Prehistory In The Making

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A giant meteor is shown crashing into earth until it shows a boy with spiky brown hair falling out of bed

Boy: Ooh! Gah! How'd that happen? I guess I fell asleep.

The boys climbs back into his reading from the book he was reading before falling asleep

Boy: And then a giant meteor crashed into Earth, causing all dinosaurs to become extinct.

He then flipped the page over before hearing and seeing something in the distance

Boy: What's that? Maybe it's a meteor!

The boy then fell out of his bed again before running out to his balcony and seeing it crash into the forest near by

Boy: Hey, Rex! Wake up! You aren't going to believe this!

The boy ran into another room waking up another boy with blond hair who was named Rex

Rex: What? What's going on?

Boy: You gotta get up! I think I just a meteor!

Rex: A what?

Boy: I have to go call Zoe and wake Dakota up! They'll flip out! Come on, get dressed!

Rex: This better be good.

The boy then charged into another room with a dresser, TV, book shelf, and especially filled with a lot of dinosaur based stuff

Boy: Dakota, wake up!

A pillow was then thrown at the boys face causing him to shut up, the boy had similar brown hair to the other, but less spiky

Dakota: Shut up, Max I was having a perfect dream

The boy now named Max threw the pillow back at Dakota

Max: Dream later! I think I saw a meteor!

Dakota: Say again?

Max: Plus I'm calling Zoe, so...

Before Max could finish Dakota was already at his door fully dressed

Dakota: What are we waiting for let's go!

The four kids are now outside walking through the forest as to of them yawn

Zoe: *yawn* You know I'm not a morning person

Dakota: *yawn* Ditto on that one Max, and your mom even said she was making Chocolate Chip waffles today

(A/N: Waffles are superior to pancakes fight me in the comments)

Max: Come on. Remember what this stands for? D-team, that's what. You guys took an oath. And the D-team's all about adventure. Right?

Rex: Yeah, unless that adventure starts before breakfast.

Max: You'll change your mind when we find that meteor.

Rex: Well I hope we find it soon, cause I'm hungry.

Dakota: Same here.

Zoe: I'm sort of hungry too, Max, and it feels like we been walking a long time and we really haven't seen any... huh?

Dakota: What's up Zoe... woah.

Zoe and Dakota noticed a bunch of trees were knocked down

Zoe: Look at that!

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