Dont Break Up Over Text

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Y/n's Pov:
After Barajas left my house to convince the guys to save David, I decided to watch the news after changing into some sweatpants and a spaghetti strap crop top. They were comfortable to wear or at least for me. I turned on the TV lying on the couch. It was pretty boring stuff like the regular local news until some breaking news showed up on screen. It was the same demo-bots from Sweet Justice, but this time they were going to destroy the pier and they had a gigantic demo-bot too. I was on the edge of my seat sitting up, were they really going to destroy another city favorite without permission too? Suddenly the guys and David with their hero customers tried to fight the bot again, but they were actually the irking as a team. They were really good and won revealing that the main villain behind the demo-boys was Lex Luther's little sister, Lina Luther. I watch as the boys get congratulated, but quickly run off camera. I had a good idea of where they were going. I waited a few minutes then heard some footsteps coming up my driveway. Seconds later I heard a knocking at my door.
I opened the door to an assortment of flowers shoved in my face. I look at all of them, awkwardly smiling with big pleading eyes except David who hugged me tightly. I hug him back awkwardly patting his back. He pulls away with a genuine smile.
"I said we'd come back right? So wanna help us?" Barajas asks with the biggest smile. I just sigh and nod resulting in the guys cheering.
After weeks of waiting for Sweet Justice to open up again, we celebrated finally at the grand opening.
"This is the life. Good friends and good chocolate," Zack sighs, putting his arm around my shoulder as I ate an oreo cake.
"It's nice to have everything back to normal," Jesse says agreeing, but glancing at Zack's arm around me.
"Blah, normal's overrated. [slurp] Mmm, remember when we first came here, and Diana said she wanted to be at this place all the time?" Barajas says remembering.
"And?..." I asked cautiously. Barajas just winks at me as he looked around to open the straw container then closed it, which opened up the seats beneath us. We fall down a slide in the dark practically on top of each other. The slide sled down to a open area with different half rooms of things that fit our personalities, including a sewing station for me, which I will be putting to use.
"Ta-da! It's our own home base! I took a few late night trips to the construction site while they were rebuilding," Barajas says standing up proud of himself.
"Truly, this is a place of wonder," David say helping me to my feet.
"Not bad, Babs. Nice job," Kari says muffled under Jesse.
"We can protect the whole city from here. No bad guy stands a chance!" Jesse excitedly says.
"Not with the Super Hero Guys plus Y/n on the case!" Barajas declares side-hugging Ken, "Super-awesome super-heroness, here we come!"
Jesse's Pov:
(the plot twist you never expected)
Me and Hal had just gotten back from training with Kilowog, another member of the green lantern, but he was an alien instead of human. We were walking along the school's football field as they were getting ready for a game later.
"Yeah, Kilowog's right, you know. You're gonna have to hit someone, eventually," Hal tried to tell me. I had always tried to find a way to fight  and I believe a lot in that.
"Oh, Hal, must you be so wrong about so many things?" I disagree as some girls and our mascot cheer Hal up for tonight's game, "Life isn't like a sports match, Hal. There are more ways to perform a touchdown than punching people," I say stopping walking.
"Yeah, whatever. I stopped listening after "Hal," Hal suddenly drops downs after looking at the other team behind a trash can, "Oh, no! I didn't know that we were playing these guys."
I was laughing as Hal as I hear someone walk up behind me.
"Why is Hal cowering behind a trash can?" The person behind me asks. I turn around to a Y/n wearing the school's cheerleading uniform with her hair down and does she look good wearing it. I was never one to date a cheerleader or an athletic person in general, but if it was her I'd make an exception.
"Hal's hiding from the other team and why are you wearing a cheerleading outfit?" I say, turning my face away so she couldn't see the way my face heated up.
"I'm helping a friend out. She's sick but so I just needed to show up and she'll be fine," Y/n explains. I need to remember to thank that friend of hers.
"It's not the team I'm afraid of. I finally got tracked down... By my greatest enemy," Hal exclaims dramatically.
"Behind the cheerleader? Or the bus driver?" Y/n asks, as confused as I am.
"It is the cheerleader!" Hal peeks over the trash can lid then ducking back behind, "I think she saw me!"
"Oh, stop it, you big baby. I'm sure she's... harmless," I trail off as I hear a rumbling coming from behind the bleachers.
