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Dean ran after the girl, she was several feet ahead of him. He could hear her feet crunch on the ground, her pale legs rushing through the underbrush. Sometimes he caught a glimpse of her blonde hair through the trees. Dean stopped running when he got to a clearing. In front of him stood a house. It was small and had a magnificent garden beside the house. The back wall of the house was covered in vines and the green paint was chipping off. The house was silent, the air still. An eerie feeling washed over Dean.

Dean awoke from his dream sweating. He sat up in his bed and looked around just to make sure he was in his room. Dean pulled his legs over the side and rubbed his face. He stood up and walked to the bathroom at the end of the hall. While washing his hands, he looked up at the mirror and saw leaves in his hair. Confused, Dean picked one of the brown leaves from his hair and looked at it. It was a real leaf, the steam decaying. Dean looked through his hair and found a couple more nestled in his hair.

Throwing away the leaves, Dean saw dirt on the hem of his pants. What the.., Dean whispered to himself. He put his leg up on the sink and looked at the hem on his pajama pants. The soil was slightly damp, and clung to his pants. Dean brushed it off in a hurry. He was puzzled by this. Dean ran back to his room and looked around for hex bags. He looked everywhere and found nothing. He looked through the bathroom too.

Dean walked to the main room, scratching his head. Dean had been having the same dream for a week now. The same woods, the same soft giggle in the wind, the same blonde hair, and the same girl. Never had he found leaves in his hair. Dean rummaged through the fridge and pulled out a bagel. He threw it in the toaster when Sam came in. They greeted each other and Sam started to make eggs.

"You want any?" Sam asked as he pulled out the carton. Dean shook his head and sat down on a stool and held his head in his hands. Sam looked over at his brother. "You still having that dream?" Sam asked. Dean nodded.

"Yeah. I am," Dean looked up at Sam. "And this morning, when I woke up, there were leaves in my hair. And dirt on my pants," said Dean. Sam furrowed his eyebrows. "Real leaves, Sammy. And the dirt was damp. I looked around for hex bags but I didn't find any."

"Have you talked to Cas about it? Maybe he knows something," said Sam. Dean shrugged and went to get dressed.

Dean was in the front seat of the impala, Sam had found a case in a town called Black Mountain, North Carolina. A Rolling Stones song was playing and Dean tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm. Sam was looking at a map of the town. There had been about fifteen killings were made over the past few decades and the most recent one was quite violent. The brothers were thinking vengeful spirit.

Once to the town, the brothers rented out a room from a motel and decided to sleep through the day and start work tomorrow. That night in Deans dream, the voice in the wind was louder. It laughed and spoke softly. Dean thought he could make out a few words but when we woke he couldn't remember them. Dean told Sam about the voice in the morning. Dean was fixing his tie, standing before Sam who was sitting at the table.

"I'm telling you, I she was talking to me. I could hear her saying my name," said Dean. Sam sighed and didn't know what to tell his brother. At the police station, Sam and Dean met the head officer of the case and went over pictures taken at the scene. Back at the motel, Sam searched his computer looking for connected myths while Dean studied the previous victims files. They were all married men, about the same age and were all avid hikers. First considered hiking accidents until a victims wife claimed they weren't.

Her name was Samantha and was with her husband when he died. On the file, Dean read that she felt a shift in the temperature and saw a woman's silhouette push her husband off the cliff. Samantha was the only one who saw her husband being murdered, and the Winchester brothers were on their way to her house.

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