Y/n's Pov: I was on my phone bored as my aunt's chauffeur drove me to my new school, Metropolis High School. Hopefully at this school I don't get too much attention because of my aunt. My aunt and legal guardian was the famous Edna Mode, superhero suit designer and regular human fashion designer, best of both worlds or something like that. I love all the attention I get from her fashion shows and all that, but sometimes it gets to be too much especially when people start asking if I get them an audience with a. superhero or something. I was watching the news on my phone when an ad for Lexcorp came up with Lex Luther in the middle of it talking to the camera, "Oh. Hello, Metropolis. I'm Lex Luthor. When I first started Lexcorp, I didn't set out to create an international corporate empire that would make me the youngest mega-billionaire in the world. I did it for you. Our researchers continue to make breakthroughs in everything from virtual reality to the genetically-enhanced turkey on your Thanksgiving table. But even though we're the most powerful corporation in the world, you can purchase our products knowing that deep down, Lexcorp is a family company. Isn't that right, Lena?" Lex says bring his little sister in the scene side hugging her squishing her to make her smile for the camera. Lexcorp is a sick company in my eyes because they tried to shut down my aunt's superhero suit program once. They lost thousands that day. I still find it funny to think about. "As has become all too clear in recent months, despite having the likes of Superman looking out for his citizens, Metropolis is still in need of further super help. This was the scene this morning in Midtown, where a small glimmer of hope may finally have arrived. And now we're left with the question everyone is asking, "Who is this Wonder Man?" The news anchor says showing a picture of the mysterious individual now known as Wonder Man. This guy honestly looks around my age, but he probably doesn't go to school seeing as he is a superhero. My thoughts were interrupted as we pulled up next to the high school. I took a deep breath, tanked my driver, and stepped out of the car with my designer bag in hand adjusting my outfit for the day.
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(credits to owner) I walked into the high school wandering around until I found the school office. I walked towards it crashing into someone falling to the ground. I looked up at them, it was a red haired boy wearing a purple hoodie that had bat ears attached to it. He was also wearing yellow, purple, and yellow socks paired with purple shoes. This guy really likes purple. He was just staring at me so I scoffed and picked myself up off the ground. "Um nice to meet you too," I say awkwardly. That seemed to snap him out of his thoughts saying, "Oh um hi! Sorry for bumping into you. I'm Barajas Gordon. Nice to meet you," "I'm Y/n L/n," I replied as I started walking towards the school office. I opened the door and Barajas followed with a pep in his step. "Are you a new student here too?" He asks. Before I could respond the principal walked out of his office towards us handing us papers. I know he was saying something about not being late, but I just ignored him. Barajas and I walked out the office just as the first bell rang. I looked down at my paper feeling Barajas glance at my paper too. "Hey we have the same class right now," Barajas says happily. This guy is seriously too happy for his own good. "The class we're late for?" I ask, looking at the time on my phone. I hear Barajas gasp and grab my empty hand dragging me towards our classroom. He kicks the door open startling everyone causing them to glare at Barajas. Barajas hurried to his seat in the middle while I walked towards the back corner hoping for some peace for the rest of class. -Timeskip to lunch- I walked out of my classroom towards the cafeteria for lunch. There were so many tables full of people or just one person. "Hey new girl!" I hear someone call towards me. I tried to turn to walk away when someone grabbed my arm. I look back towards them. It was a smiling guy who was wearing a green beanie and very hippie clothing, a green hoodie and tan slacks paired with green sneakers. He also wore an assortment of silver rings. "Hey new girl, I'm Jesse. I saw you trying to walk away so I'm guessing you didn't hear me, but I was wondering if you would like to sit at my table for lunch," Jesse explained. I had no other group to sit with so I nodded because it would be better than sitting alone. Jesse let go of my arms and guided me over to a table full of his friends. He introduced them to me and vice versa. I sat down next to Jesse eating a caesar salad until someone threw some food across the room. The food landed on a guy with blonde hair and a leather jacket. He looks like someone who would listen to rock. The blonde guy tried to throw some gravy at a brunette dud with a black and yellow sweater, but Jesse blocked the food with his lunch tray. "Leave her alone, you big bully!" Jesse yelled at the blonde guy. The food he hit away landed on a guy with purple hair and a school uniform suit. I don't think this school even had school uniforms. "My hair. My... hair!" The purple haired guy yelled, throwing some food back at the blonde guy. I heard Barajas somewhere yell something about a food fight. Very one started throwing food everywhere. I'm not getting into a food fight, but isn't there a rule about not leaving the cafeteria before the end of lunch time? It's fine, I'm sure the principal would understand. I try to sneak out of the cafeteria dodging all the food. I was at the entrance of the cafeteria and turned the corner to see the Principal Chapin looking at me with disapproval. He and I both know I brought the cafeteria rule of not leaving yet. He dragged me into the cafeteria again yelling, "Enough! I said enough!" Everyone gasped seeing Mr. Chapin and everyone pointed at the group still trying to throw food at each there in the middle. They seemed unaware of teb principal until he said, "You five, let's go." They all were confused breaking out of the group tackle. Me. Chapin led us all into the detention classroom clicking his tongue saying, "Detention on the first day of school." I sat at the front corner of the classroom and Barajas sat next to me smiling mischievously. This has got to be the worst first day