"Thought you got rid of me, didn't you, Hal Jordan? Well, now, you're mine!" A female voice yells as they shoot up from behind the bleachers. It's as a girl with a black ponytail and a pink dress, she honestly looked like a powerpuff girl. She was causing panic as she came towards the three of us. I grabbed Y/n's hand and run away from her with Hal beside me.
"You belong to me, Hal Jordan! Show your face, Hal Jordan!" the girl screams as we run away from her as she throws pink hearts of fire at us.
"What's going on? Who is this girl?" I ask Hal between pants."
"She's called Star Sapphire, and she's super clingy," Hal explains.
"I can see that. Is she some kind of super evil maniacal space princess or something?" I try to guess.
"Worse! She's... my ex-girlfriend," Hal says dejectedly.
"You have got to be kidding me," I hear Y/n mutter as we get behind a metal bench as an explosion happens somewhere behind us.
"Leave it to you to date a super villain. Come on, Hal. As Kilowog would say, "Let's stop this poozer." In brightest day, in blackest night," I start, making my ring glow a bright green.
"No evil shall escape my sight," Hal continues.
"Let those who worship evil's might..." I continue...Beware our power...Green Lantern's light!" We both say as I finish transforming, but Hal's just sputters green stuff, "What's wrong with your ring? Hal! Are you scared?"
"Dude! She really freaks me out," Hal says, earning a cute laugh from Y/n. One of Star's hearts hits Hal's head causing him to fall over. I help Hal up with Y/n in hand and say, "Run, Hal, the locker room!
"You can't hide from my love, Hal Jordan!" Star exclaims following us.
"What did you do to her?" Y/n yells to Hal.
"Nothing. She's just mad 'cause I broke up with her," Hal tried to explain.
"Worst text EVER!" Star yells back.
I watch as Y/n's eyes widen with anger, "You broke up with her over text?"
"I put a smiley face on it. I'm not the Joker," Hal tries to explain confusedly why Y/n looks angry.
"Well, now there's a frowny face...On my heart!" Star yells back firing more pink hearts.
"How could you do that to her?" I ask Hal
"You broke my heart," Star cries.
"That's the lowest thing you've ever done," I say as Y/n nods along angrily.
"I cry myself to sleep every night," Star cries out.
"Will you please just hit her?" Hal complains.
"If either of you two hit her, I'll hit you. You can't do that to a girl!" Y/n yells back.
I pushed open the boys locker room forgetting that I still had Y/n in hand. All the guys, some without shirts, just stare at us then one yells, "Girl!" They scream high pitched and leave. I looked at Y/n, who seemed okay with seeing the guys without shirts, as she punched Hal's arm.
"Ow! Come on. I didn't know she was a Violet Lantern when I started dating her. She was just Carol," Hal explains one he saw no one was around.
"A violet what?" I ask him, confused.
"A Violet Lantern. You know, how our rings use will-power, hers uses love," Hal explains as I nod along.
"You can't run from me, Hal Jordan! Love will always find a way!" Star yells from
"If only I wasn't so effortlessly charming and ruggedly good-looking, then she wouldn't have any power," Hal says, sighing.
"Wait a minute. You might be onto something there," Y/n gasps.
"Oh, so you think I'm ruggedly good-looking, huh?" Hal says smugly, getting really close, a bit too close to Y/n. Y/n groans and pushes Hal's shoulder again. I wonder if she'd do that if I was really close to her?
"She's powered by love, right? So, we have to make her not love you. By making you look terrible. Jesse you take the wheel," Y/n saying pointing to Hal and looking at me. She really does look great in that cheerleader outfit. I hope she wears it again, it looks amazing on her.
I walked over to Hal and tried to mess up his hair the best I could, but he kept looking decent.
"See? Lost cause," Hal says smugly.
I hear wilting behind us, I turn around to Garth,"Oh, hey, guys, what's up?"
"Garth, take off your clothes," I say pointing to him getting an idea.
"What?" Gary's questions.
Y/n's Pov:
"Thanks, Garth. We just need to borrow your style for a bit," Jesse thanks Garth.
"Yeah. You're not the first to tell me that.Everyone loves my flava," Garth says proudly with a towel wrapped around him.
"Okay, Hal, slouch it down a little. Now, shorten your neck," Jesse says to Hal who now has Garth's clothes on, which were too tight for him, "Stick out your gut...little more."
Y/n watches Hal try his best to fit Jesse's demands and tries her best not to laugh. She seems to be entertained at least.
"Perfect! Y/n is he unattractive now?" Jesse asks looks to Y/n who nods, let a laugh or two escape her.
