in. The woman’s words rang true, but Y/N knew that her "escape" was temporary. Nikolai would be here soon, perhaps even watching from the shadows. He’d find her, like he always did, with that maddening smile plastered on his face. And when he did, he’d remind her just how small the world really was.

The woman stood to leave, giving Y/N a kind smile. “Take care of yourself, okay? Sometimes, a little freedom is all we need to find our way.”

Y/N watched her walk away, the dog trotting happily beside her. For a moment, she considered leaving the city altogether—disappearing, starting over somewhere far from the reach of Fyodor’s plans and Nikolai’s watchful eye. But she knew it wasn’t that simple. As much as she craved freedom, the world she had left behind was one she couldn’t easily escape.

Nikolai wouldn’t let her. Neither would Fyodor. She belonged to them, whether she liked it or not.

With a sigh, Y/N stood and began walking back toward the city. The streets were busier now, full of people going about their daily lives. She weaved through the crowd, her mind still buzzing with possibilities. Maybe she wasn’t ready to abandon everything just yet, but this glimpse of freedom had given her something she hadn’t realized she needed: hope.

Hope that, someday, she might be able to choose her own path.

But as she rounded the corner, her heart skipped a beat. There, leaning casually against the wall with his hands in his pockets, was Nikolai. His smile was wide and unsettling, his eyes glinting with a playful malice.

"Found you, little birdie," he called out, his voice light but carrying a weight that sent chills down her spine.

Y/N froze, her stomach twisting. She had known this moment would come, but she hadn’t expected it to be so soon.

Nikolai pushed off the wall, his steps leisurely as he closed the distance between them. “You had your fun, didn’t you? But you know you can’t run from us.”

His words were laced with amusement, but there was something darker underneath. Y/N could feel the invisible chains tightening around her, pulling her back to the life she had tried to escape.

“Let’s go home, little birdie,” Nikolai said softly, his voice almost tender. “Fyodor’s waiting.”

As he reached for her hand, Y/N felt the last remnants of her freedom slip away. She had tasted it, just for a moment, but it was gone now, snatched away by the same hands that had always controlled her.

As Nikolai led her back toward the base, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever be truly free again.

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