Die For The Cause

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Years had gone by, Clancy constantly escaping and being dragged back into the city walls. Each and every time, the Torchbearer was there, waiting. The two were fated to meet no matter what, and the Torchbearer made sure to even bring him comfort in the form of projections.

The banditos sat, waiting. They knew Clancy was coming, they could feel him. Torchbearer stood by, patiently, a mask in his grip. They all knew it was time. A final battle was haunting them. This had been going on for too long, and it was time to end things. All they needed, was to wait.

Clancy checked behind himself, making sure he wasn't being followed. After leaving through the east wall, all he had to do was run. Escaping from the bishops became fairly easy after doing it enough times, but he also knew how easy it was to end up back in their grasps. He knew they would all be waiting for him. He knew the Torchbearer would be there, granting him that feeling of peace once again. The light flickering in the distance was enough for him to pick up his pace. Dema was fading behind him with every step he took.

Clancy approached the light he saw in the distance, and noticed a hand reaching out to him. A mask was put into his grip, and he glanced up at the Torchbearer who gave him a single nod. Clancy slipped the mask over his head and followed behind the Torchbearer, his torch being the only light to guide him.

Clancy had realized long ago that Torchbearer was the only constant in his life. For years, he had been granting him comfort and guiding him through projections while he was stuck in the walls. The two had a connection that couldn't be explained in words. They stayed silent, navigating through the trees ahead. Words rarely needed to be spoken between the two.

No matter how many banditos the Torchbearer had to lead, his top priority was always Clancy. Their connection overpowered all else. No matter the distance between them, they would always be connected. The walls, the bishops, the paladin strait. Nothing could come between the two.

They gathered with the banditos, ready to fight. Everything they had done, all the sacrifices they had made, had let up to this moment. Every bandito had gathered together, the sea of green and yellow taking over Clancy's vision. He smiled under his mask at the sight.

The group marched towards Dema, the sun starting to rise behind them as they approached. The neon gravestones littering the ground began to shake, the vibrations being felt at the groups feet. The glorious gone began to rise from the ground, their eyes glowing a bright yellow. Vultures began to fly above the group, observing. The banditos paused, looking around at each other, ready to fight.

Clancy looked upwards towards the tower, and around at the group who was now advancing to fight. He knew he had to get up there. He also knew he needed to fight alongside the banditos. He paused, unsure of what to do. The Torchbearer approached from behind him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"You know what you need to do, go do it"

"I need to help you guys" Clancy responded, stress evident in his voice.

"We'll be okay. Go finish this"

He gave Clancy a push forward, urging him to go.

"Are you willing to die for the cause?" Clancy yelled at him, tears threatening to spill.

"No, but I'm willing to die for you. Is that not enough?" he yelled back, voice shaking as he did.

Clancy met his eyes, not needing to say anything more. He needed to finish this, and come back to protect the Torchbearer. He knew at this moment, the two were soulmates. It would explain their connection, their ability to communicate without the need for words. It would explain why he was with him through everything that life in Dema had thrown at him.

So, he ran. Through the tunnels, into the city he was desperate to flee. Straight towards to the tower. He scaled the side of the tower, right towards the window at the top. As he approached, he looked back towards the ground, where the battle was taking place. His vision was flooded with light. The torn gravestones and torches fighting desperately. He made eye contact with the Torchbearer and received a nod, without another thought, Clancy leaped through the window. Torchbearer let his stare linger for a moment longer, a worried look on his face, before turning back to the fight.

Clancy was met with the bishops, and without hesitation pulled out the horns from Ned. He used them to take down each bishop, and as a result the zombies began to fall, the banditos given a break. The Torchbearer looked up towards the window, wishing he knew what was happening inside. He closed his eyes, attempting to project himself by Clancy's side.

Nico had Clancy's neck in his hands, smearing him again. He spoke, staring directly at him.

"So few, so proud, so... emotional. Hello Clancy"

Clancy opened his eyes, making eye contact with Nico. The horns he was holding had already been released from his grip due to Nico's hold on his throat. He was unsure what to do, his vision beginning to blur. From his peripheral, he was able to make out the Torchbearer to his side. Knowing he was the only one able to see his projection, he smirked.

"Hello Nico" he spoke back through choked breaths. Clancys arms reached up and latched onto Nico's, throwing them off and stepping back quickly.

Clancy snatched the horns from the ground, knowing that the Torchbearer had seen what was happening and the banditos would be here shortly. All he needed was to buy time. He took another step back, increasing the distance between himself and Nico. Reaching out, he attempted to incapacitate Nico as he did the others, but he was too strong.

He stepped forward, cornering Clancy again. Suddenly, figures started to come through the window, surrounding Nico. Their torches burning the ends of his fabric. Clancy was pulled out of the crowd, a strong hand clutching him closely. He was pushed away, only able to watch as the figure approached Nico. The man was too exhausted to do much else so he slid down the wall, trying his best to regain his energy and join the fight. The black on his neck was beginning to spread and get darker.

His vision cleared up when he heard a collective gasp and screams. The Torchbearer was on the ground, black surrounding his neck. The difference is, he is not an exception. His eyes began to blur, and the banditos took this opportunity to attack Nico while he was distracted. Clancy with a newfound burst of energy from his adrenaline, ran to the Torchbearers side.

Laying his head down onto his lap, Clancy looked down at the man. Tears welled up in his eyes as he noticed the trance Torchbearer was put in. There were no thoughts behind his eyes, they were glazed over completely, as if he was an empty vessel. Clancy looked over at the group, realizing that Nico was now on the ground. He let his tears fall towards the Torchbearers body. His torch was on the ground, flame now put out. His body, lifeless in Clancy's arms.

"I'm so sorry"

There was a twitch in the hand he was holding, and then nothing again.

"I'm sorry..."

Die For The Cause ( Clancy x Torchbearer one shot)Where stories live. Discover now