Battle At The Pyramids

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The dinosaurs continue their cries for help as the kids start asking questions

Max: How? How can we help?

Rex: Can you tell us who you are?

Dakota: What do you need help with?

The cries for help continued as Zoe spoke

Zoe: They must not be able to hear what we're saying.

As light around them died down the voices stopped

Spike: Hey, kids, is there a problem with your Dino Holders?

Max: Dad it's talking to us!

Spike: It was asking you for help?

Rex: Yeah, do you think maybe it was the dinosaurs trying to speak to us through the stones?

Spike: Hmm... it's a definite possibility. They could be asking for protection from those Alpha Gang members you came up against.

Max: I who they were?

Dakota: Me too! They attacked Chomp with their T-Rex for no reason, and then when Chomp gave it an Electric Charge, it turns into a card!

Zoe: None of it makes any sense at all.

Chomp is then seen ready to change at a skeleton and jumps on it and starts biting

Max: I betcha they found some stones too, huh?

Rex: Yeah, probably.

Just then Reese came down

Reese: Zoe! You're suppose to call before stopping by.

Zoe: Oh, I forgot.

Reese: That's all right. Dr. Taylor you have a phone call coming from Dr. Owen and Dr. Sora.

Rex/Dakota: My dad/mom!

Spike: Aah! I'm always losing that thing! *chuckles*

Spike then put his phone in a slot showing a bigger screen of Dr. Owen and Sora

Spike: Ah! Hello, Dr. Owen. Dug up anything new?

Dr. Owen: I found a funny bone.

Dr. Sora: Oh no.

Dr. Owen: *laughing* What's all the fossil about?

Spike: *laughing* Dinosaur jokes!

Both: What makes di-no-Sauros ex-tinct? Not ta-king a bath we think! Dig it! *both laughing*

The others then lower their heads in embarrassment

Spike: Think... stink. Smelly dinosaurs. Yep, it's still funny.

Sora: Well, now with that out of the way. We have some news regarding those dinosaur cards you told us about.

Spike: Yes?

Owen: More cards have been found.

All: What?!

Owen: We're calling from separate dinosaur excavation sites in both Alberta, Canada and Antarctica. And while we came across several fossils and artifacts on our digs...

Sora: We also discovered a total of 3 more cards.

Rex: Carnotaurus!

Zoe: Parasaurolophus!

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