Chapter 2: Reality came crashing down.

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Kia Ora. Hello. Ciao.

Another chapter up in two days! This chapter is a bit devastating and sad but it gets better after this. (:

I hope you enjoy reading this.

Much love, Shalom.

Editors note: NEW CHAPTER FORTH NIGHT! Plus, I apologize for spelling and grammatical errors I may have missed out. And we're still sorry about the Italian.



Chapter 2: Reality came crashing down.

I was a minute late, just a minute. 60 seconds and he couldn't wait for me.

The man who flipped my life 360 degrees within 9 years. The guy that I fell in love with at first sight. The only one who saved me when I had no one, who broke down my walls, built my confidence, made me laugh through my tears and loved me with everything he had. And now, he's gone. He left me all alone, he broke his promises. He promised me that he would never leave me alone but he did.

I rushed to the hospital and found the receptionist. Amidst my tears and panicked state of mind, I managed to ask her to lead me to my husband and son.

'May I ask what your relationship with the Tarantinos is because we cannot let strangers near the patients?' the 40-something nurse asked me while doing an head-to-toe autopsy of me with her eyes and scowled.

Bitch I do not need her doing this now.

'I'm Mr.Tarantino's wife and Isaac Tarantino's mother. So please, lead me to where they are.' I gave her a deathly stare.

Her gaze instantly softened and she looked sympathetically at me.

'Oh...' she muttered, 'I'm so sorry ma'am, right this way.'

She led me down this dimly lit hallway and in front of a room that said 'MORGUE

No. No, it's not them. They aren't dead. I know it.

'Ma'am, I'm Dr.Fitzgerald, I'm sorry to say this but this morning we found two people, a child and an adult in a car accident. We are not sure of the patient's identity but it seems that the car was licensed under your husband's name and the child inside directed us to call you.'

I did not comprehend a single thing the doctor said, all I knew was inside, it could be my husband or it could not be him, there was only one way to find out.

'I know this may be ha-'

'Just get on with it, doctor.'

'Alright, ma'am. Right this way.'

They led me into a cold, dimly-lit room where there were rows and columns of large silver, freezer-like cabinets on the wall, and in the middle of the room there were three operating tables but only one of them had a body under a blue hospital sheet.

I felt my stomach drop.

I took a deep breath and said a final prayer as the doctor lifted the sheet of the body.

I instantly looked away. It was a horrid sight. The body was burnt beyond recognition. The large figure in front of me had his skin gone to nothing but blackened flesh. It was horrible.

'That isn't my husband.' I whispered.

'I understand it is difficult to look at but Mrs. Tarantino could you inspect the body?' The doctor pleaded.

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