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My dad slams the table with a force that rattles the room, the sound echoing through the silence. His teeth grind so hard, I can practically hear the tension in his jaw. “I’m going to destroy Ian. His entire fucking lineage,” he spits, venom dripping from every word.

GPop’s fists are clenched so tightly that the blood has drained from his knuckles, leaving them white as bone. He says nothing, but the anger radiates off him in waves. I can see how hard he’s trying to hold himself back, trying not to let his temper take over.

My mom sits quietly, tears streaming down her face as she sobs into her hands. “I’m so sorry, Fatima,” she whispers, her voice trembling with guilt. “I failed you. I should’ve known. I should’ve protected you.”

Her words make my heart ache even more, but I don’t respond. There’s nothing to say to that, nothing that can undo what’s already been done.

Big Mama stands up from her chair, her expression unreadable as she walks silently out of the room and into her private quarters. The door closes softly behind her, but it feels like a wall slamming down between us.

Rob, on the other hand, can’t contain his rage. He jumps up and grabs the nearest chair, throwing it across the room with a loud crash. The chair shatters against the wall, but it doesn’t calm him down. His breathing is ragged, and his eyes are wild with fury.

That son of a bitch,” he mutters under his breath, pacing back and forth like a caged animal ready to strike.

I try to steady myself, feeling Zac’s hand still holding mine, his thumb gently brushing over my skin in an effort to keep me grounded. The tears are still there, but I’ve cried enough for tonight. Now, I just feel hollow.

Danni, who has been uncharacteristically quiet, raises her hand slightly like she’s about to ask a question. “Zac,” she says, her voice quiet but clear, “was this the day you told me you found your future wife?”

Zac nods, a faint smile pulling at the corners of his lips despite everything. “Yeah, it was.”

Danni’s eyes widen slightly as something seems to click in her mind. “Do you remember when I was telling you about Kisha, how she slept with one of the customers who came into the airport with his gorgeous girlfriend?”

Zac frowns, thinking for a moment, then nods slowly. “Yeah, I remember.”

“That customer… that has to be Ian. It’s him, Zac. I’m sure of it.”

The room goes even quieter if that’s possible. The weight of her words hangs in the air, thick and heavy. I feel the bile rising in my throat, the nausea returning with full force. I grip Zac’s hand tighter as if it could anchor me in this whirlwind of betrayal and pain.

Of course, it was him. Of course, Ian would do something like that—cheat on me with some random woman in a public bathroom while we were supposed to be together. The thought of it turns my stomach, but at the same time, it doesn’t surprise me. Not anymore.

I swallow hard, forcing the words out. “That sounds exactly like something he would do.”

Zac’s grip tightens on my hand, his voice low and steady when he speaks. “He’s not going to get away with any of this, Fatima. Not after what he did to you.”

I nod, though the anger simmering inside me isn’t just directed at Ian anymore. It’s at myself too—for staying with him, for believing his lies, for letting myself be fooled by his charm.

But I know one thing for sure: Ian’s time is up. His days of getting away with everything are numbered. And this family? We don’t take betrayal lightly.

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