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If there's anything about us Toons, it's that we like to talk. Rumors. Gossip. News. You hear it everywhere. Sometimes, it's a little too much, my heightened senses. I absolutely hated the lobby as a newborn. But now, it's probably the best tool I have. "Did you hear? Did you hear?"

Whispers, did you hear?

"These rumors are getting a lot stranger these days," Cosmo comments, using a rolling pin to flatten some dough. His arms and hands covered in flour. His friend, Shrimpo, is at his side working on the fruity filling as I prep the pan for baking.

"Well, I think it's a load of CRUD!!" Shrimpo yells, the concept of an inside voice forever foreign to his type. He's got some great knife kills, though. I'll give him that. "Just a bunch of SHITTY stories to scare us!! Pass me that."

I reach for the spatula Shrimpo was pointing to, handing it off. "Well, that's certainly one way to think of it."

"Well,, obviously, they're a little exaggerated," Cosmo agrees, stopping his work to think. Resuming as he speaks, "But I don't think that necessarily means they aren't true. They have us all on record, one way or another. So if someone goes missing outside of an extraction run, there will be a raise for concern."

"Hmph! BUNCH OF JUNK! Full of lowlifes with nothing better to do!" Shrimpo continues angrily ranting, grumbling to himself as he works. Cosmo leans over to me and whispers, "How much you wanna bet he's creeped out?"

"All my tapes," I whisper back, Cosmo snickering. We exchange a quick kiss before returning to our sections and getting an earful from Shrimpo. "HEY! What are you two giggling about?! GET BACK TO WORK!"

We've got a commission today. As the only pair (well, trio) available to make treats for Teagan's party, we decided on apple and cranberry puffs, and I'm telling you, they're divine. With the three of us, getting these puffs wrapped and loaded in the oven was a breeze—with the only thing left to do was the dishes and wait. Usually, I would do the dishes, but Shrimpo needed the job a bit more. He should probably take a trip to the spa...

"You smell nice," I whisper to Cosmo jokingly.

He shoots back, "You sure you aren't just smelling the puffs cooking? They're already heavenly."

"You're heavenly~" I scoot my chair closer, swinging my feet as Cosmo looks me up and down.

His head tilts as all the weight shifts to one hand, "I ever tell you that you look good in aprons?"

"Did I ever tell you look good?" Getting closer, I rest against my hands. It's true with every single one of those curves.

Cosmo smiles, locking his feet together. "Ugh, you're so cheesy..."

There's a deadly presence brought forth, a violent aura as Shrimpo slams his fist on the counter in front of us. "Get a F@#!KING room."

Startled, Cosmo and I look at each other and can't help but laugh and giggle. Sorry~

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