Chapter 1

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Pandya residence

At the stroke of midnight, he jolted awake, drenched in sweat and trembling. The hunting memories of his past had crept into his dream, creating a terrifying nightmare that refused to abandon its grip.

As he sat up, gasping for air, trying to calm his uneven breathing. The echoes of the screams and whispers still lingered in his mind, making his heart race. He threw off the sheets and swung his legs on the side of the bed, planting his feet on the cold floor.

He stumbled into the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face to clear his mind, and then stepped under the soothing stream of the shower, letting the water rinse away the uneasiness of the nightmare.

As the water flowed down, he felt the tension ease from his shoulders. The mild smell of shower gel filled his lungs in a soothing manner. He closed his eyes letting the warmth seep into his skin, and slowly began to shake off the unsettling thoughts.

He stepped out of the shower, dried off, and began his morning routine. His morning routine consisted of a quick run, meditation and a strong cup of tea.

Glancing at the clock, he noted the time, 5:00. He headed to the kitchen to start making his tea, ready to tackle the day. But stops in his track as he sees light peeking through from the next room. He made his way to the next room.

"Harry, you did not sleep yet?" he asked startling the said person.

"Bhaiya! You scared me! And no, I've been working on the upcoming project." harry answered, he caressed his chest to calm himself down.

"What about shubman?"

"He did offer me help, but I didn't want to make him stressed. He joined recently so. It's alright. Really!" harry replied to his brother.

"That could wait! You need to sleep, take rest and I'll wake you up at 7." he said in a firm but gentle tone leaving no space for debate.

"But its-" but his protest fell on deaf ears as his brother slowly tucked him into sleep. The soft blankets enveloped him and his brother's gentle touch lulled him to deep slumber.

"Thank you Virat bhaiya" harry mumbled in his sleep.

Virat just stared at his little brother's sleeping form with an unreadable expression. He then made his way out.


Virat finished his morning run, the scent of fresh sweat and morning dew clung to him draining his energy.

He headed upstairs to hardik's room, he thought about their earlier interaction. How harry looked ghasty from the sleepless nights.
'he works way too hard.'

Harry's room was still dark, the curtains drawn. As vi opens the blinds the morning light peeks through the blinds invigorating the room.

Virat lightly shook harry awake,"wake up".

Being a light sleeper harry stirred up from his sleep, rubbing his eyes. Slowly adjusting to the bright morning light.

"I'm up". He tossed off the sheets and shuffled to the bathroom as he heard vi closing the door. Stepping into the shower, the warm water rinsed his exhausted self and prepared to the long day ahead.


Virat came to a dark room, to wake up his other twin brother. He isn't a light sleeper like harry, so it is a difficult task.

" Shubman, wake up" he shook him up but got no response. After trying a good five minutes, he slapped shub across his face just enough to jolt awake him from his sleep.

"Shubman, for goodness' sake! Wake up or you will get late!" he sternly said

Shubman who woke up to the stinging cheek, started to scream.

"Help! fire!fire! it's burning my handsome face"

He again was going to scream but stopped as he saw a very pissed Virat standing.

He let an awkward laugh and quickly fled to the bathroom not to make his brother more angry. This was his daily routine, waking up to the very annoyed face of his brother.


They are now having breakfast in silence, but got broke by a question.

"Where is the father?" Vi asked.
"He went to the park" Mrs. Pandya replied.

"Hardik, you are not eating enough beta" she said, concern tinged in her voice.

"I'm full maa" harry said smiling.

He rose from his seat ready to leave, but his mother's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Would you mind returning home a bit early tonight?" I need to discuss the new project" her voice gentle, making harry nod his head in obedience. He then signed shubh to hurry up and went out.

"Vi you have a date to attend, remember?, No funny business this time!" she said sternly as virat rolled his eyes and heads out.

" You are going to give me diabetes at this rate." Shub said

"What?" his mother asked while smiling but that smile faded as she heard his reply.

"The extra sweetness you're showing! Seriously, stop" he declared and went towards his brother.


They were driving to the company, the sound of car horns could be heard in the air and a comfortable silence enveloped them.

"What's the hurry?" shub questioned looking at his watch.

"We can't afford to be late' Harry responded. "The interview for your new secretary is scheduled for 10 AM"

"We are the one who is conducting the interview" shub said with confusion.

"Have you heard about punctuality?" harry asked while chuckling.

"Oh! I have! Furthermore punctuality is expected from the candidate, not just us" he said crossing his arms.

Harry just chuckled and went back to reading files on his phone.


Here is the first chapter!! Ignore my grammatical mistakes.

Do let me know your thoughts and suggestions and vote if you like this chapter.....

Seriously, I don't know what to write at the end of the chapter but yeah, take care!! bye😅


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