"Wait. What?" Garth asks, a bit offended yet confused.
Hal takes a deep breath in and pushes his way out of the boys locker kim towards Star, aka Carol.
"There you are," Star says impatiently with her hands on her hips.
"Greetings, Carol. You want to hear all about my new allergies?" Hal says in a very high pitched voice, spitting a bit while he talked.
"Eww," Star states with a repulsed look, as she lost her height from the ground.
"It's working. She's losing power," Jesse whispered to Y/n was very disgusted by the whole interaction, dismissing how close Jesse was to her peeking out of the boys locker room.
"Or... Or maybe... Maybe you want to come check out my...," Hal pauses before whispering to Garth, "Hey, Garth, what's something dumb that you like?
"Star Battles comic books. But they're not dumb," Garth whispers.
"My Star Battles comic books," Hal spits more causing Star to drop even lower covering her mouth.
"Look at me, I'm such a losery nerd," Hal spits, dancing around in an awkward motion.
"What happened to you? My beautiful Hal Jordan," Star cries walking up to Hal successfully on the ground.
"Sorry, baby. This is the real me," Hal spits hoping the plan works.
"Look at you, so sad. So pathetic. So gross," Staf says, putting her hand to Hal's cheek as he sniffles.
"No one can ever love you like this. Except me. I'll love you forever! Only I can see the beauty behind the geek! No one can love you like I can, Hal Jordan. Not even a cheerleader! Not even... Her!" Star says easing again pointing to Y/n, "Once you're out of the picture, there'll be no one left between me and my Hal Jordan!
"Wait! You think... Oh no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no! No. No, no, no, no, no. We are not together. Not even close to being together. I'm not even a cheer–" Y/n tries to explain, but ends up dodging a heart blast from Star.
"You will so regret the day you stole my Hally Wal from me," Star yells out sending more hearts Y/n's way. Y/n started to run away with Hal and Jesse following hoping she doesn't get hit.
"Powered up like this, who knows what destruction she'll cause. You have to fight her," Hal yells to Jesse while Y/n dodges more hearts.
"No. There's got to be another way," Jesse yells back watching Y/n dodge more blasts from Star.
Hal kept yelling at Jesse to fight while Y/n kept running, but was getting progressively slower with each passing second.
"She'll hurt Y/n otherwise. Come on! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Hal shouts to Jesse.
"I have to hurt you," Jesse says, stopping and turning around causing a green light to expose one of her pink hearts
"What... What are you doing?" Star asks, confused, stopping her screaming, realizing that Jesse was holding her with green arms.
Jesse pulls Star into a hug holding her head syaing, "Carol, he doesn't love you."
Star started crying on his shoulder and hugging him back. Y/n honestly felt bad for her, having to deal with something like that would be hard.
"I'm sorry. I know it hurts," Jesse says feeling Star hug him tighter sobbing, "He doesn't love you.
"That is not how you hit!" Hal yells from behind receiving another punch to the arm by Y/n.
"Listen, Carol, I get it. We all want to be loved, but you can do so much better than Hal Jordan," Jesse states waving his hands around.
"Good luck," Hal scoffs watching Y/n walk up to stand beside Star.
"Girl come on. Literally anyone is better. His face is way too small for his head. I bet his breath smells terrible and I also bet the only book he'll ever read is a baby picture book," Y/n states putting a hand on Star's shoulder.
"I tried to get him to read Pride and Prejudice once, and he asked where the pictures were," Star cries out facing Y/n.
"See? He's a smelly, freakish, nincompoop," Jesse butts in.
"Uh, hey, Star, hit her," Hal yells, feeling offended.
"Listen, Carol, you'll find the love you need, when you learn to love yourself and find some good girl-friends," Y/n says, putting her hands on Star's shoulders.
"Thank you, Green Lantern. I don't think I've ever felt love like this. My blind desire for Hal Jordan kept me from seeing how much love I had inside of me. You're right, if he can't appreciate me, then he isn't good enough for me. So be warned, Hal Jordan, one day, I will make you good enough for me and Y/n will be my bestie! And then you'll both be mine, forever!" Star declares flying off in a blast of pink.
"That's... not what I meant Star," Y/n says dejectedly.
"You know, you could have just hit her, you two. Now that she loves herself, she'll be totally unstoppable. Trust me, I've seen a million chicks like this. Ow!" Hal shouts after earning two more punches in the arm from Y/n. His arm was probably bruised after all that.

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