of school ever. At least I didn't get food in me. "I hope you all have good attorneys," the purple guy tells all of us, but hopefully not me. I didn't even throw any food. The blonde guy calls out from the back of the classroom, "What are you gonna do? Sue me 'cause I have better aim than you?" "Ooh, I knew you threw those potatoes!" The purple guy says yelling back to him with a comb in his hand. "Now, let's not start fighting again," Jesse says, trying to break up the argument. "You threw more nuggets than anyone!" The blonde guy says, trying to anger Jesse. "Um, for the record, if I offended anyone, I'm truly very sorry," The brunette I have yet to know the name of saying squealing startled by the opening of the door. "We found her just walking around the streets," I hear a police officer outside the door say. "Cutting class on the first day of school. Get in here with the other delinquents while I find out which homeroom you're in," Mr. Chapin says, clicking his tongue. His tongue clicking are getting on my nerves. A guy with a black hood walks into the classroom and reveals his face as soon as the principal and the officer close the door to reveal that he was Wonder Man. All the guys gasp saying different responses about Wonder Man. I really just want to go home back so I call Aunt Edna and tell her about today's havoc. "That's no wonder man. It's just some dumb cosplay boy," the blonde guy says scoffing. "I am no boy. I am David, Prince of the Amazons. I alone survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. By right, I am not a boy, but a man," David explains with his hands on his hips. "Trust me, Prince, you do not want to start with me," the blonde guy replies, starting to get irritated. I secretly pull out my phone and start recording. The purple haired guy spots me winking at me and I just smirk back. "Is this a challenge?" David says getting closer to the blonde guy. "For you, maybe," the blonde guy says scoffing. David nods saying, "Very well. I shall allow you first strike." The blonde guy smirks saying, "All right. But you asked for it." The blonde guy tries to punch David, but misses since David dodged. "Again!" David shouts and Blonde guy tries to punch again, but again David dodges. "Why don't you just stand still?" The blonde guy yells punching David into the wall, creating a massive crater in the wall. Everyone gasps watching the blonde guy apologize over and over again seeing if David was okay. David ends up pouncing at the blonde guy causing them both to get into a fight. "Both of you, stop! Fighting is never the answer," Jesse says using his ring to produce a green light to push David and the blonde guy apart. "Yes! The answer is... Running away," the other brunette guy said, putting some sort of gadget in and pressing buttons to make him smaller. The doorknob started to rattle and Jesse warned the others that were making a mess. Everyone's eyes widened as they started to try and fix everything in the classroom except me and the purple haired guy. He was fixing his hair again and I saw him pull out a magician's wand saying a spell making purple sparkles appear fixing everything. Mr. Chapin opens the door looking at all of the guys than me asking, "Everything all right in here Y/n?" I feel all the guys looking at me with pleading eyes. I sigh saying, " Yes Mr. Chapin. The guys are just on edge now because they're in detention and they don't want to get in any more trouble." Me. Chapin nods obliviously that all the guys sighed out of relief of me not exposing their secrets. "All right. Good. I, um, forgot my keys," Mr. Chapin says, narrowing his eyes and taking his keys, closing out the door. Barajas jumps on the teacher desks yelling excitedly, "A-ha! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew you were super. I knew it the minute I saw you dent that car door because no ordinary person could possibly slam a door that hard..." I started ignoring him as he rambled about the others having superpowers and him being Batboy. "Great! Another cosplayer," The blonde guy says sarcastically after Barajas finished rambling. "Huzzah! At last. A brother -in-arms. Never had I dreamed I would encounter the warrior spirit of an Amazon upon entering the world of Man. For you see, it is my quest, my crusade, my destiny, to bring the Amazon way of peace and prosperity to man's world, and to rid it of all evil. The gods bestowed this honor upon me and I feared I alone should have to carry my burden. But now... Now I have a brother by my side," David says, side hugging Barajas. "No, no, no, no. Five brother and maybe a sister too," Barajas say pointing to all of us including me. "Uh, nope. I use my powers, I get in trouble. Every single time," The blonde guy says shaking his head. "Not me. I'm not fighting anyone," Jesse says taking off his green power ring. The purple haired guy laughs saying, "Sorry. I'm an artiste. Not a police officer." "Um, I'm not really that good at it," the other brunette guy said. Everyone looked to me for my answer so I explain, "I don't even have any superpowers. I just know how to help hero's." "Cowards! I speak of destiny. The same mantle of greatness the gods bestowed upon me, they have also bestowed upon you," David declares. Barajas disheartened pleads, "Plus, come on, you guys! How can you not be excited about heroes and villains and fighting crime and hidden lairs and secret identities and stuff?" "Um, the trick with secret identities, my dear, is that, in order to remain secret, one must convincingly pass as a normal human being," The purple haired guy explains looking to David. "Okay, tell you what. You guys give being a team a teensie try, she'll teach us how to be heroes and you can give her a makeover. Deal? Come on Y/n please? You can just help us be hero's," Barajas asks me. I sigh saying, "Fine, but I swear if your customers look horrible I'm giving them makeovers." "Who am I to say no to a makeover?" The purple haired guy agrees. "Um... Okay," the other brunette agrees too. "Good for you, Ken. I'll try, too, but only to support and encourage Ken's brave decision," Jesse says standing next to brunette guy, or now that I know his name. "Fine. Whatever," the blonde guy mumble loud enough for us to hear. "Yes! It's settled. Super awesome super hero-ness, here we come!" Barajas says shouting causing us all to shush him since we're still in detention.